10 lbs by Thanksgiving....? Who's with me?



  • FluffyNoMore26
    FluffyNoMore26 Posts: 92 Member
    I am going to try!! My goal is 20lbs gone by christmas so this will put me right in line.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    im in too!! would love to be below 140 by thanksgiving!! currently at 146 now and struggling to get it off!!

    I'm right there with ya, hovering around 145 area and would LOVE to be below 140 by Turkey day :))
  • just joined about 10 minutes ago. Guess this is as good as place as any to start so I will try as well.
  • I am with you!!! Lose 10 lbs by Thanksgiving and keep it off :)
  • I am so in! :) I am at 138 and 128 is my GW!! Especially for the holidays...too much of good comfort food and laziness LOL but NOT this year....let's do this everyone!! :)
  • Im in! I need this motivation and more motivating friends! My friends seem to be dwindling and stopped logging in. Any takers, send me a request? We can do this together!
  • tracypk
    tracypk Posts: 233 Member
    I'm in. Hopefully this will motivate me. 10 lbs in 6 weeks is pushing it for me, but it's a good goal.
  • kimmeyjo
    kimmeyjo Posts: 57 Member
    I haven't seen anyone elses updates this week, but I lost 4.6 lbs. I'm almost half way there. Yayyyy for me!:bigsmile:
  • TraciStivers
    TraciStivers Posts: 116 Member
    I haven't seen anyone elses updates this week, but I lost 4.6 lbs. I'm almost half way there. Yayyyy for me!:bigsmile:

    You go girl!!! I have been doing everything right but I have gained .2 lbs since accepting this challenge. SMH

    I bought 30 Day Shred last night though, so watch out!!!!
  • Cylinda30
    Cylinda30 Posts: 169 Member
    Count me in girly :wink:
  • r0se125
    r0se125 Posts: 228 Member
    I am there with you! i wanna hit 140 by thanksgiving.
  • lbenson83
    lbenson83 Posts: 10 Member
    That would be a great start for me. I am exactly at your starting weight. I would love to go down to 130. Any pointers you can give that help you out?
  • akersley88
    akersley88 Posts: 4 Member
    I am soooo in! already got a good start!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I'm in. I suppose this means I'm gonna have to step up my game, get off my butt and start moving. Wah!!!! :sad:
  • I'm in. I'm doing ten by thanksgiving and twenty by Christmas. Stoked! :blushing:
  • skump425
    skump425 Posts: 166 Member
    I am in a similar boat. I was down close to 121 in March and now have gained almost all my weight back and am hovering around 130. I would like to be 125 by Thanksgiving! lets do it ladies!!
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 671 Member
    I want in, even though I'm a week late getting started! I really want to be back in AWESOME shape by end of November, which means I have about 10 lbs to lose in order to get there!

    Last week I was 127, and this week I'm 125 since crawling back on the wagon, so I'm on the right track!

    Anyone can friend me if you want support and motivation. :) Yay, so excited!
  • I have a lot more than 10 lbs to lose.... CW 185, SW was 192, goal weight is 135 :tongue:

    I am DEFINITELY in!
  • jmoralesx5
    jmoralesx5 Posts: 128 Member
    I went from 270 down to 210 and I've stayed around 215 for a couple months now. I want to be under 200...by Thanksgiving would be great!
  • michelle0989
    michelle0989 Posts: 121 Member
    the goal i made a month ago for my weight by Thanksgiving is exactly 10 pounds from what I am now so this is perfect! I'm at 170... 160 would be the lowest weight I have been since high school. Getting super excited just thinking about that possibility! Feel free to friend me everyone, I'm pretty new here :)