Goal of 20 lbs down by Christmas...any joiners?



  • I'm in! Starting at 170 aiming for 150 by christmas! Let's do this everyone! :)
  • I would like to join. Current weight 141, goal weight by Christmas 121! I'm excited to have some accountability.
  • That sounds like a good goal- 215 today- Goal by Christmas 195! OH MY WORD! To be in the 1's by Christmas would be the best present EVER!!!!
  • I'm in!! CW 152 & GW 132 by x-mas.
  • Wavi
    Wavi Posts: 10 Member
    Most definitely count me in, I really need the support and this is around what I expect from myself the next few weeks. I'm planning my wedding and have not yet tried a single dress because I feel so uncomfortable, hoping this would help.

    Starting @ 167lb
    Goal 147lb with an injury!....no excuses!
  • DietMe
    DietMe Posts: 3
    count me in i am wighting my self in the morning:)
  • im in lets do this ...add me as a friend
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    There is a similar one, but I would love to join :]
    CW I'm not sure. I weighed 165 then 170 so somewhere in between? lol. I need to wait a few days to see if Im holding any water. :]
    GW would be around 150 for Christmas Ooo that makes me tingle!
    Eventual Weight 127lbs
  • jackibailey
    jackibailey Posts: 206 Member
    I'd like to join! Current weight is 254. I would love to be in the 230's by Christmas. I am sending you a friend request. Thanks for starting this. :)
  • Raaless
    Raaless Posts: 33 Member
    Count me in.
    SW: 156 lbs
    GW: 136 lbs

    By 24th December
    9 weeks
    Target at 2.2 lbs per week.
  • simse100
    simse100 Posts: 7 Member
    It was a bit more than I was aiming for but I will give it my best shot

    was 84 kilos on Monday so will aim for 75 Kilos.....going to weigh in every Monday, this helps me stay strong over the weekend,

    2 years ago I was 105 kilos so need some help to shift the rest
  • nikteazer2
    nikteazer2 Posts: 42 Member
    Me me me!!

    SW - 170
    GW - 150

    Been injured so done no exercise for 2 weeks and still in rehab process so weight is staying put atm!! Hoping to get back to full strength in 3-4 weeks so big push for Xmas!!! Lol!
  • Momma_of3
    Momma_of3 Posts: 20 Member
    Just the type of motivation I need! I am 172, and a goal weight of 152 for Christmas sounds wonderful! Count me in please!!!
  • I'm in.

    215 now and want to be sub 200 by the New Year!!!
  • buckleten
    buckleten Posts: 205 Member
    Me! I would be happy with losing a stone, 20 pounds would be great! My 1st goal is 140, currently 154..
  • Me too :-D

    CW 171
    GW for xmas 150
  • MrsLeilanie
    MrsLeilanie Posts: 7 Member
    I want 2 join plz. I already lost 18lbs but want 2 hit my goal weight of 135 by Christmas!!!

    Starting weight : 166
    Current weight : 148
    Goal weight by Christmas : 135
    ADD ME PLZ :-)
  • wmako
    wmako Posts: 36 Member
    Just what I need to get through the holidays. Count me in. Starting at 187 ending at 167.
  • hi my start weight was 199lbs and today sunday is my weight in which is 197lbs, another 18 lbs to go!
  • mrpink84
    mrpink84 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in! I'm at 316 right now (yeesh!) so 296 by Christmas sounds awesome!