the fake 'I'm so fat' comments



  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I always say, 'if you think you're so fat, then what must you think of me?' Normally shuts them up,

    Good one!

    I agree. I really like this response. :wink:
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    i just stare at their butt.

  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I always say, 'if you think you're so fat, then what must you think of me?' Normally shuts them up,

    Good one!

    I agree. I really like this response. :wink:

    If someone said that to me, and they were bigger than me, I'd probably call them a fat load, or a cow, or some other very large animal or object. Something offensive, at the very least.
  • Culley34
    Culley34 Posts: 224
    I had someone tell me they were going to lock me in a room and feed me until I gained enough weight to come out.

    I was like... "Hmmm... not exactly what I was going for..."
    As some one who was told at 43 pounds heavier "You look fine" while I felt like crap, I can tell you the weight hurt on me. If I annoyed anyone with my complaining about my weight or "fat", I apologize.

    However, I wish some one had said, you are welcome to come walk with me at lunch or have you tried the gym in our building... anything that would have been a tiny step to feeling better...

    It doesn't annoy me when someone fishes for compliments (heck we all need a hug now and then) , but your post reminds me to not to make my weight everyone else's issue..

    This! People have been telling me that I don't need to lose anymore weight about 30 pounds ago. I think its funny when I'm told how great I look... but I looked good before and didn't NEED to lose weight. I don't think 50 pounds is vanity weight.

    Currently I feel great and am finally comfortable enough in my own skin to start showing this new shape I've worked so hard for even though I'm still not where I want to be. I don't think I complain about the weight I still have to lose and only fish for compliments from people I haven't seen in months and haven't mentioned my weight loss. I think I have another 10-15 pounds to lose to be at my goal which I'm willing to put the time and effort into. Please don't tell me I don't need to lose weight. I'd rather hear "the last 10-15 pounds are the hardest to lose".
  • enigmachik
    I know a lot of people like that. Yes, very annoying. I work with people young enough to be my biological children. They constantly say, OH I am sooo old! Here I am creaking and cracklin when I walk, Finding grey in my hair and have a niece and nephew older than them! Plus the same kiddos talk about how chubbo they are. PHFTT. I have 50 more lbs to lose. Thats half their body weight! Who are they kidding!

    To be fair, when I was younger, I truly did feel old. It was difficult to mentally wrap my mind around the fact that I was leaving childhood behind. As a result, I'm sure I uttered the "I'm so old" comment in front of people older than me on a few occasions.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    How about repying, "It does seem like you've gained a bit of weigh recently..." :laugh:

    So much win.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I agree to some extent, because compliment fishing is annoying.

    Still, when I gained ten pounds and was still a normal, healthy weight, I felt fat and felt like I couldn't say anything about how I felt in front of my friends because they were heavier.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    I agree to some extent, because compliment fishing is annoying.

    Still, when I gained ten pounds and was still a normal, healthy weight, I felt fat and felt like I couldn't say anything about how I felt in front of my friends because they were heavier.

    This! It's all relative, I've never been 'overweight' in my life but I've had days where I 'feel' fat or bloated...And I might have been fat for me, as in fatter than I would normally be. Two of my best friends are properly overweight and I'd hate if I couldn't say to them, 'Uh, I feel fat' occasionally without them taking it personally, we've been friends since we were 12... Thin people can have 'fat days' too!
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    I always say, 'if you think you're so fat, then what must you think of me?' Normally shuts them up,

    This actually makes a lot of sense... If you are a thin person and you are having a day you feel fat, I don't think saying those things to someone is a lot heavier than you is having any consideration for their feelings either. There are a lot of heavier girls that are confident in themselves, but there are a lot that are not and also have image and body issues as well and by someone making those comments to them may just make them feel even worse about themselves. And when someone has about 50+ lbs on you and then you sit there complaining to them that you are fat, who wouldn't wonder well gee you think your fat, then you must think I am a cow!

    Some girls that are overweight do take the "fat" word as a hurtful word, and I am sure the majority of them would trade places any day with the person that is thinner. It is understandable why people would get annoyed by that.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    What counts as fat? I have gained about 25 pounds or so in the last few years. My BF is high for my (normal) weight. However, if someone were to look at me they would say I was small. As a matter of fact most people do. Nonetheless, I have gotten "fatter" than what I used to be.

    It drives me batty how so many women on here transfer another person's feelings to themselves. My feelings about myself don't always reflect what I think of others. A lot of cattyness in this thread. Moving along...


  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    YES! I totally agree. As someone who has been overweight her whole life (and has to work HARD to even be pudgy), this is SO irritating. It's like someone who makes a perfect score on an exam saying, "OMG I'm sooooo dumb" and everyone in the class knows they're the one who ruined the curve. I get that every woman has one of those days, but it's the people who consistently say it that are really the problem.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    No, I don't get annoyed with them, because I recognize the difference between "I feel fat" and "I am fat". A person is entitled to feel fat whether you think they are or not. I feel badly for a thin person who feels fat. I've been there and it's horrible.

    If you really believe they're fishing for attention, and don't seriously have a problem, then treat them like garbage and say things to shut them up. I'm sure you'll make a big difference.
  • Dawnymaries
    While some of them have serious issues and may actually believe they are fat, most of them probably don't. I've seen girls and women say this, get the response of "No, you're perfect!" to which the 'insecure' girl would reply with something like "Yeah, I guess I am". It's all about them wanting someone to tell them they're attractive. Just want attention.
  • LuckyMe381
    LuckyMe381 Posts: 105 Member
    people do not see themselves as you may think they are skinny or not overweight.but when they look in the mirror all they see is are your worst critic and most people look at the bad instead of the good when it comes to themselves....
  • abbylg1983
    abbylg1983 Posts: 177 Member
    Well...on the one hand, yes, they are shamelessly fishing for compliments. On the other hand, someone who looks awesome and knows it probably doesn't *need* to fish for compliments, so there is something psychological going on there. Or maybe they aren't self conscious about how they look, but they have low self esteem in every other aspect of their lives and need to hear how awesome they look (even though they know it) constantly.

    I am usually the one guilty of making 'I'm fat' comments (although only to my husband and people I am very close to). I know I am not fat, but I am also not as thin as I'd like to be. Looking in the mirror and seeing fat dimples on my butt, or seeing my muffin top hanging over my pants when they ride down, can ruin my good mood- no matter that I normally wear a size 2.
  • StarIsMoving
    Does anyone else get annoyed with thin women who talk about how fat they are all the time? I am not talking about the insecure type who feel they are fat and have body issues. I am referring to women who know they have an amazing figure, like to show it off and are very aware that they look good. I know someone like this and it really annoys me when she will come up with a random 'Oh I'm so fat' when she knows there is a group of people (mostly bigger people) around and someone will say 'Noooo! you have an amazing figure' or 'Don't be ridiculous you are stunning'. I wouldn't mind if I thought it was genuine but it is so obvious that she is just after compliments. I know there are a lot of people with genuine body issues but I know this person isn't one of them.
    Yes it is quite annoying, but if it's someone that is "just after compliments" then it sounds like she would fall in the category of "the insecure type". Maybe she's not insecure about her body, but she has other insecurities that mean she can only feel good about herself if she's getting regular compliments on her body.

    I've always found it strange that people's behaviour is so easily dismissed as "attention seeking"; don't you ever wonder why they need to seek attention so desperately? Not saying that this woman doesn't sound extremely annoying, but it's something to think about.

    ^^ This. Makes me wonder
  • TanzaMarie
    TanzaMarie Posts: 94 Member
    People seem to think that I am a good person to complain about being fat to. I understand that it's all relative so I generally try my best to be understanding...unless you are a size 0. I have three of these in my life who complain about their wear a non're fine.
  • rubixcyoob
    If they are genuinely insecure then so be it. It doesn't matter how big or small someone is, or appears to be, to you - if they are insecure, they are insecure and nothing can be done about that. I'm a member of a wedding forum and said I'm a UK 10-12 atm and want to get to an 8-10 and more toned. Some woman told me I was perfect the way I was and I did feel happy she said so (I wasn't looking for compliments), but all my life I've had an eating issue/body issues, which means that no matter how other people view me I can't see it - ever.

    However, there is a girl in my class. She's a stripper, she goes out wearing nothing and randomly flashes guys her boobs and body because she thinks it's 'hot'. Then claims she's 'fat' and blah de blah. Those two don't go hand in hand, and I just want to kick her in the face and tell her to stop acting and fishing for compliments.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I agree to some extent, because compliment fishing is annoying.

    Still, when I gained ten pounds and was still a normal, healthy weight, I felt fat and felt like I couldn't say anything about how I felt in front of my friends because they were heavier.

    This! It's all relative, I've never been 'overweight' in my life but I've had days where I 'feel' fat or bloated...And I might have been fat for me, as in fatter than I would normally be. Two of my best friends are properly overweight and I'd hate if I couldn't say to them, 'Uh, I feel fat' occasionally without them taking it personally, we've been friends since we were 12... Thin people can have 'fat days' too!

    I agree with both posters. Fishing for compliment people can be irritating but it's all relative on what a person views as "fat". I thought of myself as having gotten fat because I gained weight and was at a weight I didn't feel comfortable at. I felt fat but I was still in the "healthy weight category" and not classified as "overweight." I still have "fat" days but the fear of inadvertently making an actual overweight person feel bad apparently means I have to keep my mouth shut?
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Reply: "Yeah, I think you should do something about that."