poll #3: do you...



  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Once a week on Tuesday morning's in the buff after using the restroom and before eating/drinking anything. And I measure every 2 weeks.
  • skinnyjess00
    skinnyjess00 Posts: 50 Member
    once a week. weighing every day can be very discouraging.
  • Ugh. Every day. I can't help it.

    But I only update my weight on here after I've maintained the same (or very close) weight for at least two days. Just to be sure one day was not a fluke. :)
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    usually, every 3-5 days

    When I lost weight years ago, I weighed myself 3 times a day, and plotted out the results. I treated my weight loss "scientifically."
    I wouldn't recommend it though, because it is too often.
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    Typically once a week.. Sunday's, but when I'm feeling good.. twice a week.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    weekly, on Wednesdays, in the buff after my morning bathroom trip and before i eat anything... I figure I eat more in general and especialy more sodium on the weekends so by Wednesday the effects of the sodium are out of my system and I can see and prepare for the next weekend if i need to step it up (and close the fridge)
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    Once a week on Saturday morning.
    Measure once per month.
    Messes with my mind if I weigh more than once a week.
  • paulkj
    paulkj Posts: 163 Member
    Everyday...sometimes morning and night...I am a bit obsessive...I wonder if there is a support group?

    Yeah...me too. I need a support group
  • workingitout
    workingitout Posts: 105 Member
    Once every 2 to 3 weeks. This is my long-term, forever lifestyle. I am losing this weight but it's a slow process, so no need to sweat it pound by pound every day. I love seeing a big drop in weight every 2 to 3 weeks! Talk about motivation. In between, I estimate what I think I've lost since I last weighed, and I work extra hard to make sure the scale reflects that the next time I weigh.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Everyday, sometimes twice a day. Don't do this....not helpful!

    Agreed... I just can't help myself!

    And so the list grows...... :-p~
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    twice a week for the time being. I have to be a little more strict to get that discipline embedded!
  • chelso1
    chelso1 Posts: 25 Member
    I usually weigh myself every morning right before I get dressed, but I'll usually only post my weight on Sunday mornings. :)
  • pearlyfatcat
    pearlyfatcat Posts: 31 Member
    Every day! I can't stand surprises.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    3-4 times a week, first thing in the morning i put on the same t-shirt and shorts and weigh myself on the wii fit... which proceeds to ask me why i didn't see it yesterday and tells me i should use it everyday; so I can't win.
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    Every day first thing in the morning. The scale is my friend. It gently tells me when things are not going as well as I"d like, to help motivate me. It rewards me when things are going great by showing me progress with a lower number. I fully realize that my weight can vary by a pound or so from day to day, so I only chart once a week.

    Yep, the scale is my friend, and a very necessary tool.

    Matter of fact, if I'm going on an extended stay somewhere, I weight myself the first morning I am there, so that I have a base point to use for making sure I don't overdo my "good time with vacation feasting". If I use the same scale on my trip, I know what my beginning weight is compared to my home scale, and if I am gaining unwanted pounds.
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