Annoying friends and coworkers when you are dieting



  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    [Okay , this is supposed to be a quote that didn't work right: why isn't there a delete option for posts?]

    I can not tell you how often I go in to work in the morning to find CANDY sitting on my desk. Mind you.......this is in MY office.with people Ive work with for up to 14 years....People WHO FU@KING KNOW IM A DIABETIC WITH 100 POUNDS TO LOSE!!! ya wanna talk frustrating?? Anger? I whip right on by angry into pissy right on into downright snotty. It still happens. Ive had cake appear......brownies.......licorice (which they also know Im allergic to)

    What's that? Go to management or employee services you say? Hmmm interesting concept ...that. All they say is "you dont have to eat it...just throw it away"

    [End quote]

    Your co-workers KNOW you're diabetic with a 100 pounds to lose and leave that stuff on your desk??? That's CRAZY! I cannot believe that anyone would do such a thing (but, I can believe management at most places of employment would respond that way). It's almost enough to wanna holler "harassment"! That's terrible...I wish I could help you punch those people right in the throat! :mad:

    Yeah....the quote thing didn't work apparently.
  • healthynotthin
    healthynotthin Posts: 223 Member
    I vote just throw the donut at them. Make sure it's thoroughly drenched in its own sweet syrupy disgustingness. Then aim straight for the crotch so they have to go wipe it off or live with a reminder for the rest of the day.

    Or I mean... if that's too extreme, aiming for the trash can and conveniently letting it fly by their face works, too.
  • Pnknlvr96
    Pnknlvr96 Posts: 104 Member
    I have found that a simple, "Nope, I'm good, thanks," along with a smile goes quite far. I've said it enough times that now everyone leaves me alone. That, and, I've started using headphones at my desk so people can't talk to me about what I am eating/what I should be eating/what new crazy diet they're on/or that there's cake in the breakroom. :devil:
  • jenniferrow
    I just laugh off unsoloicited weight loss tips from folks who look like they have no idea what they're talking about. :)
  • walkwithme1
    walkwithme1 Posts: 492 Member
    i would just say, "Well, this works for me. So far so good. I've lost X lbs, how much have you lost?"

    ^^^^ this^^^^

    I agree....sometimes just a few words do more good than anything. And forget the word "diet". Diets fail, it needs to be a lifestyle change. Good luck.
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    I'm kind of a **** about it. They point out what I am eating and I point out the way their body looks and then mention how much weight I have lost so far compared to them. That usually shuts them up.
  • icom100
    icom100 Posts: 29 Member
    You laugh at that, but in all truth, it probably IS sabatoge. My wife is overweight and used to continually bring in sweets, knowing that I have a sweet tooth, and diabetes. I dont think she was trying to kill me, but wanted "company" in her overweight state. I think since my daughter and I have been working on her with peer pressure, she seems to be cracking, and is finally changing her eating habits a little. I bought her a fitbit (my daughter and I both have one) to help her get addicted to being more fit.
  • icom100
    icom100 Posts: 29 Member
    Actually that IS harrassment. When they leave stuff on the desk that you are alergic to, bring it up with the manager. they dont want a medical law suit on their hands.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Where do people get off - putting cupcakes and candy on ANYONE's desk? WTH? If you brought in extra, leave it in the kitchen - it will get eaten. Good grief! Maybe on Friday, I'll come in early and put salads out on everyone's desk... or a bowl of broccoli - on every desk. :noway:

    Hahaha, this made me chuckle.
  • FixItDuck
    FixItDuck Posts: 112 Member
    You are doing this for YOU, not those who set out to sabotage or belittle your efforts. I know it's hard, but try not to engage in discussion with those who pass judgement.

    I have learnt to keep my goals mostly to myself, in all areas of my life, because there are those who try to sabotage, criticise, out-do, or even worse point out when I fail. Only my husband and one friend know I am doing this.
  • karmaology
    Luckily my co-workers are considerate and don't do this to me! However, I love to bake and love to take things in for them to try. Little do they know they are low cal, healthy treats!! Made them flourless, butterless cake brownies last week....they were a big hit! They are my guinea pigs....little do they know!

    Laughed TOO hard at this omg
  • thesarahsundae
    thesarahsundae Posts: 240 Member
    My coworkers are always trying to get me to eat pizza, cake, cookies, etc. I always bring my own food to work and everyone has to make comments about what I'm eating. I could care less about their food. No, I'm not a fitness model and neither are they, but they just need to mind their own business. Just tell your coworker you appreciate her concern, but this is what you prefer to eat and go about your day. I hate those people that think carbs are bad. I get that all the time, too.
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    I guess it sucks that your co-worker can't eat carbs like you can. I tell people to try and take it away from me when they say "You can't eat that". After the first smackdown, they learn quick to shut up about the chocolate and pasta.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    I eat popcorn all the time...?!! and... so what- you got to have carbs to live- eating zero carbs is retarded. But since you seem pretty laid back and dont like people in your biz, the moment she said "smells good, what are you eating" i would tell her, "nevermind its healthy carbs, you wouldnt like it".:flowerforyou:

    besides what idiot dosent recoignize the smell of just saying:huh:
  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    You could always print this thread and leave it on her desk so she knows the majority think she is rude and an idiot :happy:

    ahahahha....I think I will! thanks for the advice everyone!
  • TeresaOH1
    TeresaOH1 Posts: 31 Member
    So, I just made myself some popcorn for a snack at work. A coworker of mine chimes in when she smells it and yells that it smells good and wants to know why I am eating it. I tell her it is low calorie and full of fiber. She replies that it is full of carbs and if I was REALLY on a diet or trying to get in shape that I wouldn't be eating it. What do you do when people say stuff like this to you? I feel that I should have never told anyone what I was doing. But it is the only way to shut down the request to go to lunch, have a slice of b-day cake, etc. How do you get people like this off or your back? I hate the critiques, judgements, and unsolicited advice. btw...most of the people giving it don't exactly look like Jillian Michaels. I want to say this, but I don't want to be tooo rude.

    I love that comment!! Jillian Michaels!! I try to never actually mention anything about being on a diet... I might say that I am trying not to eat so much junk or trying to get in more fruits and vegetables. I am not a carb watcher. Food/Calories are Food/Calories in my book! You get em' girl!
  • NJSunshine13
    I just say "it's working for me so far, so I must be doing something right." It usually shuts them up.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Unfortunately, everyone thinks they're an expert so you're not going to be able to avoid unsolicited advice. What I tell people is that I'm not actually on a "diet", per se. I'm modifying what I eat, my "diet" in general, so that I can lose weight in a healthy way. I then tell them that the beauty of this is that I can eat anything I WANT whenever I want it - I just need to make the best choices for me at the time. And that as long as I'm within my calorie goals, I'm fine. I then go on to tell them that diets don't work - sure, you can lose weight quicker that way, but you can't sustain the weight loss and that's what I'm all about. This whole journey is about finding what works for me - which may or may not be what works for other people.

    Long story short, what I'm basically doing is telling them what I'm doing with excitement, and with way more details than they really want to hear, So, they back down quickly and stop with the advice. I didn't realize what I was doing at first - all I knew was this was what I was doing and it was working. But, then I started realizing how people were reacting to what I was saying. Most still don't believe they could lose weight that way - it's easier to be led by a diet than to make personal choices.

    Anyway, that's what works for me.
  • SinomenJen
    SinomenJen Posts: 262 Member
    Hmmmm..I respect the fact you feel that way...used correctly annoys people and shuts down the convo
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    As someone who has lost a significant amount of weight in the last 2 years I get this all the time. Luckily I have thick skin and don't let it get to me.

    I usually reply, "last I checked I am an adult and I can eat whatever I like". Then they realize how ridiculous they are being.

    Sometimes I am in the break room with rice cakes and peanut butter, and sometimes I will partake in the pot luck or baked good sale they have, but the point is I planned ahead and knew how to fit it all in.