Weight gain season upon us



  • jjl0412
    jjl0412 Posts: 278 Member
    I am not dieting. I am making healthy choices and take control & responsibility for my actions. This is a life style change. Not fad. If you eat it, count it. If you know it is way above your normal intake, consider the portion, enjoy, but be responsible. Hey, you are the only one that will care. If my grandkids have a birthday party, (I have 4 of them, so far), I will share their treats. Slice or 2 of pizza, portion of the cake and ice cream. But not like I use to. I care enough about my self and my goals to be sensible and responsible. No matter what you do, you do it. So own it. AND ALWAYS COUNT IT!!!:tongue:
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    To be the unhealthy girl of the group, I just plan on logging the snot out of everything and exercising like a nut job to burn off the cookies.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    I give myself pretty much free reign on dinners on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and my birthday (between Christmas and New Years). Three dinners won't hurt me. It's the constant picking at food throughout the holiday season that'll wreck you!
  • Tara1090
    Tara1090 Posts: 199 Member
    I have decided to handle the holidays by only eating holiday food on the holiday itself. That way I don't make it a whole eating season. I will indulge at Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas brunch and New Year's Eve party dinner. But not on the days before or after. I hope this helps someone!

    I like this idea!!! :)
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    this time of year I lift as heavy as I can a good 12 week schedule with a lot of legs, maybe add 10 min to the cardio mach or run a little further

    then I can eat the whole turkey
  • jjl0412
    jjl0412 Posts: 278 Member
    This is the first year that I'm going to attempt to have some sort of self control on Thanksgiving and Christmas. I will allow myself to have a little bit of whatever I want on thanksgiving, which is pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, and green bean casserole. I don't even want the turkey. If I can get a little bit of those three things, I'll be happy. I'm not a leftover fan, so I won't be tempted if there is any. I have to agree with what the previous posters have said about taking a step back and looking at how far you have came. That will hopefully be my motivation to enjoy everything in moderation this holiday season. I will say that I am limiting my "cheat" meals up until those dates so I can have a little extra splurge room. We'll see how it goes.

    I'm in the same boat. The key to thanksgiving for me will be portion control. Which I'm VERY bad at doing in those types of situations. Good Luck :D I hope you will succeed, as I know you can.

    We are hard wired to eat more when more food is right in front of us. This is why I now avoid buffets like the plague.

    On the contrary, I love buffets. I like the variety and different choices. alittle here, a tad there, a bit will do, main course, salades and desserts. Shakes things up. Wierds the body out! .... But as usual, I stay away from processed foods, most pastas, breads, breading, etc. Knowing they butter everything reduces that portion a bit more, but still have a some. It is a life style choice, not a pig out fest. Anyway, I do enjoy the buffet every once in a while and I treat it as an opportunity. Just gotta count it and make choicers you can live with.:tongue:
  • nickgarner6
    nickgarner6 Posts: 106 Member
    I am simply going to up my calories burned on Thanksgiving and Christmas days so I can eat more. I am still going to log everything and not go overboard.
  • CarrieStL
    CarrieStL Posts: 162 Member
    I have decided to handle the holidays by only eating holiday food on the holiday itself. That way I don't make it a whole eating season. I will indulge at Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas brunch and New Year's Eve party dinner. But not on the days before or after. I hope this helps someone!

  • amydee714
    amydee714 Posts: 232 Member
    I made it through the holidays just fine last year by beaing prepared. We do Thanksgiving and Chritsmas Eve at my parents and since there are certain dishes I can't eat, I brought subsitute side dishes that I could. I even made my own sugar free dessert so I could eat as much as I felt like. haha
    The rest of my friends all know how hard I am working and asked me ahead of time if I needed anything special at their parties. They told me what they were having and if it was something I couldnt eat, I brought my own food. :)

    I do allow myself one cheat meal a month, so I can use that for a party as well if I want (but i dont use it on Holidays - my personal preference)
  • zeala
    zeala Posts: 119 Member
    I love this season. For some reason this is the time I have a much easier time losing weight. Usually my worst time is mid-end of summer. By this time I am back on track.
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I don't see it as an issue. I'm just going to continue doing what I've been doing for the last 8 months. Why should the time of year make any difference? I made a lifestyle change, not a summer change.
  • the_new_robin2016
    the_new_robin2016 Posts: 97 Member
    This is my third holiday season since i started my weight loss, and to be honest just treat it like every normal day. If you are going to stuff your face then burn it off afterwards, or before you go. Eat lightly before your big feast, snack on vegetables that way you can actually enjoy your meal without thinking 'i've got 500 calories to spend...'. People stress so much on the holidays, which i might add stress can cause weight gain lol. And if you do not work off those calories that day then do it the next. Yes be aware of what you are eating, but don't worry, you already know what you need to do! and if you dont, well you will learn from your experience! Without the internet what would you have done?
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I have yet to figure out why people let the calendar derail their fitness progress. How is it any harder to not stuff your face in late November or December as any other time of the year? If something looks like it will make your *kitten* fatter, don't eat it. It's really that simple. Do not engage your bicep to bring the food up to your mouth.
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I am going to eat what I want in moderation. I will continue to exercise. This worked for me just fine for me last year. In fact, I can't remember it really affecting my weight loss. I think most of the weight people gain during the holidays is from water weight anyway due to all of the salt intake.
  • naj1991
    naj1991 Posts: 93 Member
    im trying to gain weight anyways but im 4 pounds away from my goal . i planned on gaining a pound a week til i was there but the holidays i always gain a little weight , im not worried but i will limit how much im eating and continue a workout routine
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    [/quote]We are hard wired to eat more when more food is right in front of us. This is why I now avoid buffets like the plague.

    Tell me about it. Just last week my inlaws took my husband and me to an all u can eat buffet for his birthday and I had a little of everything which ended up being too much. I also ate fattening desserts. I am still working off that meal.:sad:
  • Bonny619
    Bonny619 Posts: 311 Member
    ME TOO. This is when I usually start kicking *kitten*. The summer is my worst time!
    I love this season. For some reason this is the time I have a much easier time losing weight. Usually my worst time is mid-end of summer. By this time I am back on track.
  • jjl0412
    jjl0412 Posts: 278 Member
    I don't see it as an issue. I'm just going to continue doing what I've been doing for the last 8 months. Why should the time of year make any difference? I made a lifestyle change, not a summer change.

  • jeremybrooks
    jeremybrooks Posts: 11 Member
    I'm prepping mentally for the challenges
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I started my journey ON THANKSGIVING last year! I cooked--made lots of healthy dishes--and ate everything in moderation.