guys are different



  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    ..just pretend I'm not here..

  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member

    You freaking crack me up.
  • taekwonkenpo
    taekwonkenpo Posts: 1,004
    for me i feel like cardio is most important. My goals right now are very focused on burning fat. However if i don't do strength training i start to feel like my cardio is just helping me to feel like a smaller marshmellow. lol : )
  • taekwonkenpo
    taekwonkenpo Posts: 1,004
    I use ab ripper x and cardio x myself, then lift 4 days a week, stretch x on sunday.

    Want to work in plyo x, but saw some exercises I liked more from an NFL combine training video.

    I'm also getting very interested in CrossFit, but I want to get under 15% bf before I do things that are too taxing on my knees.

    How would you say is best to cut your body fat percentage?
  • Fr33zefram3
    Fr33zefram3 Posts: 163 Member
    Maybe you guys can help me out with this. I've all but stopped my strength routine. I found that when I did strength workouts as well as cardio, my weight never went anywhere and it really screwed with my head.

    I'm now just doing cardio (though occasionally stairs and hills), and my weight is going down like I want it to. Figure I'll burn another 20lbs then pick up on the strength routine.

    Does this make any sense at all? or should I have been doing strength all along?
  • taekwonkenpo
    taekwonkenpo Posts: 1,004
    Maybe you guys can help me out with this. I've all but stopped my strength routine. I found that when I did strength workouts as well as cardio, my weight never went anywhere and it really screwed with my head.

    I'm now just doing cardio (though occasionally stairs and hills), and my weight is going down like I want it to. Figure I'll burn another 20lbs then pick up on the strength routine.

    Does this make any sense at all? or should I have been doing strength all along?

    this is how i see it.............
    Weight is really hard to figure out. When doing strength training it is a very good thing to put on weight. However we all know where we should shoot for when it comes to what we weigh. I say loose some weight and get close to where you want to be. (It help to see initial results faster) Then switch your focus to 50% strentgth training and 50% cardio. After that you would want to switch to mostly just strength training with cardio as a warm up and to conclude your workout. (this is when you not worry about your weight but your body fat percentage.)

    When you have a low body fat percentage your muscle training will actually help you to burn fat. This is of course assuming that eating right stays a priority.

    There is a lot more to it but that is the stripped down basics in my world. : )
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Maybe you guys can help me out with this. I've all but stopped my strength routine. I found that when I did strength workouts as well as cardio, my weight never went anywhere and it really screwed with my head.

    I'm now just doing cardio (though occasionally stairs and hills), and my weight is going down like I want it to. Figure I'll burn another 20lbs then pick up on the strength routine.

    Does this make any sense at all? or should I have been doing strength all along?

    Losing weight comes down to diet. Are you ingesting more calories than your using? You will gain weight. Cardio is more effective at burning calories than strength training which is why you are probably dropping weight. However if you strength trained and cut your calories you would lose weight also so it's really up to you.

    In my opinion a weight loss program should include both cardio and strength training. Preferably 20 minutes of cardio 3 times a week coupled with 3, 45-60 minute strength training sessions 3 times a week.

    I've never done P90X or any other home workout videos but the reason I think that they are so effective with fat loss is that they do bodyweight strength training exercise continuously which makes it aerobic. Much like circuit training.
  • martintanz
    Maybe you guys can help me out with this. I've all but stopped my strength routine. I found that when I did strength workouts as well as cardio, my weight never went anywhere and it really screwed with my head.

    I'm now just doing cardio (though occasionally stairs and hills), and my weight is going down like I want it to. Figure I'll burn another 20lbs then pick up on the strength routine.

    Does this make any sense at all? or should I have been doing strength all along?

    Losing weight comes down to diet. Are you ingesting more calories than your using? You will gain weight. Cardio is more effective at burning calories than strength training which is why you are probably dropping weight. However if you strength trained and cut your calories you would lose weight also so it's really up to you.

    In my opinion a weight loss program should include both cardio and strength training. Preferably 20 minutes of cardio 3 times a week coupled with 3, 45-60 minute strength training sessions 3 times a week.

    I've never done P90X or any other home workout videos but the reason I think that they are so effective with fat loss is that they do bodyweight strength training exercise continuously which makes it aerobic. Much like circuit training.

    Hmm. Currently I do cardio 6 days a week, weights only twice a week.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    any of you guys tried chalene extreme..if yes wat was your weights range ? i am about to buy dumbells for it so i want to know how many will i be needing.
    thanks :)
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    Doing cardio and skipping the strength training is the worst thing you can do for your weight loss. You'll burn lean mass along with the extra calories. I'm copying and pasting my answer from another thread:

    It is much easier to establish a calorie deficit via diet rather than exercise. Diet is the key to weight loss. Take in less than you burn and you will lose weight. Weight training will affect the QUALITY of your loss, meaning that you will lose more fat and less muscle if you weight train while eating at a deficit.

    Too much cardio doesn't help. It's an alternative way of establishing a deficit, but it's easier to establish a deficit via diet. From Lyle McDonald (long but in-depth detail):

    The only cardio I do is some walking and a short (10min) bike ride to the gym as a warm-up. I've been losing steadily since May by establishing a deficit in my diet. Cardio is completely unnecessary for weight loss.

    And some thoughts on too much cardio from one of the world's top strength coaches:

    1. Continuous aerobic work plateaus after 8 weeks of training so anything more is counterproductive.
    2. Aerobic training worsens power locally and systemically – in other words, it can make you slower.
    3. Aerobic training increases oxidative stress which can accelerate aging.
    4. Aerobic training increases adrenal stress which can make you fatter and produce other undesirable health consequences
    5. Aerobic training increases body fat in stressed individuals by contributing additional stress.
    6. Aerobic training worsens testosterone/cortisol ratio which impedes your ability to add fat burning lean muscle.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    Doing cardio and skipping the strength training is the worst thing you can do for your weight loss. You'll burn lean mass along with the extra calories. I'm copying and pasting my answer from another thread:

    It is much easier to establish a calorie deficit via diet rather than exercise. Diet is the key to weight loss. Take in less than you burn and you will lose weight. Weight training will affect the QUALITY of your loss, meaning that you will lose more fat and less muscle if you weight train while eating at a deficit.

    Too much cardio doesn't help. It's an alternative way of establishing a deficit, but it's easier to establish a deficit via diet. From Lyle McDonald (long but in-depth detail):

    The only cardio I do is some walking and a short (10min) bike ride to the gym as a warm-up. I've been losing steadily since May by establishing a deficit in my diet. Cardio is completely unnecessary for weight loss.

    And some thoughts on too much cardio from one of the world's top strength coaches:

    1. Continuous aerobic work plateaus after 8 weeks of training so anything more is counterproductive.
    2. Aerobic training worsens power locally and systemically – in other words, it can make you slower.
    3. Aerobic training increases oxidative stress which can accelerate aging.
    4. Aerobic training increases adrenal stress which can make you fatter and produce other undesirable health consequences
    5. Aerobic training increases body fat in stressed individuals by contributing additional stress.
    6. Aerobic training worsens testosterone/cortisol ratio which impedes your ability to add fat burning lean muscle.

    arrghh!! why didnt i come across this before...i have been busting my *kitten* this week..more than 1.5 hrs of cardio daily and lost zilch compared to what i lost the last i know :(
  • Shadow1954
    Shadow1954 Posts: 3 Member
    Weights 4x week:

    Upper or lower: 1 minute sprint then 2 exercises 3 sets of 10, 50 ab crunches w/ 100 lbs. repeat 4-5 times through all exercises. Then 30-45 minutes kickboxing/heavy bag and nexersys.
    One weight workout I lower all weights and do 1 set of 50 for all upper and lower w/ ab crunches.
    1-2 days low intensity cardio either elliptical plus bike or outdoors hiking, snowshoeing etc.

    Down 60 lbs and 16.5% Body Fat. Started on MFP 2 months ago. I've been at this for a year.

    Does anybody else think BMI sucks? Body fat under 20% but BMI says I'm very obese.
  • taekwonkenpo
    taekwonkenpo Posts: 1,004
    I don't agree that cardio is completly unneccesary for weight loss. I do agree with many of the finer points in the post above, but cardio is what will get your heart rate to where it needs to be to help you maintain a good matabolism for fat burning througout your workout and the rest of your day.

    A person can loose weight without cardio but not if they have a very unactive lifestyle. Strength training can do the trick if done reliogisly and in the correct way. Cardio is the best way to help people see results faster. The best regiment is some mix of both. To burn fat and buils muscle at the same time.
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    I got started on my weight/fat loss adventure in January this year and pretty much ate a calorie deficit and just did cardio 3-5 times a week, usually a fast paced walk for 30-60 minutes or playing basketball. Weight fell off really quickly but and while I had lost a considerable amount of weight a good portion of it was existing lean muscle mass so I still looked pudgy,

    I started to lift weights some time in May and put back on some of the weight I had originally lost, however I'd lost cm's around my waist and started to look slimmer and as I continued to lift, saw changes in the shape of my body. Had I known when I started out, what I know now, I definitely would have been putting a bigger emphasis on weights training along with a diet tailored for what my aim was at the time (bulking/cutting) with a few cardio sessions (walking/HIIT/basketball) thrown in for additional fat burning and conditioning.
  • taekwonkenpo
    taekwonkenpo Posts: 1,004
    All right guys, what do you do to get rid of the beer belly? What do you think is the best way to bring sexy back?
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I don't agree that cardio is completly unneccesary for weight loss. I do agree with many of the finer points in the post above, but cardio is what will get your heart rate to where it needs to be to help you maintain a good matabolism for fat burning througout your workout and the rest of your day.

    A person can loose weight without cardio but not if they have a very unactive lifestyle. Strength training can do the trick if done reliogisly and in the correct way. Cardio is the best way to help people see results faster. The best regiment is some mix of both. To burn fat and buils muscle at the same time.

    This. Do what you like because doing that will make you DO IT.

    Beer belly? Lose weight. Abs exercises to tighten but "you can't spot reduce" hold for all.
    Sexy is n the head. Up the mental game.

    Btw. What was intended by the the thread title? Different how?
  • taekwonkenpo
    taekwonkenpo Posts: 1,004
    what does spot reduce mean?

    The tread title is just meant to mean a forum for guys to motivate other guys. But lady's are always welcome. :love:
  • FightingGenetics
    FightingGenetics Posts: 108 Member
    I'm day 69 into P90x and I can see the Finnish line. I've got some good results thus far and I'm looking to blow it out of the water in these last three weeks. Check out my day 60 progress here:
  • jmoralesx5
    jmoralesx5 Posts: 128 Member
    I'm 50+ days into my P90X and pressing play everyday! Feel free to add. I'm always on here.

    I lost over 30 pounds my first time around on P90X and eating right. However I've tried like 6 times to start round 2 and I can't seem to get the discipline this time. I'm on week 4 and I pretty much didn't work out at all. Any feedback you can give me to keep me going?
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    what does spot reduce mean?

    The tread title is just meant to mean a forum for guys to motivate other guys. But lady's are always welcome. :love:

    Spot reduce - reducing in a single spot. A beer belly is fat, to get rid of it one needs to lose weight as there is no way to just reduce in one place.