
  • MissLotte
    MissLotte Posts: 101 Member
    I almost have, but have managed to cling on to that weight loss wagon because damn it, it's going to slimville and I want to be on it when it arrives!!
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Almost every weekend I fall off the wagon. I'm not sure why. I can't even get to the gym. Seems like if I'm not in my routine of work, then gym I'm not going. I have no children or commitments holding me back, its just my inner lazy fat girl.
    The same goes for my eating habits, I eat like crap on the weekends, I think part of it is my husbands influence, but he does not make me put the crap in my mouth.
    Any advice for me?

    Hm.. fall off the wagon? No. Plan it? YES! Even God rested on Sunday! LOL I just plan mine on Saturday!

    Saturday is CHEAT DAY! not cheat "meal" but the entire day. I drink lots of beer, eat whatever CRAP I want and dont exercise. Sunday is then considered my "day of rest" where i eat better (to rest my body of all the crap i put into it) and i dont exercise, mostly because im hungover. lol... monday, its back to the grind. Its what works for me, and i have never gained, i always lose and lose consistantly. =)

    Dont beat yourself up over it! My husband works his butt off all week, and i enjoy him on the weekends.. you enjoy him too! So what if you take off the weekend? as long as it isnt hindering your progress, right? I mean, ultimately, its ONE day..think of it just like a weekend from your job... enjoy saturday, then start preparing yourself sunday for monday (start eating a little better, but dont "go to work" yet... thats what i do anyway! lol

    Good luck!

    Edited to say that this works for me because i am VERY strict during the week... and i am always under goal and alwyas exercise.. so ultimately being calories out versus calories in.. WEEKLY, i am still under goal. You would need to keep track of yours to see if you would be in a deficit to see if this would work for you. =)
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Alcohol is the devil for me, I'm fine all week and then I'm out and I'm like Oh sure I'll have a burger and garlic cheese fries, then I wake up with a serious case of the guilts :( Hangover pizza usually follows that. I used to be great on weekends but since I'm nearly at my goal I've eased up a lot on myself. Need to be careful with that...
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I feel ike I do that a lot. Seems lately I can't go over a week without over indulging and going over calories! =/

    Ways to avoid it...:

    Take a small walk, don't wait to be "motivated" ; Just Do It!!
    Do not keep junk food in your house if you know you will go crazy on it during the weekend (my temptation: nutella. lol)

    Get out music, it seriously helps. Or podcasts, radio... books.... go take a bath. Make an effort to have some "me" time every weekend ... like , saturday.

    I just mean time to yourself, like yoga, movie, book, pedicure, something you are doing completely for yourself!
  • ritoosh
    ritoosh Posts: 190
    i do too....but come mondays im just back to my regular diet.
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    I do it intentionally, and stay on a strict regime for the other five days. I still exercise quite a bit at weekends, but that allows me to eat and drink more also! So it's stick rigidly to the calories in/out Mon to Fri, then relax things a bit at weekends. I don't normally eat back many exercise calories, but at the weekend I take em all. Additionally I have no alcohol in the week, but out comes the wine on weekends. What the heck, we have to live a bit. If I don't do this, and try to be too strict, it won't last, and I will fall off the wagon..!
    Good luck,
  • ReclaimingSarah
    ReclaimingSarah Posts: 250 Member
    I fall off the wagon HARD on weekends. I've been working on my weight loss for over 2 years now and have always splurged some on weekends, but my weekdays balanced it out. Lately, however, it hasn't been working like that anymore. That said, I'm still a believer in cheating a little on weekends. I've just got to reign myself back in to a little from a LOT!
  • marias2gaa
    marias2gaa Posts: 118 Member
    I do too but not too much lol..but the guilt kicks in monday. at least i got my work outs in..didnt eat so good though lol :laugh:
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member

    6 pounds heavier this morning compared to friday morning. I know a lot of it will disppear, but still, talk about setting yourself back

    1 month off the weekend party and we'd all be GOLDEN
  • Schmelvie
    Schmelvie Posts: 233 Member
    GUILTY!! (he says with his hand raised in partial shame). To use a saying from a good friend of mine, "I got my foot caught in the funwheel this weekend."

    I try not to feel too guilty about some weekend indulgences. We go to all Wisconsin Badger home football games, so there is a lot of tailgating this time of year. I am still making better choices about what I eat on those days, but the totality of the day is always enough to put me over. I just know that it's as much for my mental health than anything to participate in the occasional weekend event, so I don't beat myself up too much.

    The key is to not let it become a HABIT. Enjoy it here and there if necessary, but make sure to get right back on the horse.
  • mispotatohead
    mispotatohead Posts: 42 Member
    Funny, I was struggling with the same thing myself this weekend, and the weekend before get the idea. I was going through some old notes and came across the following:

    It takes 6 – 8 weeks for something to become a habit and if you take a break every weekend that becomes the habit

    Make the Weekend Work for You!

    If you spent 1/3 of the time off of your plan how well will you do?

    That’s what you’re doing if you take weekends and holidays off. You spend a total of 120 days annually not on plan.

    You’ll become frustrated if you take too much time off.

    Look at the weekend as an opportunity rather than a challenge –
    What are the challenges opportunities that come up on the weekend?
    • Special parties
    • Out of town trip
    • Eating on the run

    Skipping your plan on the weekend forms a bad habit.

    • What are some new habits you know you should develop that would be beneficial?
    • What are new habits that you have already developed?
    • What has been the hardest about giving up old habits?
    • Are you a label reader now?

    Why do you take the weekends off?
    • friends are around and things center around food more
    • Routine Interrupted
    • Different activities
    • Lack of structure
    • Use food and drink for relaxation
    • Reward yourself after a long week
    • Eating as a response to what weekend brings
    • Can’t control others or environment as week

    What habits should you be extending into the weekend that you aren’t?
    • Pack lunch in advance
    • exercise
    • Pre think it will be a challenge and self-fulfill the prophecy

    Tips for a healthy weekend
    • Grocery shop on weekend or close to
    • Plan and prep meals for week
    • Try a new recipe
    • Keep water bottle with you
    • Watch your alcohol intake
    • Read a health magazine or a book
    • PLAN for a treat
    • Keep mind and hands busy
    • Lengthen exercise time
    • Set goals for week
  • KristinaW506
    KristinaW506 Posts: 19 Member
    Weekends are bad for me too! During the week I have such a structured routine I find it much easier to eat healthy and exercise. I have my breakfast, bring a lunch to work, when I get home I decided what we are having for supper and I can make sure I cook something healthy. Even if it means making my boyfriend something normal and a healthier version for myself. Once Friday rolls around, we had this routine of going out to eat which makes eating healthy not impossible but much harder. Then the entire weekend between the lack of routine, trips to the movie theater (who can say no to popcorn!), etc.... Weekends are tough!
  • MelodyBronson
    MelodyBronson Posts: 67 Member
    I do! I'm on a good routine during the work week and then weekends are busy and crazy and I just can't seem to stay focused and on track like I do during the weekdays. It is a huge challenge for me! I don't get totally out of control with my eating but I'm not as good as I shoud be....
  • I tend to just not even keep track on Saturday. I'm out of the house all day, so I never eat all that well. I try to counteract that by moving tables around.
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    The only reason I fall off the wagon on the weekend is I normally don't exercise, so I'm limited to the 1337 calories I have daily, or there's an event of some type (like my 15-year reunion this past Saturday). :(
  • moonlitrose25
    moonlitrose25 Posts: 58 Member
    I always have good intentions on the weekend but I don't always follow through. I don't eat at a normal schedule like I do durning the week. I usually end up snacking and drinking beer! lol At least I do try to work out or move around Saturday and Sunday! Back on track Mondays!
  • ME :(
  • GlutesthatSalute
    GlutesthatSalute Posts: 460 Member
    If it wasn't for weekends I would be in great shape!!!

    I can't seem to ever beat them....

    ^^^^^ This exactly, lol
  • I actually have just started telling myself that I am taking weekends off. Since doing this, I have discovered that by "allowing" myself to have anything I want to eat, it doesn't seem all that appealing and I tend to do better. If I do want something sweet or if I want to go out to eat with my hubby, then I just go and don't worry about it. But overall I seem to do better by just taking a break on the weekends.
  • jetthomp
    jetthomp Posts: 11 Member
    OMG, i'm exactly the same. Can't seem to diet at the weekend. xxxx