Sugar - Is It Fair To Count Natural the Same As Processed?



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I would clarify that fructose is processed almost entirely by the liver. Eating too much of it places a load on the liver that may be unhealthy.

    Having a cup of strawberries (maybe 9 g of sugar) won't be an issue, but a granola bar or cereal (25+g of sugar) plus all the other food, beverages, condiments etc that contain fructose as the sugar ... it adds up over a day. If one can reduce the foods that contain sugar (including too much of fresh & dried fruit), it becomes easier to lose weight.

    Too much sugar at one time can potentially be taxing on the body, but it doesn't matter if it's sucrose or fructose. And sugar can't stop you from burning fat. That's a myth.
  • endlesoul
    endlesoul Posts: 98 Member
    OP just my opinion but juicing takes away a vital part of the fruit/vegetable. No offence to people who juice.

    Please read the following links. Just a few months ago this has been all over TV about "Organic & Natural "

    To be a informed consumer is an empowered one, I think reading and research never hurts to get the whole picture.
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    New research linking sugar, in any form, to cancer, diabetes,cholesterol problems, high blood pressure. Basically all the bad stuff. The researchers suggest limiting caloric intake to 100 to 150 calories a day from sweets. Worth the watch.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    New research linking sugar, in any form, to cancer, diabetes,cholesterol problems, high blood pressure. Basically all the bad stuff. The researchers suggest limiting caloric intake to 100 to 150 calories a day from sweets. Worth the watch.

    Dr LOLstig? Instead of watching the video you may have wanted to try and read the main study they were referencing and see if it supports " linking sugar, in any form, to cancer, diabetes,cholesterol problems, high blood pressure"
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    New research linking sugar, in any form, to cancer, diabetes,cholesterol problems, high blood pressure. Basically all the bad stuff. The researchers suggest limiting caloric intake to 100 to 150 calories a day from sweets. Worth the watch.

    I can't view the link at the moment, but does that apply to fruits and veggies sugars also? 100-150 calories from sugar isn't much, I eat about that much from a single large organic peach.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Oragnic all the way. :-)

    Organic food is chock full of chemicals and processed as well

    But its organically chemicalized and processed with organic machines.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    New research linking sugar, in any form, to cancer, diabetes,cholesterol problems, high blood pressure. Basically all the bad stuff. The researchers suggest limiting caloric intake to 100 to 150 calories a day from sweets. Worth the watch.

    I can't view the link at the moment, but does that apply to fruits and veggies sugars also? 100-150 calories from sugar isn't much, I eat about that much from a single large organic peach.
    Sugar is sugar.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Does anyone else find mfp's sugar allowances a bit whacked? I track my sugar intake along with the other stuff (protein, fat, carbs, etc), but I find the allowances a bit one sided. I only eat natural sugars - i.e. fresh or sometimes dried fruit (mainly raisins), organic juices, and about once a week an organic yogurt, and anything else I eat I am very meticulous with and make sure they do not have "hidden" sugars. I don't eat gluten(by personal choice), so no kind of white flours/breads that have sugar in them, and I don't even have any sort of sweetner in my coffee, I haven't done for a few years now.

    But even like eating one fruit a day + 1 glass of juice (250 ml) puts me dangeriously close to going over, and then if I do happen to have, say, one piece of gluten free toast that has like 5 grams of sugar in it, it puts me over!

    It is just a bit maddening I guess bc I am super good about not eating sweets, junk food or processed sugars/foods.

    What does anyone else think about this? Should I not worry so much since I am only eating natural sugars?

    I think you are worrying too much. If you cut out all processed sugar you are doing quite well. The only time you really have to worry any more than that is you have a specific health issue that your doctor would be helping you address. I've cut out almost all processed sugar except as an occasional treat because diabetes runs in my family and for other health reasons. I don't worry about the natural sugar in foods, dairy, fruits, veggies, etc.

    As far as weight loss goes all that maters is calories. The rest is just individual health needs.
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    I like pie and sugar. That is all, thank you.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    I like pie and sugar. That is all, thank you.

    Especially pie with sugar on top! Yum yum!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Not sure whether there is a question there, but in response to the title - yes.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
  • mommy090
    It is all how ur body processess it.
    Natural sugars work with ur body, as someone else said the natural sugars have fiber it it (the whole fruits)
    Processes sugar is man made.

    Gluten free anthing is man made.

    If "man" made it. I don't want it.

    Someone once told me to ONLY eat one ingrident food. Ie.. egg. Nothing else was added to egg.
    Chicken. Nothing else was dded to chicken. Orange. Nothing else was added to orange.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    It is all how ur body processess it.
    Natural sugars work with ur body, as someone else said the natural sugars have fiber it it (the whole fruits)
    Processes sugar is man made.

    Gluten free anthing is man made.

    If "man" made it. I don't want it.

    Someone once told me to ONLY eat one ingrident food. Ie.. egg. Nothing else was added to egg.
    Chicken. Nothing else was dded to chicken. Orange. Nothing else was added to orange.

    I'm sure your meals are awesome
  • VFBloch0725
    Nutrionally, natural such as fresh fruit is better for your body than processed, you are better off to eat the fruit than the drink because it'll stay in your system longer. As a diabetic, processed sugar spikes my insulin quicker and depleates it faster, I am only allowed 2 servings a day since it'll raise my insulin/glucose. I keep track of my sugar only to give me an idea of how I eat and what I should eat. Remember, carbohydrates has sugar in it, so tracking your carbs should be efficient.
  • issystclaire
    issystclaire Posts: 113 Member

    Gluten free anthing is man made.

    This is completely inaccurate.

    The way you get gluten free products is by making sure it doesn't have wheat or gluten stabilisers in it. There are several alternatives to using wheat to make popular products like breads, pastas, etc. Rice, soy, and corn are just a few popular alternatives. Some gluten free stuff is simply "free from" which won't necessarily not contain chemicals or artificial ingredients - as long as you get your gf products from a reputable source and make sure they are all natural, then you are ok.

    Techincally speaking, wheat bread is man made as you have to take the wheat and process it down to a point to make the dough, then bake it, etc.

    I accept that people have different opions on healthy foods and diet and different things work for different people. But a lot of people say things based off of hearsay or just what they think is true when it is not. There are loads of websites out there which can educate you on wheat, gluten, and gluten free.
  • amberlilies
    amberlilies Posts: 41 Member
    This is one of the 'hot button' issues here.

    For me sugar is sugar. If you're interested in the chemical background and the reactions etc.. you can watch Sugar: The Bitter Truth on you tube -> I will agree that fruit is better than HFCS but less sugar = better.

    Watched it a while back: great lecture