Knee High Boots Week 6



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Posts: 51
    chin up girls! you know the saying, 'small but mighty!' we are a small group with lots of POWER! Keep on going girls! I alwalys look forward to reading your posts!:flowerforyou:
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Yes, I look forward to reading your posts too!

    I had kind of a bad weekend. Hubby and I went shopping out of town on Friday night and I decided that I needed some in between jeans, the ones that I have right now are getting too big and the smaller size I have at home don't quite fit yet.

    I found a pair that I really liked until I saw that it was $40 and didn't think that we should probably spend that much on jeans that won't fit for too long anyways.

    So we went to a couple more stores and in the size that I thought I was, nothing would go over my thighs! I was frustrated to say the least, but the mall was closing so I said let's just go home.

    Yesterday I decided that I wanted the $40 pair of jeans and we had a store here in town (Vanity) so we went to grab them real quick before hubby got a hair cut. Of course they have my size, but not the length that I need - everything else was too long. Ugh! Hubby suggested that we go to our local farm store - they have Levi's there and we've gotten jeans there before.

    Not only did the 9's not fit, the 11's were tight too! I would've had to get a 13, which I thought was my size when I started this whole thing, there's no way that I'm still that size!! So I went home crying...I know the number on the jeans shouldn't matter as long as they fit well, but it still does. I thought jean shopping was supposed to get easier, not harder!!

    I'd just order the jeans online, but DH wants to go out with his family which includes his bro's new girlfriend this week for dinner. I have social anxiety so this is a HUGE deal for me and I just have a break down if I don't look absolutely perfect...

    I'm better now - I know that I've made huge strides and am NOT the same size that I was when I started, just vanity sizing really frustrates me...I don't know what size I REALLY am! I've decided to base my end goal solely on measurements. It won't matter then, but it still does now. Ugh sometimes being a girl really sucks!

    Still working on P90, even though I ended up skipping a workout, but I am back on the wagon today.

    Sorry for writing a novel but I just had to vent about how stupid jean sizes are!! :wink:

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Posts: 51
    Ahh never disappoint!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: LOL I will have to read your "novel" a little later. The office is crazy busy right now! YEAA glad we are keeping this going!
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    jean sizes suck, nykkie! every brand is different size wise, so just because you were a 13 in levi's doesn't mean you're still a 13!!!:flowerforyou: how is p90 going?

    ok, stupid question. DH is obviously the hubby, and i've seen many people use it on here...but what the deuce do the letters actually stand for? Da Hubby? lol!:laugh:

    the hubby and i (not using DH yet lol!) started p90x yesterday....whooooaaaa buddy!! i'm so glad i've been taking pilates, it's really built up my strength in some areas and i found it much easier to keep up than i would have before!!:bigsmile: especially in some of the moves in ab ripper x! there were some i couldn't do many of still, but i did the full 25 on a few of them, which i definitely couldn't do the first few times i tried ab ripper x!!:bigsmile: speaking of pilates, i need to get my butt moving if i want to make class on time. have a great day girls!!:flowerforyou:
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Hehe - Kaitie, I know, but dang it still makes me so mad! :explode:
    P90 is going good - I am 3 days behind though, because I was lazy for 2 and yesterday I was sick haha. I am doubling up today/tomorrow to catch up!

    Good for you starting P90X!! I don't know if I'll ever be able to handle it - I just don't have an hour to dedicate to exercise every day! That's why I love P90, I think the longest one in the whole program is 42 minutes. That extra 20 min is a big deal to me I guess :tongue:
    You'll have to keep us posted on how it's going!!

    I think DH stands for Dear Husband, or Damn Husband when you're mad at him!! :laugh:

    Hope you ladies are having a good week!
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    OMG I AM POOPED.:sick: :yawn: Day 2 of P90X was plyometrics, all cardio. Plus I had pilates this morning, which was brutal because I was wiped from Day 1 yesterday!!:laugh: Nykkie, I'm the same way, super busy, that's why I like my Shape DVD workouts, only 20-30 min. So getting through this and putting aside an hour every day is going to be a serious challenge...but I'm sure gonna give it my best shot!! Good for you for getting back on P90!!:drinker:

    Shower time!! Sweaty, ucky, still need to start dinner and catch up on reading for anthro class. And I have class tonight. Eep! What're you gals havin for dinner? I'm making lemon pepper chicken, Trader Joe's jasmine rice, and frozen mixed veggies. :love: YUM!!!!!!!! And takes less than 20 min to make, for under about 350 calories!!:bigsmile:
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    I am having pizza for the 3rd day in a row :embarassed:
    Hey, it's PMS week and I don't feel good - I can't help it! I figure if I can get through this week and can say that I exercised every day the rest of the week than it will be a success!

    Kaitie, you're amazing! Great job for sticking out P90X so far, and your dinner sounds really yummy!
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    Happy weekend girls!! How's it goin for everyone?

    Mmmm pizza...that sounds good :bigsmile: We're going to our friend's tonight for a little shindig, hopefully I will be able to control myself and not overdo it snacking. I had lots of chips and salsa yesterday at the Mexican restaurant we went to, but I only ate 1 bean/cheese taco :bigsmile: And at the BBQ restaurant we went to for dinner (well, snacks and coffee, we were still fairly full from lunch!) I only ate 1/2 of my potato salad and 1/2 of my walnut pie :bigsmile: So while it could've been worse, I didn't do as bad as i normally would. Time to do some P90X!!! Have a great day ya'll!:flowerforyou: