Basic Training



  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    ohh. Random question: I've grown up vegetarian. will they be sensitive to that or do I have to deal? (if I eat meat, I throw up.)
    I highly doubt it.
  • iRebel
    iRebel Posts: 383
    is it easy to fail?
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    is it easy to fail?
    It's pretty hard to fail actually.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I want to enlist so I can become a Pharmacist in the military, The branches that offer training in pharmacy are Navy, Air force that I remember. I don't think I really get how this works.... I should probably meet with a recruiter

    ^^Talk to a recruiter

    This will help you;

    and start running. There is also the reserves.
  • iRebel
    iRebel Posts: 383
    I want to enlist so I can become a Pharmacist in the military, The branches that offer training in pharmacy are Navy, Air force that I remember. I don't think I really get how this works.... I should probably meet with a recruiter

    ^^Talk to a recruiter

    This will help you;

    and start running. There is also the reserves.
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    What was your experience?
    What was the effect on your weight/fitness?
    What advise would you give/ what do you wish you knew before entering?

    It was an experience!

    the effect it had was i gained some weight , i was pretty thin, and i ran faster and got more muscle. I went from running a 16-17 2 mintues mile, to a 14 minute mile. That really taught me that a lot of is is the mind and desire, cause most people don't shed that kind of time in 2 months unless you were a prior athlete, and knew already.

    i wish i would have worked out more before i entered, i worked out, but not entirely enough, whatever your workout regime is, up it bigtime, because if your not in shape, they will get you in shape, and its either painful now or their way, and if you do it before hand, you will look better.
  • iRebel
    iRebel Posts: 383
    What was your experience?
    What was the effect on your weight/fitness?
    What advise would you give/ what do you wish you knew before entering?

    It was an experience!

    the effect it had was i gained some weight , i was pretty thin, and i ran faster and got more muscle. I went from running a 16-17 2 mintues mile, to a 14 minute mile. That really taught me that a lot of is is the mind and desire, cause most people don't shed that kind of time in 2 months unless you were a prior athlete, and knew already.

    i wish i would have worked out more before i entered, i worked out, but not entirely enough, whatever your workout regime is, up it bigtime, because if your not in shape, they will get you in shape, and its either painful now or their way, and if you do it before hand, you will look better.
    did they require that time for your mile?
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    for an 18 year old female in basic this is what you have to pass to get out of basic:

    pushups in 2 minutes : 13

    situps in 2 minutes: 47

    2 mile run : 19:42 (or faster)
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    I went through a while back.

    Some basic advice:

    1) Never take a swing at a drill sergeant.
    2) Push yourself...depending on your branch and specialty, you may be tested in ways that will make you dig in deep...deeper than you ever imagined you were able to do dig.
    3) Do what you're can run, weight train, and train in all ways can't train for sleep depravation, hunger, and different weather's not for everyone. You definitely have to be mentally tough.

    As fo rme...I added 12 lbs...I was already in excellent physical condition...the running didn't do much to me....but when combined with what I said above, it definitely tests you.

    Good look to you :)
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I gained ~5-10 lbs between basic training and AIT (6 month period). Started mid to upper 160's. Ended lower to mid 170's. I ate as much as I was allowed. I didn't hold anything back at the dining facility. Cardio, cardio, cardio. You're going to be constantly sore for the first few weeks. When they tell you to count your pushups, don't bother. Every one is zero. They'll give you a manual to read. Read it, unless you like doing pushups until you puke.
    thanks- I'll keep that in mind! I am not good at pushups... they are gonna have fun with that, aren't they?
    I'm pretty sure you will still have a pretty good appreciation for pushups by the time you're done.
    I can barely do one on my toes...

    You know that you do need to perform a minimum amount of push-ups to even get into Basic Training, correct?
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I am thinking about going into the AirForce branch
    The chair force is less intense than the army or marines.

    *giggle* You said Chair Force.

    Love it.
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    I gained ~5-10 lbs between basic training and AIT (6 month period). Started mid to upper 160's. Ended lower to mid 170's. I ate as much as I was allowed. I didn't hold anything back at the dining facility. Cardio, cardio, cardio. You're going to be constantly sore for the first few weeks. When they tell you to count your pushups, don't bother. Every one is zero. They'll give you a manual to read. Read it, unless you like doing pushups until you puke.
    thanks- I'll keep that in mind! I am not good at pushups... they are gonna have fun with that, aren't they?
    I'm pretty sure you will still have a pretty good appreciation for pushups by the time you're done.
    I can barely do one on my toes...

    You know that you do need to perform a minimum amount of push-ups to even get into Basic Training, correct?

    oh crap im way off, i was doing army standards and after in basic