5 Pounds A Month March 2010 Challenge



  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Count me in! I"ve lost 10lbs so far, and would love to make it 20 by the end of the month!!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Oh and Terri, I just clicked on the link form the challenge for Feb. Is this a new thread and how do I keep finding it once I leave this page? Phyljen:ohwell:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Count me in! I joined the site last year and was doing great, then fell off the wagon. My husband and I joined a gym last month and made a pact that if I can lose 35 pounds by September 5 (our 1 year anniversary!) , we can start making plans to have a baby. This is going to be great motivation! I weighed in today at 228.6, and would like to set my goal for 222 lbs. Are there going to be any weekly exercise challenges?

    We don't do any weekly challenges, we just weigh in every Friday and then the first of every month. In the mean time, we share our stories and struggles here and we all support one another. It has been a great thread to be on. Everyone is so supportive of one another.

    You have set a great goal to keep you motivated. I wish you the best of luck and know you can do it. :bigsmile:
  • Good Afternoon All, I am interested in joining this challenge. I just joined the site today and hopefully I get good results.
  • imlne
    imlne Posts: 6 Member
    This is cool

    I weighed in at 199 this morning.
  • jowily
    jowily Posts: 189 Member
    I'm in - I am hoping for about 7-10 pounds - but I am hoping to committ to at least 5! New month, new start, new me!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Oh and Terri, I just clicked on the link form the challenge for Feb. Is this a new thread and how do I keep finding it once I leave this page? Phyljen:ohwell:

    Now that you have posted you should be able to easily find us when you click on "my topics"

    Welcome to all the people who have joined us for this month. We really are here to support and encourage anyone who is on the journey to a healthier life. How do we do that? We share our ups and downs. If we read something that may help others we share it. So here's to a great month of getting healthier!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I had a hard weekend that I need to shake off! :grumble:
    When I fall off my plan I feel so yucky the next day. But it is harder for me to say no to all the little things I need to not eat. This weekend was bad, I didn't even log Sunday.
    Two steps forward, one step back! Two steps forward, one step back! :sad: This dance I do is starting to get old. But it is a new mth and a new 5 lb goal!

    What do you do to get your head back in the game after a slip up?

    You pick yourself up and get right back on track! One of the weight loss books I read recently (I have read quite a few to stay motivated) said one of things that success full dieters have in common is that when they make mistakes, they get right back on track as fast as possible. They do not have the "Ok I failed. I am a failure at dieting so I am going to quit and show everyone that I am a failure!" Successful dieters learn from their mistakes and then get right back on track.

    I think your ticker says you have lost 34 pounds. So you know what you need to do to lose weight. Get right back on that road that leads to success. As one of my favorite tv character says (RED GREEN) "I am rooting for you, we're all in this together!"
    He's really not talking about dieting but it seems to fit this situation perfectly. :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • iwantthis
    iwantthis Posts: 15 Member
    I'm new to MFP, as of a couple days ago. This looks like a great place to start! Hoping for lots of support!!

    SW: 203.8
    Goal for March: 195
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Ok, I had a weird experience today. When I weighed myself in the am, naked :wink: , before breakfast, I weighed 150. I went to my annual GYN exam about an hour and a half after breakfast and when the nurse weighed me, fully dressed, I weighed 153. Ok, 3 pounds for clothing, I get that. But, it still seemed high to me, as did my weight on my home scale. So, after the exam, I hopped on the scale again...this time naked :smile: and it read 146! That's a huge difference! I know I wasn't wearing 7 pounds of clothing before the exam! Ughh! So confusing! And it just says to me how very variable scales and measuring weight loss can me. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experienced such fluctuations.
  • aprildh
    aprildh Posts: 90
    My goal for the month of March is still to break under the 200's. I would love to be 195 by the end of March. That would be an 8lb weight loss. I kicked it up to level 3 on my BL Boot Camp DVD today. It felt good to get that intense of a workout in this morning.
  • Ok, I had a weird experience today. When I weighed myself in the am, naked :wink: , before breakfast, I weighed 150. I went to my annual GYN exam about an hour and a half after breakfast and when the nurse weighed me, fully dressed, I weighed 153. Ok, 3 pounds for clothing, I get that. But, it still seemed high to me, as did my weight on my home scale. So, after the exam, I hopped on the scale again...this time naked :smile: and it read 146! That's a huge difference! I know I wasn't wearing 7 pounds of clothing before the exam! Ughh! So confusing! And it just says to me how very variable scales and measuring weight loss can me. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experienced such fluctuations.

    I actually gave up on the scale at home. It is different every time I step on it. And depending on where the scale is on the floor. :mad: I use the one at the gym. It seems to be accurate and I tested it by getting on and off of it like five times and got the same number everytime.

    So you are not crazy. A scale at home may work if you level it correctly and never move it.:laugh:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Scales can work fairly well or be all over the place. My scale (not sure how exact it is) but it gives me the same number to a tenth. I can move it around and step on it and it still gives me the same weight. I do not expect it to give me the same weight that I get at the doctor. When I weigh at home it is first thing in the morning, in my birthday suit, and right after using the bathroom. At the doctor's office I usually have my clothes on, have had 1-2 meals to eat and lots of liquid to drink before I get there. So it is not only the weight of my clothes, but the weight of the food consumed. Use your scale as a guide to see if there is a downward trend in your weight. It may not be exact but you can see it going the direction you want it to go.

    I just read a book that talked about the ideal weight range. There is a range for our bodies to be in that is healthy. I do not have an exact ending weight in mind. I picked a number near the top of the weight range for my height. When I get there I will decide if I like what my body at that weight or I need to lose some more weight.

  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Ok, I had a weird experience today. When I weighed myself in the am, naked :wink: , before breakfast, I weighed 150. I went to my annual GYN exam about an hour and a half after breakfast and when the nurse weighed me, fully dressed, I weighed 153. Ok, 3 pounds for clothing, I get that. But, it still seemed high to me, as did my weight on my home scale. So, after the exam, I hopped on the scale again...this time naked :smile: and it read 146! That's a huge difference! I know I wasn't wearing 7 pounds of clothing before the exam! Ughh! So confusing! And it just says to me how very variable scales and measuring weight loss can me. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experienced such fluctuations.

    Just weigh yourself once a week and no more. Your body is going to fluctuate with what you eat and drink in a day. You are just frustrating yourself weighing three times a day. Lock the scale up and only take it out once a week. The same same and time each week. Also, make sure to take your measurements once a month. Those are just as important (if not more) than what the scale tells you. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    My goal for the month of March is still to break under the 200's. I would love to be 195 by the end of March. That would be an 8lb weight loss. I kicked it up to level 3 on my BL Boot Camp DVD today. It felt good to get that intense of a workout in this morning.

    You can do it. That is a great goal to have. Now, how do you plan on lossing it? Take time to plan that out as well and it will help you tremendously. :bigsmile:
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    You are absolutely right. I need to weigh myself once per week and no more....ITS SO HARD!!!:noway: I count only one of my many weigh ins as official for the week. Usually Wednesday mornings, but I still get on the scale many other times. I was just so surprised by the huge fluctuation. I'll get over it...and get off the scale :happy:
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    You are absolutely right. I need to weigh myself once per week and no more....ITS SO HARD!!!:noway: I count only one of my many weigh ins as official for the week. Usually Wednesday mornings, but I still get on the scale many other times. I was just so surprised by the huge fluctuation. I'll get over it...and get off the scale :happy:
  • thornbirds86
    thornbirds86 Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to join you guys this month. I lost my first 40 in under 6 months and platuead hard after that. But recently I started fresh and have lost another 14 lbs. Losing 5 lbs this month seems like a do-able goal, and I'd love the accountability of being in a group. I weighed in at 172.8 this morning. I can't wait to see how we all do!
  • Hi! I joined a couple days ago, and would like to take the March challenge plus 2. A nice even 155 for March.
  • Beth1978
    Beth1978 Posts: 19
    I would like to join the challenge! I joined the website yesterday, so I will use my weight as of yesterday.:happy:

    SW - 168.8
    March (mini goal) - 163.8
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