barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

WELCOME to the thread for Women ages 50+ (or thereabouts). Actually, all women are welcome. This thread and this group of women changed my life. I hope you have a similar experience. We check in with each other regularly and welcome new members. This has been a very supportive and encouraging group.:bigsmile:

How did you do on your goals for February? What are your goals for the month of March? This is the beginning of spring weather in lots of places with new opportunities to be fit----gardening and outdoor exercise. Never, never, never give up.

I did well with my goal to post every day in February, I plan to do just as well in March.

We can do together what we cannot do alone.

I have a rule for myself that I have to drink a cup of water before I can log on. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
I'm looking forward to hearing from all of you.
:heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:love::love: :love: :love: :love: :love: Barbie


  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member

    Thank you for rolling the Thread into March. A good month for healthy living.

    My goals are posted. I am the same weight I have been, What to do, what to do?

    I will just keep on! Sooner or later this flab will have to give up. I am more determined than it is
    trust me.

    I am upping the weight in my workouts.

    For anyone who wants a short areobic workout try Leslie Sansone's 1 Mile Workouts~ 1 Mile Jog~1 Mile Booster. There is also a resistance session after the quick boosted walk.

    Lets have a great month!

    Nite All,:heart: Alice
  • Tamzenc
    Tamzenc Posts: 18
    Well, I finished my first week and lost one pound. I was hoping for two, but I did eat too much one or two days....
  • weezy8150
    weezy8150 Posts: 21
    Hello Ladies....just found this site, but was part of a similar site sponsored by slimfast 2 yrs ago....lost 34 lbs in 12 wks....the prizes were great motivation. Returned eventually to eating my favorites, fried, sugars, alcohol, and breads, and gained it back 1 lb a week. Have been trying since to get re-motivated without success. Joined WW this week, did 30 mins a day on the ellyptical, and stocked the kitchen with veggies, fruits, healthy grains, and slimfast meal bars. Not sure how much protein is needed daily....if anyone can help with that. New motivation for me now is a trip to my son's new place in southern CA....from my home in central Maine....6 wks and counting....this is the motivation I have been needing. A reward or goal to focus on is so important to be able to refer to mentally, in those times when willpower is low, or when temptation lurks unexpectedly.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Thanks Barbie, you are a constant inspiration.

    Happy birthday to me! Its the Big Six Oh!

    Actually I haven't struggled with a bday like this since 30. Any suggestions on how to cope with humor-if-not-grace?

    Did ok on Feb goals: journaled daily, averaged more exercise (wii, Scottish dance class, Texas line dancing) even though a few days didn't meet the minimum, only watched tripleD a few times, averaged a pound a week which for me is a miracle.

    BUT have learned that to make that pound a week, there has to be NO BEER:drinker: at least 4 days a week. It's not just the calories in a glass of beer, but the damage I do AFTER:sad: , "Oh now I want something salty... oh now something sweet" in no time at all, 150 calories turns into 500. :tongue:

    So for the remainder of Lent, new NO BEER Mon-Thurs goal, and up the exercise another 5 mins/day.

    Thanks and hugs to everyone.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Barbie Thanks for starting the post. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Welcome to all the newbies. :flowerforyou: This is a wonderful thread. I have had my ups and downs but still remain logging in. I'm struggling with my weight but I am positive I will get back on track.

    I know many of the ladies are taking care of parents, children and other loved ones. I am now part of that class. Both parents need care and I am trying to adjust to my new way of life. Sometimes its hard, Sometimes it is very rewarding. I have three other sisters and one brother. They all are working and since I am not and my husband JUST retired, we have seemed to be the one's that take on most of the load. It's hard at times because I see the rest of my family going about their daily life with little change. But, I get through it. My husband & I had planned to travel and see the country but caring for two household's at this time prevents us from doing that. Just yesterday my husband & I were given a day off, so we went to the gym. As soon as I got home I got a call from my youngest sister. She told me my mom's gas heater was not working and what should she do? So, the day off did not last long. We went over and helped fix the problem with her.

    We just moved my parents into a mobile home this past December. It is really nice, but not really intuned to all the responsibility's. I guess I will learn fast.

    My Dad 78 is in Rehab. He had a defibrillator & a pacemaker put in early Feb and suffered 2 strokes which gave him short term memory loss and weakness on his left side. He is coming along pretty well. My mom 85, is undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Which consists of 2 hours a day 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Luckily, she goes to the same building my Dad is living at this time. So I'm pretty busy. My Dad did all the bill paying and household chores, because my mom is legally blind. So we are keeping up with that also.

    Last year at this time, I was about 25lbs lighter, going to the gym 5 days a week and burning about 800 calories a day. I was making great healthy meals and really enjoying life.

    Now, I gained my weight back. but not to the level I was a few years ago. MFP, has prevented me from going off the charts.

    I'm telling you all this is because I do have faith that I will lose my weight again. I am constantly logging on and getting motivation. I will not stop. This is just a bump in the road.

    I just love this post, so glad to be here so I can vent and get my thoughts together.

    To all that are on track keep it up. I need to see that.

    To all that are like me struggling and sometimes wanting to give up DON’T. We can do it.

    Lots of Love

    Kathy (plantlady)
  • mynyddisamrs
    :drinker: Good afternoon ladies ... from a lovely, sunny N.Wales.
    Great to be in March ... we've loads of lovely crocus's in the garden. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Such a pretty sight after all the snow etc.

    :happy: My March Goal was...To not cheat with the calories!! Here goes.......

    :huh: Continuing story of our plumbing problem.....
    The original plumber (That said the loo was broken a few weeks ago) called to see if the part was in.:noway: Peter had great pleasure in telling him that it wasn't actually broken in the first place ,that we had fixed it ourselves, paid him for the tap washer he fitted and sent him on his way!! I think he was thinking he could have charged us the earth for doing nothing!! So ...we went and got the new part anyway and have taken out the "makeshift " repair and....:frown: Peter is TRYING to fix the new one. I'll let you know if all goes well ...:explode: at the moment there are quite a few expletives eminating from the shower room!!! I'm keeping out of it!!

    And.....:glasses: we're still stripping off and complaining of heat exhaustion The Gas Heating Engineer ...hasn't phoned yet. But...we live in Hope!!!...... Actually we live in Mynydd Isa . Hope is a village 8 miles from here!

    I've worked a few hours this morning but I'm not going to use the calories. That hasn't worked for me up until now. So hopefully.....
    I know I should be exercising more but do feel very lethargic and achey at the moment. Right shoulder and wrist still playing up.
    :smile: I'm looking forward to that sunshine in a few weeks!!! The care home have rung today and confirmed the dates mum is booked in for ... so it's going to be OK ..Yippee.

    :ohwell: Still no "Eureka" moment from upstairs but I suppose I should be grateful that there isn't water running down the walls ...yet!!

    Bye for now

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Lets work "Miracles For March" ladies!!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Hi everyone.
    Thanks Barbie for keeping us going.
    Barbara, Happy 60th!!! :flowerforyou:
    Will keep this short since my right hand/wrist developed sudden and acute problem and hard to type or use hand at all but I gained 2 pounds this week-end. Too much partying and no exercise. Ugh! I am younger than Barbara, but feeling a lot older all of a sudden. I've been tolerating hip and knee, but wrist is killing me. I already got dr appoint,enmt for Wed., am trying another dr to see about today.
    Have a a good day everyone and Barbara hope you have an especially wonderful day.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I was down .5 lb this morning at my weigh in. I really wasn't looking for that since the weekend was really busy and I made a few not so good choices. I am hoping to have a good week. Just keep plodding on.

    Kathy: I do understand what you are going through. We very rarely get a break either. Thankfully our children help out with Granny when we need them to. It is frustrating to see everyone else just going about their lives, tra la la la, seemingly oblivious and uncaring. (My brother-in-law and his wife never help and the last couple of times we asked them something came up at the last minute and they backed out). My saving grace is that I know this is what God wants me to do and therefore I am able to live with myself.

    Well, I'll check back later,

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    HappyBirthdayglitterstars.gif Barbara
  • jas1957
    jas1957 Posts: 24 Member
    I found this site toward the end of February & was moved seeing all the encouragment everyone had to give. My scale was fluctuating between 215.5 & 216 this morning, so I just chalked it up as staying the same. This happened to me 2 weeks ago & then the following week I lost 3 lbs so maybe that will happen to me again :wink: Hope all of you have a wonderful day.

    God Bless,

    JoAnn :drinker:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    In between get ready for the day. Actually, my husband stole the bathroom and I'm waiting to finish. lol We only have one. :explode: I'm pop in from time to time. My had my parents get a computer and internet so I can keep in touch and the Rehab also has one. So I hope to log in to read the post today.

    Hubby just got out of the shower, my turn to seek in again.

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Morning Lakies

    Happy March

    Tagging for later

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    February goals:
    Keep things positive -- actions, thoughts, words.
    Define and truly practice abstinence
    Use my "tools" faithfully
    Lose 5 pounds

    Happy March, Happy Monday and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Barbara -- 6-0 Congrats!! I turn double nickels on Thursday!

    How did I do on February goals??? Pretty good some days, not so on others. Did manage to lose 3 pounds. Not 5--but it was a short month and actually in looking back in my Monday weigh-in log I was actually way up on Feb 1 but in my stubbornness did not change my ticker but rode it out...so the actual loss from 2/1 to 3/1 is more like 7 pounds. My March goals are posted below and remain pretty much the same.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy -- hang in there because you know you can do this. I am always struggling with "emotional" eating and stress is a huge factor in this kind of eating. Pray, journal, meditate, exercise, post, read postings...whatever it takes to "take you away" (besides eating) is all good!!

    To everyone else. Hope you all have a great day and a wonderfully successful weight loss month in March! Cheers:drinker:

    :heart: Terri:heart:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    February was not a successful month for me in the weight loss department but now that I'm back on track, I have some pretty serious goals for March. Don't know if they are doable, but I'm aiming high with only 36 days until I go to the beach. I want to be a size 10 by then. I'm wearing 12's now. So my goals for March are:

    Drink at least 80 oz of water every day.
    Do at least 35 minutes of cardio every day.
    Do strength training 2-3 times a week
    Stay under my calorie goal of 1200 + exercise
    Log food every day, even when hubby is working nights
    Stay active on this thread.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome, Rose, Weezy and JoAnn! You have found the best thread on the web!

    Tami--You LOST a pound! :happy: That's great! I didn't lose this past week but I'll take not gaining!

    Happy Birthday, Barbara! Hope it's a good one!:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Kathy(plantlady)--You have so much you have to do right now!:heart: I will keep you and your parents in my prayers. Try to find some time to take care of yourself. You deserve it!

    Jackie--I hope your plumbing problems are solved! And I love the "Miracles for March"! (Sounds like you recovered well from your 'finishing everything you start' binge! I'm still smiling just thinking of that post!:laugh: )

    Zaza--I hope you can get your hand taken care of soon! It is SO dibilitating to have a hand that hurts and won't work right!

    Hang in there, Cindy--You are a strong woman and can do this!

    That's beautiful, Alice! How did you do that?

    I will be training a helper at work today! I hope he works out, as it is getting more difficult to get things finished as the season kicks in! I need the help!

    Happy March, everyone!:flowerforyou: And thanks, Barbiecat, for making this so easy to find!:heart:
  • JuicyPlum
    JuicyPlum Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone. I would like to join your group and get my weight loss re-started. I lost 30 pounds from end of August to Thanksgiving but since then have almost gained 10 pounds back! I had quit walking and watching what I eat, so I know what I did wrong and I am ready to get back on track. My goals are going to be small but a start. I want to walk at least 5 days (30 minutes per day) a week, drink at least 48 oz. of water a day and keep a food journal daily. I hope to drink more water than that and walk more but I think that should be my minimum. Good luck to everyone here and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the birthday girl and the soon to be birthday girl. For me turning 50 last year was the worst (emotionally), no age ever bothered me before and I hope I never have another one like that. Take care and good luck everyone.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    A Good Welcome to Ms Juicyplum!

    You sound just like me. I have found that if I keep a food diary and measure, measure , measure everything then losing and maintaining works. We hope you will use this site often and will find lots of encouragement here.

    Off to the grocery for me!


  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Welcome to newcomers. Hello to old members. Happy Happy Birthday. Great job on the losses. Susie you know you can do it. it is just a bump in the road. Besides Barbie you have been my most inspirational person on here. You just seem to keep on doing what you need to do. Just get back on the wagon and you will do fine. I really think this crazy weather is tripping us all up. I am doing great on my food and exercise this past week and plan to do the same this coming week. I will weigh on Friday and hopefully lose most of what I gained. Kenneth is off today and got his workout in already. I am going later with Heather. She has gained a little more than she wants to for the pregnancy so she is doing some cardio and light weights to try not to gain too much more,. She is in her cousins wedding in Aoril (8 months pregnant) so really needs her dress to fit. Have a good day ladies. We are going to go shopping and to chick fil a with the girls. they love to go there and play and eat and I love the grilled chicken sandwich. good and stays within my calories. only fast food place I eat at.
    Vicki M
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Happy Monday & Welcome March:flowerforyou:

    I just spent the last 45 min catching up on everyone since Friday night (it's really tough not having a working computer at home:grumble: )

    To those of you that had a less than successful Febuary...this is a new month for new beginnings and you can do it:bigsmile:

    Welcome to the new ones, this is a great place to be and lots of encouragement here.

    Rebel, hope your daughter's knee heals quickly.

    Cindy, how was that Laughing your way to a better marriage? I'd really like to know, although my husband can always make me laugh.

    Barbie, a trip to LA, fun, family or work?

    I was so afraid that the final weekend was going to do me in...but it didn't:bigsmile: Friday night we went to dinner with friends and I really struggled with the menu, there was so much that I wanted but managed to keep it under control. Gerald has been so encouraging that I was a bit put out with him when he told me go ahead and have a glass of wine (those empty calories:grumble: ) and so I did, but managed to still keep those calories in check.

    February was a success for me down 5.6 lbs last month and inches off everywhere. Gerald is starting to notice and is being a real encourager...but the biggest is that I now have three pairs of jeans that fit, it's a slow but steady process:bigsmile: Of course I'm telling everyone about this site, cause it's being the accountability I've needed.

    Saturday we went and bought a new elliptical, our old one died a year ago:grumble: got the new one home, down the stairs, put together...plugged it in NOTHING:angry: took it apart yesterday, still nothing...it works but no calculating or changes of any settings, very frustrating:grumble: .Tomorrow Gerald has his steriod shot in his hip and so I'm hoping he can call tech support tomorrow afternoon while he's home.

    I'd best get to the paper piles, every one have a great day:drinker:
