Convince me (or not) that Paleo makes sense



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I think you are simply too defensive. You seem to get offended that others choose eating habits different from your own.

    ...says the person who dominates every paleo thread on MFP.

    Amen, brother.

    (I am offended by people who think they know everything about something that they have never tried. Hey, Wendy, time to look at the post title again... to convince one AGAINST paleo, you should have at least tried it and share why it didn't work for you.)

    Do I really do that? I don't mean to. :laugh:
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I think the main problem here is that diet is not a "one-size-fits-all" solution. I eat no sugar and hardly any grain (a little rice every other day or so). My health seems to be improving and I am losing weight on the order of 1 to 1.5 pounds per week. (I have lost a total of 20 lbs. so far.) Since I am a former "bread-aholic" going no-grain was something that made sense for me. And sugar is just empty calories. Most of us are simply NOT active enough to be able to afford empty calories. I know I am not--even though I have made a concerted effort to be more active for the sake of my health.

    In the past, my standard breakfast was usually toast and coffee---not much nourishment there. By lunch time I was totally starving and would load up on three large pieces of pizza and a cola or a triple-decker hamburger and fries (even splurging on a milkshake sometimes). For dinner, I might have spaghetti and garlic bread. It is actually shocking to me how I could abuse my body for years and didn't clue in that the reason why I was experiencing health problems was as a result of my poor health habits. I ended up 70 pounds overweight, with arthritis, high blood pressure and blood sugar levels that bordered on Type II diabetes. I knew I was a candidate for diabetes as I had had gestational diabetes and my mother and brother have diabetes. I decided that I had to do something---so I decided to go without sugar and grains.

    Since "going primal" I have not only shed 20 pounds but I have been able to go completely off my blood pressure meds (I was taking the maximum dose of two. * Cautionary note* no one should go off of B.P. medication without tapering off of them accompanied by daily blood pressure monitoring and a complete change in diet and exercise regimens). My arthritis has improved a great deal (especially after I started taking the herbs boswellia, bromelain and turmeric). And my blood sugar levels are down to normal limits. I feel better than I have felt for a long time. I often eat vegetables at breakfast, lunch and dinner and fruit a couple of times a day. I limit red meat (associated with inflammation) and eat a lot of fish, eggs and chicken. My cholesterol is just fine so I allow myself eggs every morning for breakfast. I scramble them up with onions, green pepper and spinach. For lunch, I will typically have some kind of lower carb fruit and a 2 oz. wedge of cheese. Maybe a few nuts. And for dinner, I might have baked fish, salad or vegetable, and fruit. I make no attempt to limit fat and try to eat some healthy fat every day. It is a very satisfying diet and I could likely stay on it the rest of my life. I usually go over my daily fat allotment but my calorie count is usually 500 cals below what I am allowed.

    It has works for me, but as many here have noted, if you get rid of any food group, you will lose weight. I had to consider which calories could I go without long term. The sugar was a no brainer (I never particularly liked sweets anyway) and since I didn't seem to be able to control my craving for carbs, I took that as a sign that I would be better off without grain. After about four months, I have to say that I really don't miss them. I have actually been surprised by that---I thought I would really miss the bread, pasta, etc. Whole grains are particularly problematic as whole grain has phytic acid in it and phytic acid blocks the uptake of the macrominerals, zinc, iron, calcium and magnesium. Since we eat a lot of dairy, calcium isn't much of a problem (and enough meat so that iron isn't a problem) but magnesium (and zinc) deficiency is a real problem. Without sufficient levels of magnesium, our mitochondria do not produce enough ATP and that makes us sluggish. Eat enough whole grain and don't wonder why you cannot get off the couch.:sick:
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    Yeah, I really don't get this whole obsession about "going back to our roots"? Its as if everyone has forgotten about the whole concept of evolution & progressing as a human race.. Lol.

    If you think of obesity becoming an epidemic in Western civilisation as "evolution" and "progression" then sure.
    Most early humans died of infection, not obesity. Modern medicine combined with a natural diet, or as reasonably close to it as you can come, seems like a legitimate thing to study.
    Oh the American diet is a very good example of evolution gone WRONG. But think about other prosperous countries who eat much better than we do, ie Japan. They eat lots of things that aren't allowed in the paleo diet and they're the healthiest, longest living, least-medical care dependent country in the world. Almost all of what they eat IS natural, and I definitely agree that the more natural, the better - usually. But some of the limitations the paleo diet places are a little unnecessary in my opinion.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    As a vegan, I'm not a paleo eater, but I had to jump in on the theory that overeating is only psychological. When I limit or eliminate grains, am far less hungry and far less likely to overeat. It's very rare for me to have a day where I overshot my calories and it didn't include grains of some kind. I'm also glad that it was clarified that Orthorexia is not a recognized psychological disorder.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    is it just me... or is this topic posted 5 times a week eeeeeeevery week.... do the responses ever change? same supporting and same contradicting evidence and responses eveeeeeery time...

    are we there yet? No!
    are we there yet? No!
    are we there yet? No!
    are we there yet? NO!
    are we there yet?! NOO!!!
    are we there yet?!!! NOOOO!!!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I recommend learning to use the search feature first. This topic has been beaten to death already.

    This...I expect a slanging match to ensue pretty soon..... *waits for Wendy Terry and Paleopath4lyfe to arrive*

    You could just read this

    I am watching the Cardinals game. Sorry to disappoint you.

    To the OP, I will read responses and provide you with info that your looking for.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    people on paleo just lose a whole bunch of water weight or is fat also?

    since most of the things eaten are low in sodium

    Wow. I guess I have lost about 70 pounds of water then.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I think you are simply too defensive. You seem to get offended that others choose eating habits different from your own.

    The amount you post in paleo threads, you'd think they were giving away free cake

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • srobinson84
    srobinson84 Posts: 39 Member
    This guy backs up his claims with studies that he links to as well.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Im sorry but I do not have any research, but you have to do that on your own.

    I have nothing against Paleo but I can not do Paleo for two reasons:

    1) I have done the Master Cleanse, Juice Fast, Candida Cleanse, Kidney Cleanse, Vegetarian Lifestyle, Organic Lifestyle, Green Diet, and Vegan Lifestyle. I honestly do not have it in me anymore to do another restrictive diet. It requires a lot of mental strength and will power.

    2) I am a full time student, I can't even afford red meat let alone having to go to a butcher or getting grass fed meat from whole foods. Plus I don't like fish.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Im sorry but I do not have any research, but you have to do that on your own.

    I have nothing against Paleo but I can not do Paleo for two reasons:

    1) I have done the Master Cleanse, Juice Fast, Candida Cleanse, Kidney Cleanse, Vegetarian Lifestyle, Organic Lifestyle, Green Diet, and Vegan Lifestyle. I honestly do not have it in me anymore to do another restrictive diet. It requires a lot of mental strength and will power.

    2) I am a full time student, I can't even afford red meat let alone having to go to a butcher or getting grass fed meat from whole foods. Plus I don't like fish.


    You have successfully talked yourself out of taking charge.

    Everything worthwhile takes mental strength and will power.

    It's a good thing you have given up. Now you won't be disappointed again.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Im sorry but I do not have any research, but you have to do that on your own.

    I have nothing against Paleo but I can not do Paleo for two reasons:

    1) I have done the Master Cleanse, Juice Fast, Candida Cleanse, Kidney Cleanse, Vegetarian Lifestyle, Organic Lifestyle, Green Diet, and Vegan Lifestyle. I honestly do not have it in me anymore to do another restrictive diet. It requires a lot of mental strength and will power.

    2) I am a full time student, I can't even afford red meat let alone having to go to a butcher or getting grass fed meat from whole foods. Plus I don't like fish.


    You have successfully talked yourself out of taking charge.

    Everything worthwhile takes mental strength and will power.

    It's a good thing you have given up. Now you won't be disappointed again.

    Another interpretation is that she has now taken charge by deciding for herself what to eat rather than to be easily influenced by the latest fad diet. :wink:
  • hdlb111
    hdlb111 Posts: 20 Member
    Peanut allergies ...Lactose intolerance ...Gluten intolerance/celiac

    For me, all it does is make sense. If so many people have these issues, then to me it is pretty clear that our bodies were not made to eat these things.
    With the exception of lactose intolerance, "Many people" don't have those issues.

    1% of the population has Celiacs disease.
    1.3% of the population has peanut allergies.
    60% of the population has lactose intolerance.

    I must have really crappy odds in my life, because I have Celiac disease, allergies to both tree nuts and peanuts, and a severe intolerance to dairy. But I agree that most people do not have the same issues, and I see nothing wrong with eating dairy, wheat and peanuts if your body handles them well. Its going to be different for everyone though, there will never be 1 diet that works for everyone.
  • HisangelG
    HisangelG Posts: 96 Member
    Im sorry but I do not have any research, but you have to do that on your own.

    I have nothing against Paleo but I can not do Paleo for two reasons:

    1) I have done the Master Cleanse, Juice Fast, Candida Cleanse, Kidney Cleanse, Vegetarian Lifestyle, Organic Lifestyle, Green Diet, and Vegan Lifestyle. I honestly do not have it in me anymore to do another restrictive diet. It requires a lot of mental strength and will power.

    2) I am a full time student, I can't even afford red meat let alone having to go to a butcher or getting grass fed meat from whole foods. Plus I don't like fish.


    You have successfully talked yourself out of taking charge.

    Everything worthwhile takes mental strength and will power.

    It's a good thing you have given up. Now you won't be disappointed again.

    Way to be supportive. Not.

    I personally feel restrictive diets are the wrong way to go and applaud those who make the decision for themselves to not go on one.

    If you like them, more power to you..myself, I will take healthier eating of all food groups in moderation for myself.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Im sorry but I do not have any research, but you have to do that on your own.

    I have nothing against Paleo but I can not do Paleo for two reasons:

    1) I have done the Master Cleanse, Juice Fast, Candida Cleanse, Kidney Cleanse, Vegetarian Lifestyle, Organic Lifestyle, Green Diet, and Vegan Lifestyle. I honestly do not have it in me anymore to do another restrictive diet. It requires a lot of mental strength and will power.

    2) I am a full time student, I can't even afford red meat let alone having to go to a butcher or getting grass fed meat from whole foods. Plus I don't like fish.


    You have successfully talked yourself out of taking charge.

    Everything worthwhile takes mental strength and will power.

    It's a good thing you have given up. Now you won't be disappointed again.

    Way to be supportive. Not.

    I personally feel restrictive diets are the wrong way to go and applaud those who make the decision for themselves to not go on one.

    If you like them, more power to you..myself, I will take healthier eating of all food groups in moderation for myself.


  • kjjbean
    kjjbean Posts: 23 Member

    Way to be supportive. Not.

    I personally feel restrictive diets are the wrong way to go and applaud those who make the decision for themselves to not go on one.

    If you like them, more power to you..myself, I will take healthier eating of all food groups in moderation for myself.

    Don't all diets have restrictions of one kind or another?

    Paleo/Primal is not a diet or fad, it's a different approach to what you eat. It isn't touted as a weight loss plan all tho it can be one of the many perks.
  • I started Paleo due to Wheat and dairy Allergies and gluten sensitivities that were discovered during a 45 day allergy diet. Being a bread aholic, wheat is in just about everything.

    I've been on the paleo for 10 days and it took about a week for my system to truly process out the dairy/wheat I had eaten previously. It is amazing how good you feel when you finally realize how not-good you have been feeling for so long, and can attribute it to a source.

    While grocery shopping isn't cheap, it ends up being a wash because I cook so much more now instead of going out to eat.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Personally, I'm Paleo (well, Primal) due to my oh-so not-very fun case of coeliac, but also because it just seems healthier.

    Does that sound weird? Well, yeah, kinda is, but at the same time, how can a diet consisting of whole, natural foods be bad for you? It's a he'll of a lot better than a lot of other diets out there, such as Atkins with it's processed garbage and other "gluten free" diets with their "gluten free" breads (of which I refuse to eat - they taste like crap and sit like lead in my stomach, bleh), and eliminating "food groups" isn't exactly bad. Some would argue vegetarian/vegan is bad because a lack of protein, yet they seem to live rather lengthy lives - exceeding that of SAD eaters, mostly.
    In regards to how it makes sense (without getting into the whole "it's what our ancestors ate for 140,000 years" thing) when it comes to, say, weight loss, is in it's elimination of these food groups. Legumes, grains, dairy, etc are fairly calorically dense and commonly served - find me a restaurant that doesn't serve at least one of them. By not eating these you're eliminating a fair amount of calories that - unless you stuff yourself with nuts, which some people do and complain about - will lead to almost effortless weight loss.
    The emphasis on protein/fats also makes the diet very satiating, too... Not that it's necessarily a low carb diet (certainly isn't for me), but the satiating effect of the high-protein no doubt helps - it's hard to stuff yourself in steak, but pretty easy to do soon cake. Unless you REALLY like steak and don't ever seem to get full > me.

    Now, I love dairy, and my chocolate... So I'm more in the Primal camp than Paleo, but I have to say I love both "lifestyles". Maybe because it's healthy, maybe it's because it means there's more recipes for me out there that don't involve garbage bread substitutes... or maybe because I'm kind of a total nerd and think the idea of eating like a caveman is awesome. Who knows, who cares. It works for me, I like it.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Doesn't paleo let you eat all the red meat you want? Wouldn't this make your cholesterol very high?

    Actually, eating low-carb will typically lower cholesterol. There have been numerous research studies that show this to be the case.
  • while never, ever being hungry (unless it's real hunger).

    I don't understand this remark? Why would your hunger be more real than anyone else's? Are you refering to cravings?

    I'm refering to the constant struggle with hunger, cravings, binging that occurs when I eat a "normal" diet. I mean that I am only hungry now when my body really needs food, and then it's not uncomfortable and I have no need to over eat.

    I can't count the posts that I've read to the effect of "help me, I'm always hungry" or "I can't stop eating", whatever. Yup, that was me, BEFORE.

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just started Paleo since recommended by my doctor. I am never in the kitchen trolling for food! It is great! I am not constantly thinking of when I can eat next, what am I going to eat, etc.