HELP? Scale won't budge, what am I doing wrong?

Let me just say as a side note here, that two years ago I lost 30 lbs in ten weeks. I started out at 195, I did cardio fusion twice a week and yoga twice a week (alternating days) as well as walked approx. 20 city blocks 4 days/week. My activity level outside of that was very sedentary, and I NEVER counted calories. I didn't overeat, but I enjoyed three meals a day, snacks, and sometimes dessert.
Present day: I have been diligently following MFP for almost five weeks, counting calories, etc. The guided program has me consuming no more than 1200 daily (net) and I workout five days a week, burning between 300-400 calories in each workout. (And yes, I eat back my exercise calories). So the big question...What in the world am I doing wrong? I don't understand! HELP


  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    You should take measurements. The scale is not the be-all and end-all of progress, and this coming from someone who weighs in everyday and gets mad at the number :tongue:
  • thethingirlinside
    I'm having that same problem ,I've been looking at a lot of differant opinions and I m going to try to cut out or eat less carbs a.d
    Replace with protein.but I sure will see how people answer on here . Thanks for posting
  • ImperfectedBeauty
    ImperfectedBeauty Posts: 124 Member
    Same problem. I follow MFP very closely, it has me eating 1200 cal/day to lose 2lb/week. I always eat back my exercise calories. Im at 213 right now.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    Stop eating back all of the calories you burned during your workouts.
  • LillyAnne
    LillyAnne Posts: 4 Member
    My fitness pal is too generous with the calories they give back from exercising. I would suggest if your working out- no matter how many calories you get back to only eat between 1300-1500. More than that and you will definitely gain weight! Also make sure that at least half of what your eating is fruits vegetables- it is easy to do it you have a smoothie or maybe a salad with meat- because i don't like eating fruits and veggies so i have to trick myself LOL .... anyway I hope this helps!!!
  • FightingGenetics
    FightingGenetics Posts: 108 Member
    Also look at what the calories are made out of. For example protein, carbs and fats. Not all calories are created equal. You may be able to break your barrier by changing the ratios of those three Macro nutrients. Try eating 50% protein 30% carbs and 20% fats. Also only eat back half of your exercise calories. If you use a ratio like this you may even be able to eat more Kcal throughout the day. Your body breaks them down in different ways and if you eat the right ratios at the right times you can eat more and still not turn it to fat.
  • t_nikki
    t_nikki Posts: 16
    Try and keep your carb count between 50-100 gm. I know many others here do not agree with low carb but for me it simply works! Too much fruit can sabotage your efforts too!
    Don't give up!
  • momofpre
    I am doing the same thing you are and the scale has stopped moving after just a 3 lb lose a month ago -- no loss since. I am stepping up my exercise routine and I'm eating some of the calories back but not all. I read an article that wheat may be the cause of weight retention so I'm going to try not to eat any for a week and see what happens. Good luck to you and hope you loose--weight that is!:smile:
  • Jongfaith
    Jongfaith Posts: 195
    I can eat under my calories every single day and never lose a pound. I must go low carb or stay the same. My body obviously doesn't need the carbs I love to eat! Try tweeking your macros, less carbs, less fat whatever you have to do. Something needs to change because your current excercise routine and eating habits are not showing you the results.
  • August_1958
    August_1958 Posts: 110 Member
    I identify with you, except m plateau is even greater. I lost 19 pounds in the first 3 months of my "diet" and have stayed within 3 pounds for the past 3 months. Basically I have not lost since June. I go up 3 pounds in small increments and go back down 2 pounds (in small decimals). I do not normally eat back my exercising calories. I've tried upping my calorie intake a few days and my weight just flies up 3 pounds. If I restrict my calories, I lose, but not beyond that 19 pound initial loss.
  • make sure your getting in your water.
    exercise and don't drop the calories under 1200 or you'll send your body into starvation mode.

    the most frequent stalls occur at 3 weeks, 3 , 6, and 9 months!
    During this time you are loosing inches - MEASURE YOURSELF!!
    your fat cells are relocating and getting ready for the next phase of weight loss.
    Stalls can last from 1-6 weeks.
    During this time it is good to reevaluate your habits and making sure that you are getting in enough protein, veggies, exercise and water :)
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    Do you know your tdee and bmr? I think that is a great starting place, honestly I don't think you are eating enough athough I suggest eating back only half of your exercise calories as they are often based too high.
  • lakingfish
    lakingfish Posts: 24 Member
    You may be doing nothing wrong. There are other measures than just the scale. In the past three weeks I have been working out 6 days a week and watching m calories closely. The scale has hardly moved but I've lost 3 inches around my waist.
  • michelekz
    I was told to eat 5 small meals during the day. You can't starve yourself, the weight will stay on if you do.Be smart. Everything fresh. Eat chicken and turkey. Avoid red meat. Nothing fried. No fast food. Plenty of fresh green veggies, etc. And LOTS of WATER. Drink a glass of water before and after your meals. This helps you stay full and hydrated. Stay away from fast food. But allow yourself to cheat once a month. Burger on!

    Sounds like your activity is great. Things should turn around when you metabolism kicks in! You go gurl!
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    My trainer says to not eat back the exercise calories unless I'm particularly hungry that day. Jillian Michaels says calories in calories out that it doesn't matter what the calories are from. For me though I really need to eat clean as they are calling it these day. I have to eat good and healthy most of the time. When I have a weekend of 1200 of cupcakes I don't do well. Not saying you're eating cupcakes, but if you're eating well and exercise hard it will come off. I'd look at the level you're exercising at and just tweak your diet. I know I know we're going into the holidays. Believe me I'm trying not to panic and make smart choices.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Were you on a very low cal diet when you lost that weight fast last time? You may have done damage to your metabolism.
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    Sodium. maybe you are like me and are best at 1500. your sodium is really high on days. try to cut back, might work.
  • theMrsisGonnagetFit
    make sure your getting in your water.
    exercise and don't drop the calories under 1200 or you'll send your body into starvation mode.

    Trust me, I drink plenty of water, upwards of 100-120 ounces some days!
  • theMrsisGonnagetFit
    Were you on a very low cal diet when you lost that weight fast last time? You may have done damage to your metabolism.

    Like I said I NEVER counted calories, so no, I was not on a low cal diet. I would eat sugary cereal or pastries for breakfast, subway or panda express for lunch, snack on fruits & veg, then eat dinner & sometimes dessert. I didn't have a goal weight even, just wanted to see what I could accomplish and the classes were through the college so they only lasted ten weeks. I don't understand your comment about doing damage to my metabolism, though, please elaborate!
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    I looked at your diary, good job at sticking at calories. I agree with others that you may not be burning what MFP is saying and thus are actually eating a little over, so try not to eat so much of the calories back.

    Also try to get more fresh fruit and veggies. It appears you eat quite a bit of packaged food. It is high in the sodium and I would assume sugar also. I see more losses the weeks I keep my sodium down (under 1500, preferably 1000mg a day) and make sure you are getting plenty of protein. I strive for at least 100 grams a day