Things to tell your younger self (be creative)



  • ericcanute
    ericcanute Posts: 95 Member
    It's not a good idea to play 'duck duck goose' on the hardwoods in the living room with your siblings...
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Stay away from that guy...and that one...and SERIOUSLY that one, too!


    And go to college!! You have a free ride...
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,077 Member
    *Tell your brother to f off. What he's telling you is BS. You'll be painfully shy if you don't.

    Age 6:
    *Just because the older boys in the neighborhood can do it, don't try it. You're going to miss, hit the embankment, fly over your handlebars, bust your right eyebrow open, and end up in the emergency room.
    Ages 10 -12ish:
    *Quit jumping off the roof of the house. Fifteen feet is a long way down.
    *Don't go down the 45 degree incline paved road in that wagon--your hands make lousy brakes. You're going to hit the telephone pole head on anyway.
    *Getting in the car, shifting it into reverse, pushing it out of the way with help from your friend Susan, watching it roll down the driveway and continue across the street, and stopping when it hits the tree isn't worth the punishment just so you can roller skate in the driveway.
    Age 13:
    *Don't ride your older and much taller cousin's bicycle--it's too big for you. Especially don't jump off of his bicycle when you're going really fast down that hill, even if you are heading for a fence. Another trip to the emergency room is in your near future. Learn where the brakes are on his10 speed before you get on it.
    *Listen to your friend's older brother. Let him go get help and you stay put. Walking 2 miles home with your foot cut and bleeding is a bad idea. You're going to pass out from blood loss just before you make it home.
    Age 16:
    *Working out with ballet toe shoes on the balance beam might seem like a good idea now, but...
    Age 21:
    *Working out alone at work before classes start (at a gymnastics school) is a really bad idea. You're going to crash and burn on the balance beam.
  • chattychick
    chattychick Posts: 90 Member
    Invest in the up and coming company called Apple.
  • JoyaGurl
    Life after high school is Reality.....high school is not
  • snookles81
    snookles81 Posts: 3 Member
    To my 18yo self: dont pick up smoking - it will be hell to quit later on and you will always have a day every now and then when you still want one; stop drinking - it leads to a lot of stories you wish didnt happen

    To my 20yo self: when he leaves you to marry someone else, dont do anything stupid to hurt him - you wind up married in the future and these stupid things will come back to haunt you in the future.... ALSO - really stop drinking, you're on the verge of becoming an alcoholic

    To my 26/27yo self: make your relationship with your brother in law work; hes going through issues and he needs to know you care... you are going to hurt like hell and miss him like crazy when he is killed

    To my 27/28yo self: dont walk away from the marriage; fight for it because it winds up being worth it (and the judge denies the divorce anyway)... ALSO - don't think that getting with your best friend is an amazing idea, its not and you lose an amazing friendship when it doesnt work out and you eventually get back with your husband... ALSO - seriously stop drinking, its making you look older than what you are...

    To all my younger years: tell your family you love them all the time, even when you dont feel like it... they will make lots of mistakes and hurt you but forgive them anyway, they are good people and they love you, even if they show it in strange ways... ALSO, stop being so stubborn and thinking you can do it on your own - the faster you fall on your knees in prayer is the sooner that things turn around
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    i would've told my younger 15 year old self something my doctors at the time didnt. "GO get bloodwork to get diagnosed for PCOS!" yeah...grew up in a small town where my obvious symptoms got overlooked and led me to gain all this weight while thinking i was eating right and exercising right....sadly the weight kept piling on...i was clueless for years that i was actually one of the few who had a real hormonal metabolic imbalance....sighhhhhh!
  • karawRN
    karawRN Posts: 311
    dont whine about taking a nap, you will regret it later in life!!
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    EAT MORE!!! Looking at pics where your collarbone sticks out further than your nonexistent boobs is not a good look!!!!
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    You better do everything exactly right to make it out of this hole. In the first reality you surprisingly made it...
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Play sports. Go to college earlier.
  • Minnesota_Nice
    Minnesota_Nice Posts: 414 Member
    Don't settle and don't be stupid.
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,639 Member
    Learn the warning signs that identify the obsessive, psychotic, potentially violent *kitten* and keep your heart off your sleeve until you can tell whether you're mixed up with one.

    Also, don't let people pressure you to do things you don't want to or not to do things you really want to. 90% of your future regrets involve this.

    But--don't let it sour you on love.
  • RobfromLakewood
    1. For the most part, you have known the rules of the universe apply to you, but when you forget this, like others, the universe will more often than not, bite you in the *kitten* for thinking differently.

    2. Just because you can, and even though you say you are giving full disclosure, it doesn't make it right, especially when you know she heard you, but wasn't listening. So her affections weren't to by toyed with, come on Rob, you're better than that.

    3. Put 10% of your income away, so you're not putting 20% away.

    4. Even though you did it right the first time, I HAVE TO EMPHASIZE, any heart breaks or whatever might motivate you to settle, DON'T, you will meet a woman named Felicia later in life and it's important that you are available.
  • remisenforme
    remisenforme Posts: 180 Member
    Enjoy free weekends and having no responsibilities. And don't quit softball and rowing crew!!
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    1) Ignore all the boys

    2) Ignore all the boys

    3) Learn to be a kickass money manager

    4) Never quit exercising

    5) Seriously, ignore all the boys
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    1) For GOD'S sake, don't go on birth control!! It will mess up your unfairly fast metabolism, and you'll have to watch what you eat for the rest of your life - even after you stop taking it!!!

    2) Know that men will say ANYTHING to get you into bed. As sincere as he seems, he is full of ****!!
  • sunnykt
    sunnykt Posts: 66
    1) Putting yourself through pain in order to make somebody else happy never works. Do things because you want to do them.
    2) Don't eat too much fast food.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Don't hit your sister with that shovel. Dad won't be pleased.
    Don't throw that boomerang at your sister, it's not coming back.

    Stop eating all those Double Whoppers, you'll never get laid.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    No matter what Mama and Papa tell you...... you never have to stop climbing trees, building forts, doing cartwheels or eating with your fingers. And btw - dont stress - when you up grow youre a badass fashion photog in NYC - so dont give any shts about highschool and dont bother with college stress either - its gonna be fine. Adulthood's where its at.

    Go have fun and play - I got your back.