ReturnedTo MFP after a break :) Looking for new friends



  • anniebanknote
    anniebanknote Posts: 10 Member
    Good luck on your journey!! Feel free to add me :)
    I'm back after a break as well - lots of hard work ahead but I'm ready!
  • You can add me if you would like. :-)
  • nicosland
    nicosland Posts: 85 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I'm doing the weight loss thing slowly so that I'll keep it off. I don't eat perfectly and I do have treats but so far it's been working for me.
  • Crookey21
    Crookey21 Posts: 311 Member
    guess im in the right place. my sisters and I made a bet to who can lose the most at the beginning of this year. my sister found the app and introduced me to it. With the initial motiviation i was doing great and losing lbs at a steady pace. Unfortunately, i lost my motivation along the way. :( after a recent doctors visit, I was challenged to try again, so im here to prove it to the dr, everyone (and myself) that i can do it.

    anyone feel free to add me. i enjoy meeting new people and making new friends.
  • joy5877
    joy5877 Posts: 168 Member
    Hello. Just be patient with the weight loss it will happen . You just have to be determined. Use the diaries. You need to look at it as a new way of eating not dietng. If you don't look at it in a different way when you go off "The Diet" it comes back. Look at food for a day not a meal. Portion size is a key. I don't have a I can't have list. If I want something I just figure a way to fit it my calores for the day. You can do this, this site would not be popular if it didn't. I am maintaining my weight now and still log everyday.

    I love this! I am trying to get used to this way of thinking but it takes a while to break old habits. I know that I will get there and be better for it too!
    You can add me if you like. I am on everyday - under or over my calories I face it all!
    Good luck!
  • sunnyj81
    sunnyj81 Posts: 61 Member

    I am just returning as well. Getting back on the fitness wagon for good this time. :) Nice to meet you and good luck!
  • Alpina483
    Alpina483 Posts: 246 Member
    Hi I was on here last autumn/winter while i was on a healthy eating and excercise regime . I got very diallsuioned due to not losing enough weight quick enough so left. I have not put on too much weight and want now to try again to lose more weight through your great site.

    I am looking to make new friends on here :) so come say hello.

    A stranger is a friend you havent met yet ;-)
    just saying hello )) used to do a bit of horseback riding myself and hope to do some more... when I lose a bit of weight!
    was a bit disheartened myself after the first month here - I think those kgs used to fall off quicker before... well I guess age is a factor here as well. just turned 40 this august! ouch.
    anyway... feel free to add me, anyone.
  • penguinlally
    penguinlally Posts: 331 Member
    welcome back! Feel free to add me!
  • joeysox
    joeysox Posts: 195 Member
    welcome back. its easy to lose motivation when dieting! its sometimes about timing! ive been dieting for years now and its taken aaaaages to lose the weight 4yrs for 174pounds so maybe a break was the best thing at the time so you could figure out if you were ready :) xxx
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    I'm back after a hiatus myself.... I would love to be your friend! We can help each other! I just posted "been MIA for over a year... had a baby" under the 'introduce yourself' forum. Good luck - you can't fail if you keep trying! <--- that's my motto this time!
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    I'm terrified of horses. Well, not so much the horse as being on top of one, but my nurse is into horses and my (2nd) cousins lived next door to Crabbett Park equitation Centre where they took some Horsemaster qualification.

    good luck with the programme
  • Bullyfan2011
    Bullyfan2011 Posts: 40 Member
    Hello! I saw your post and if your interested in being MFP freinds, feel free to add me! Regardless, GOOD LUCK with your goals and have fun achieving them!!!!!
  • venturaroo
    venturaroo Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome back! Sent a friend request!
  • supertester3
    supertester3 Posts: 3 Member
  • HighlandPony17
    HighlandPony17 Posts: 55 Member
    This is great I have had people add me from all over the world :) looking forward to making some good friends on here while slowly losing weight and getting in shape :) I am an animal/horse loving mum to 3

    So thank you for the adds, Looking forward to MFP this time around its a life long change :)