Wii Etc (Fit, Fit Plus, EA....) Team for March

jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello everyone!

This forum is for those of us who use a Wii Fit, Wii Plus, or any of the other many wonderful Wii Fitness programs for all or part of our exercise program. At the beginning of every month we set our exercise goals for the month and then encourage each other to meet them. So if your Wii-ing it we hope you will join us!



  • Woo hoo!
    Wii Fit
    Biggest Loser
    Gold Cardio Gym
    My fitness coach
    Just Dance
  • I think I'm in on this one.

    I have Ea Active
    Golds Gym Boxing
    Wii Fit & Plus
    Jillian's 2009
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Cool! We have the Wii Fit and My Fitness Coach. I have to admit that I'm having a hard time with My Fitness Coach right now... A lot of the side to side and back and forwards seems to hurt my knee. Hopefully as I lose it will help my knee!
  • Ressy
    Ressy Posts: 19
    I am thinking about getting the Wii and Wii Fit, is it worth the money and can you really lose weight by exercising with it?

  • I only have jillian's 2010 workout but I'm in!
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    Wii Fit plus
    Wii Sports - boxing is my kicker!!!! lol
  • ksnowras
    ksnowras Posts: 29 Member
    I have Wii Fit Plus and Wii Sports. Hopefully I'll do better this month than Feb. It's the only thing I have time for without missing out on the little time I get each night with my kids, so I'm determined to make it work!
  • I will be spending at least 40 minutes a night 5 days a week on my Wii Fit Plus. February was just a warm up.
    Finally I will venture into the advanced skateboarding!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    I did the hulahoop on my WiiFit Plus today. Can you only get a maximum of 5 hoops? Or is there a way to get more than 5? I just now found out that I can change the amount of time in each segment. I think it was preset for 3 minutes, I upped it to the max of 10.

  • Wii Active- My goal for March is to do the 30 day challenge without skipping any days :)
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Hi Everyone.

    I am on board for March and I am determined to get my motivation back and meet my goal!!!!!
    For March I will aim to do my 6 week challenge without missing any days, so that will be 4 days out of the 7. If I do anymore than that it will be a bonus!!!

    Good luck with your goals in March.
  • darece
    darece Posts: 34 Member
    I'm in....
    I have/do Wii fit, Biggest Loser. One or the other every day along with E Active (half way though the 30 day challange) at least an hour combined. Was thinking of getting Wii fit plus. Is it worth the 20.00?
  • I did the hulahoop on my WiiFit Plus today. Can you only get a maximum of 5 hoops? Or is there a way to get more than 5? I just now found out that I can change the amount of time in each segment. I think it was preset for 3 minutes, I upped it to the max of 10.


    Yeah....I do the 10 mins. WOW.....that really works ya!!! I haven't figured anyway to get more hoops
  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
    Wii fit plus here.

    I spent 40 minutes yesterday on the fit plus bubble thing where you balance to get to the goal. I finally beat it though! And my balance has improved substantially!
  • I plan to loose around ten pounds this month. I will use wii fit plus, walk and active working out at least five days a week.
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    I don't have any goals yet... I will have to think about it. I have, however, realized that spending 60 mins/6 days per week on the WII is taking way too much time away from my son. So I will be shortening that to 40 min/6 day per week. :o) I will let you know my other goals once I figure them out. No later than Sunday though :O)
  • I don't have any goals yet... I will have to think about it. I have, however, realized that spending 60 mins/6 days per week on the WII is taking way too much time away from my son. So I will be shortening that to 40 min/6 day per week. :o) I will let you know my other goals once I figure them out. No later than Sunday though :O)

    Hey Tara, What I like to do is set my goals just a bit lower then what i think I might be capable of . Leave a little wiggle room., ya know? Maybe go for 30 minutes 5 times a week, then I bet you will exceed your goals. Baby steps work best for me. I find I am just setting myself up to fail when i get too ambitious with the goals. Maybe get your son to join in!
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    Jane -

    That is a wonderful idea. I think that I will do just that! :o)

    I am doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD along with my WII workouts so that way I'm getting a large variety of exercises and such. :O) My son LOVE to try the stretching stuff at the end with me. It is really cute to see :o)
  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    I'm doing the 30 Day Challenge on EA Active right now. So far I'm loving it.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I'm just beginning... I have the Wii Fit Plus...I'm going to log in 5 days a week for 40 minutes. I got my son started on this - so now it's a competition in my house. It ticks my healthy, athletic 12 year old son that his overweight mom can beat him at the hula hoop! LOL!

    On a side note... One thing I LOVE about being able to use the Wii Fit and my HRM as an exercise tool is that I can exercise AND spend time with my son... last time I tried to get in shape I walked on the treadmill for an hour and a half each day... during that time no one was allowed to talk to me. I isolated myself in a room and became very grouchy if someone called, came to the door, etc. I'm not saying that I don't need that time too... but using the Wii reminds me of being a kid ---- when I was thin because I "played" not because I was "working out". As a matter of fact, I don't think I'm going to call it working out anymore... from now on, I'm going to "play". We'll see how long it takes to confuse people!

    Good luck this month everyone!
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