Convince me (or not) that Paleo makes sense

chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
Hi All,

I have never really understood the 'paleo' basics. Besides the fact that semantically the diet makes little sense I want the reason why things like legumes, peanut butter, potatoes, dairy are off limits. I can go with the idea that gains aren't the purest form of what we should be eating (even if I don't adhere and eat whole grains) and even dairy to some extent but I struggle intuitively with the other stuff.

I also am not looking for "I eat paleo and feel great" but more concrete reasons why physically we as a species should not consume these items. If you tell me it has a certain effect on the body I would like a medical study I can look at to learn more.

Finally, I often get the impression Paleo is a bit 'all or nothing'. There are certain non-Paelo items I will never give up. Full stop. Is there benefit/room for a modified version?


  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    I'm interested to hear what folks have to say...
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I recommend learning to use the search feature first. This topic has been beaten to death already.

    IMO, if you have those intolerances that Paleo/Primal addresses then its great. I took away some helpful things from eating that way, like that I have a gluten sensitivity. Its personal preference and how it compares to a general whole foods, minimally processed diet, well good luck finding a study on that. No one defines paleo, primal or clean eating the same way.
  • Melbot1000
    Melbot1000 Posts: 16 Member
    Got you covered with all the information that you need:
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    Options has a lot of good info for 'primal'
    'The Paleo Solution' by Robb Wolfe is a good start for Paleo

    Lyle McDonald is a great reference for a LOT of things.

    If you're looking into things like this, make sure you can deal with not eating any grains (pasta, bread, oatmeal...) anything with a lot of sugar (yogurt, some bbq sauces) etc, and depending on carb goals, 1-2 pieces of fruit a day max.

    Paleo is more strict than primal, so look at not eating dairy or starches (milk, potatoes, etc).

    It's restrictive. I eat low carbs and use these resources as a good guideline... I've found that if I eat more carbs I have more joint pain. I look at it as a light intolerance, possibly caused by eating WAYYY too many grains over an extended period of time.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Got you covered with all the information that you need:

    Well I appreciate the sarcasm.

    I wanted a CURATED list of resources. Seeing as the internet is a large place full of unfiltered content. I'm sure you're well aware of that.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I recommend learning to use the search feature first. This topic has been beaten to death already.

    This...I expect a slanging match to ensue pretty soon..... *waits for Wendy Terry and Paleopath4lyfe to arrive*

    You could just read this
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Options has a lot of good info for 'primal'
    'The Paleo Solution' by Robb Wolfe is a good start for Paleo

    Lyle McDonald is a great reference for a LOT of things.

    If you're looking into things like this, make sure you can deal with not eating any grains (pasta, bread, oatmeal...) anything with a lot of sugar (yogurt, some bbq sauces) etc, and depending on carb goals, 1-2 pieces of fruit a day max.

    Paleo is more strict than primal, so look at not eating dairy or starches (milk, potatoes, etc).

    It's restrictive. I eat low carbs and use these resources as a good guideline... I've found that if I eat more carbs I have more joint pain. I look at it as a light intolerance, possibly caused by eating WAYYY too many grains over an extended period of time.

    Great, thanks. I appreciate the insight.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I am highly suspicious of any plan that advocates eliminating entire food groups. YMMMV.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I recommend learning to use the search feature first. This topic has been beaten to death already.

    IMO, if you have those intolerances that Paleo/Primal addresses then its great. I took away some helpful things from eating that way, like that I have a gluten sensitivity. Its personal preference and how it compares to a general whole foods, minimally processed diet, well good luck finding a study on that. No one defines paleo, primal or clean eating the same way.

    I also understand how to use the search feature, thanks for the condescension though. I posted because I was hoping that given the way I phrased the question I would get some knowledgeable responses that would point me to good research. Reading through 20+ pages of people arguing back and forth with little information is not something I consider a good use of my time. So while there are posts on this, yes, I didn't think any of them met my needs. You're welcome not to post on topics you feel are redundant.

    Makes sense on the intolerance point.
  • Ivy_leaves
    Ivy_leaves Posts: 103 Member
    As far as I understand, the main reason to go Paleo is to reconnect with the way that people lived before the agricultural revolution.
    Go back to the basics of hunting and gathering.
    You could not hunt and gather dairy, nor was the cultivation of potatoes available yet (for example).
    I could be wrong, maybe there is more to it then what I currently understand - but it is a diet that revolves on trying to be like our native ancestors.
    Sorry it's just a basic assessment / opinion, don't feel like digging up articles. :P
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I eat paleo but I also eat grains and refined suger

    That way I get the best of both worlds
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Options is a far cry from scientific studies...its a blog.
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    i don't want to go too far in depth with this because i can tell the way this thread is going but....

    i am paleo (i have cheat meals, whatever)

    i have ever felt better than when i am following the paleo diet.

    its not for everybody. it IS strict. but i personally feel great
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I agree with Paleo's focus on whole and minimally processed foods. My problem with it are:

    (1) The exclude some foods that are perfectly healthy, such as potatoes, rice, corn, beans and dairy.
    (2) If I'm eating 80-90% healthy and covering all my bases, there's no evidence that having some ice cream or cake once in a while is going to harm me in any measurable fashion.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I recommend learning to use the search feature first. This topic has been beaten to death already.

    IMO, if you have those intolerances that Paleo/Primal addresses then its great. I took away some helpful things from eating that way, like that I have a gluten sensitivity. Its personal preference and how it compares to a general whole foods, minimally processed diet, well good luck finding a study on that. No one defines paleo, primal or clean eating the same way.

    I also understand how to use the search feature, thanks for the condescension though. I posted because I was hoping that given the way I phrased the question I would get some knowledgeable responses that would point me to good research. Reading through 20+ pages of people arguing back and forth with little information is not something I consider a good use of my time. So while there are posts on this, yes, I didn't think any of them met my needs. You're welcome not to post on topics you feel are redundant.

    Makes sense on the intolerance point.

    I don't think this person meant to be condescending by asking you to review what has already been posted and discussed. This thread is going to turn into the EXACT same argument that you're referencing (20+ pages of no information), because it happens every single time the word "paleo" gets used in a thread title. It's worth reading the first few pages of those threads. Most of the answers to your questions can be found there.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I think most diets need to be tweaked for the individual.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I agree with Paleo's focus on whole and minimally processed foods. My problem with it are:

    (1) The exclude some foods that are perfectly healthy, such as potatoes, rice, corn, beans and dairy.
    (2) If I'm eating 80-90% healthy and covering all my bases, there's no evidence that having some ice cream or cake once in a while is going to harm me in any measurable fashion.

    This. And I'm a former paleo-er and a glutard.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I agree with Paleo's focus on whole and minimally processed foods. My problem with it are:

    (1) The exclude some foods that are perfectly healthy, such as potatoes, rice, corn, beans and dairy.
    (2) If I'm eating 80-90% healthy and covering all my bases, there's no evidence that having some ice cream or cake once in a while is going to harm me in any measurable fashion.

    Well said. As a vegetarian (not health motivated), my diet already eliminates meat, fish and chicken. Eliminating protein from beans, grains, and legumes just makes no sense to me, but I agree with the paleo emphasis on eating fresh, whole foods which are minimally processed.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I agree with Paleo's focus on whole and minimally processed foods. My problem with it are:

    (1) The exclude some foods that are perfectly healthy, such as potatoes, rice, corn, beans and dairy.
    (2) If I'm eating 80-90% healthy and covering all my bases, there's no evidence that having some ice cream or cake once in a while is going to harm me in any measurable fashion.

    This. And I'm a former paleo-er and a glutard.

    LOL, "glutard," I'm going to steal that one.
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    I don't know much, but I had a good friend who was Paleo that told me one at a bar night "Red wine and Guinness are Paleo!"


    That lead me to believe that it was a contradiction--I can have wine but I can't have a piece of fruit? I'm going to assume the cavemen weren't enjoying a nice cold Guinness draft on their days off.

    Also, do we realize how different we are from Paleolithic era cavemen? We are not the same as they were, in any way. So, it's a hard sell for me to believe that I should get in touch with my primal roots for optimum health.

    That being said, feel free to prove me wrong with facts. These are just my general impressions from my exposure to the diet.