I can't keep my sugar intake low!



  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    These are recipes from the diabetic diet I try to follow. If you limit yourself to ONE a day and stick to the serving size...or hald it and have it as a snack twice a day your sugars shouldn't be high at all. Apples are REALLY sugary so avoid those if you can.

    http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/wake_up_smoothie.html - berry smoothie

    http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/tropical_fruit_smoothie.html - topical smoothie

    http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/low_sugar_plum_spread.html - sweet plum spread [ great on whole wheat toast!]

    http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/berry_rich_muffins.html [ these are great for a sweet tooth ] berry muffins.

    Thanks a lot! I'll be checking these out for sure. Those muffins sound really good!
  • LeeDahlen38
    LeeDahlen38 Posts: 119 Member
    Sorry to tell you but somebody had to tell me. ... It's not a matter of can't.... It's a matter of won't..... When you want it BAD ENOUGH, wild horses won't make you eat bad stuff. You will enjoy them occasionally.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    increase protein. i used to eat a lot of fruit and whole grain muffins and all that kind of stuff, but if you really want it to work, have 1 or 2 pieces of fruit a day (i know, i was terrified when i first heard that you shouldn't eat a lot of FRUIT in your diet)
    but i found out when i have protein for lunch (like fish or chicken) i tend to be satisfied longer, so i don't need afternoon snack (which would again be fruit, hello)
    However in the morning i need to have something sweet so i usually eat fruit.
    and i totally understand you, i have and unhealthy relationship with chocolate (and anything sweet really).
    Also avoid smoothies, they are delicious but when you think about it they can pack a lot of sugar and calories and they don't fill you up (even though if you put nothing but fruit in it, when you think about it, one banana, one apple, one papaya, or whatever you put in your smoothie, calories and sugar can add up)
  • lrstubbs
    lrstubbs Posts: 4 Member
    I have found where someone has addressed sugar here, and it's an old thread, but I'm gonna put this out there anyway, cause I'm baffled. I'm eating EXTREMELY healthy. Example: Yogurt (light) and granola and 1/2 c milk for breakfast. Garden salad for lunch/ lite dressing. Apple for snack. I have not even eaten dinner. I'm almost 700 calories out from my calorie limit, but my sugar is 35 grams OVER! How in the world could I possibly change something here? I've barely eaten anything! lol

    The milk, yogurt and granola are the main culprits - along with the apple of course - but anywhere that you hear of healthy eating habits, these three items are often in a daily menu, so I don't understand. :(
  • I choose fruit and berries that are lower in sugar and have a higher fiber content. I avoid, but not eliminate, dried fruits and tropical fruits which are generally higher in sugar and lower in fiber.

    Also, I use non-concentrated fruit juice and find mixing it with sparkling water is a great substitute for regular fruit juices and especially soda pop.

    As for chocolate, I find the darker it is the less I eat. Sometimes I find freezing chocolate treats keeps me from eating it all up at once. But I'll admit to happily eating frozen chocolate.

    I find non-dairy chocolate 'ice creams' and 'milks' have less sugar, but double check and compare the labels for sure.
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    Light foods replace the fat with added sugar. Change that light yogurt to greek yogurt, plain. Granola is famous for having added sugar, and isn't all that healthy. Milk: More sugar. Salad, ok. Light dressing: here's those sneaky added sugars again. Apple: Sugar!

    You are spiking your blood sugar something fierce with this eating pattern. Please stop being afraid of fat! It's really not the enemy and is so much better for you then sugar. When you eat this much sugar, you flood your body with insulin (your fat STORING hormone) and all that sugar you eat is quickly processed, put into fat, and then suddenly you are hungry again.

    Replace that breakfast with some eggs and vegetables and lean meat. Add a full fat vinaigrette to your salad and add some chicken to it. Replace the apple with a small handful of nuts. You will be amazed at how much fuller you feel.
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    sugar free chocolate pudding
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    There is absolutely no reason to cease eating fruit. None.
    Just delete the sugar column is you can't understand that basic element.
    If your macros are fine, sugar is already counted.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I have found where someone has addressed sugar here, and it's an old thread, but I'm gonna put this out there anyway, cause I'm baffled. I'm eating EXTREMELY healthy. Example: Yogurt (light) and granola and 1/2 c milk for breakfast. Garden salad for lunch/ lite dressing. Apple for snack. I have not even eaten dinner. I'm almost 700 calories out from my calorie limit, but my sugar is 35 grams OVER! How in the world could I possibly change something here? I've barely eaten anything! lol

    The milk, yogurt and granola are the main culprits - along with the apple of course - but anywhere that you hear of healthy eating habits, these three items are often in a daily menu, so I don't understand. :(

    Rolled oats instead of granola = 0 sugar, Greek yogurt instead of whatever you are having is way less sugar, almond/soy milk have less sugar than normal milk :)

    I'm working on my sugar, I manage to keep it under about 40g most days but I'd like to go lower. The milk is a big one for me because I haven't had the desire to switch to some other kind yet - and it's $$$ where I live but I might try it eventually. My worst is the fruit in my yogurt, I have been looking for something else to use but haven't found anything I like yet.
  • lrstubbs
    lrstubbs Posts: 4 Member
    thanks! I think my changes need to come mainly in the morning, and I'll have to find a way to pull it off with quick choices. I have kids to get ready and drop off, etc. I'm just kind of busy in the mornings, but I'll figure it out. Thanks for your suggestions! :)
  • gdrmuzak
    gdrmuzak Posts: 103 Member
    Try Emerald's Cocoa Roast Almonds (dark chocolate flavor). I buy a 38oz jar at Sams for $10. It's only got 1g of sugar, low sodium and I get the flavor of chocolate.
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    Eat meat instead of fruit.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    There is absolutely no reason to cease eating fruit. None.
    Just delete the sugar column is you can't understand that basic element.
    If your macros are fine, sugar is already counted.

    The voice of intelligence and reason! BTW, for those that say added sugars are a probelm and naturally occuring sugars are fine, please tell me how your body know which one is naturally occuring and which one is added? Do we have some kind of built in "added sugar" gland? Just manage your overall carbs including sugar and have a little common sense about eating nutrient dense foods and not junk. Remove the sugar column and go in peace! lol
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I was having the same problem. I deleted my sugar column. I feel much better now:)


    I you are tracking carbohydrates and total calories, there's really no point in tracking sugar too.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Eat meat instead of fruit.

    I'm sorry, but the judges ruled this response as incorrect. Meat does not qualify as a sugary snack. But thank you for playing! You'll receive your participation ribbon to your address of record in 7-10 business days. :flowerforyou:
  • Aisha_E
    Aisha_E Posts: 9 Member
    I use Body by Vi meal replacement shakes. They have a sweet cream flavor and less than a gram of sugar. I add a scoop of cocoa powder, which is loaded with antioxidants. this helps me satisfy my sweet tooth in a nutritious way.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Eat meat instead of fruit.

    I'm sorry, but the judges ruled this response as incorrect. Meat does not qualify as a sugary snack. But thank you for playing! You'll receive your participation ribbon to your address of record in 7-10 business days. :flowerforyou:
    ahhh but protein does qualify as a food that will fill you up and keep you going and maybe keeping those sugar (choocie) cravings at bay,

    so meat can be a good choice if you are have a sweet tooth. Fill up on the protein and reward yourself at the end of the day with a cube of choc if you need to, than half it and so on. Get some choccie smelling candles. If you smoke you can get choccie tasting fillers (for electronic ciggies of course, I do not condone smoking real ciggies!

    You can wean yourself off anything just take a little extra off the usual, use it as a reward!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I'm a self-proclaimed chocoholic, and taking the advice I've found on the internet, I've phased it out slowly and replaced my sweet tooth with fruit and homemade fruit+veggie juice. I'm finding, however, due to the fruit, my sugar intake is still about double what MFP reccommends, and I'm almost positive sugar has been the reason for my weight problem (I've always eaten pretty healthy, except for sugar binges).

    How do you all control your sweet cravings, besides fruit and other sugary foods? Help please!

    MFP sugar setting is too low. I go over all the time with fruits and veggies. As long as it healthy sugars don't worry about it:flowerforyou:
  • natalovesmusic
    natalovesmusic Posts: 49 Member
    Oh, I know the feeling. I'm always going over my sugar goal because of fruit and my morning milk. While sugar is sugar, don't pay too much attention to your sugar when you know you haven't gone empty-calorie-treat crazy. I don't even touch my beloved sweets! I've actually been quite good when it comes to avoiding candies and whatnot. But I cannot do that forever; that's just not me. I started fixing a [salty (ick)] sugar free chocolate cake recipe I found online. Today I'm going to try to make cupcakes out of it, with frosting! :D I'm so excited!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    sugar is like being a crack addict. you cant have just a little now and then. just get off it and stay away from it!!!

    Wow! So many memes could be posted here, but I'll be nice and simply say: NOT!!!!!!!!!