What grinds your gears?



  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    When people don't know the difference between your and you're

    ^^^ This and "two, to and too" and "they're, their and there."

    Then there's the annoyance of shorthand (i.e. lik=like, dat=that, wat=what, ur=you're/your, etc.)
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    - Idiots on the road
    - Couples who are basically raping in public
    - People who don't watch where they're going
    - Unreliable people
    - My mother's nagging
    - When people who barely know me, think that they know what's best for me
    - Rude people
    - When people get annoyed with me because I won't eat junk food

    I spose you could say people in general? LOL
  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    when people let their kids run around the store like a pack of wild animals.
    and when people stop in the middle of the pathway when im trying to walk through.

    Oh! I agree! I'm a mom to 4 kids and I cannot stand those parents that let their kids treat the store like it's a GD Mc Donald's PlayPalace. Only difference is, I actually tell those mothers/fathers/grandparents/etc. to rein the kids in before I make a comment to the manager. If I can control ALL four of my children while shopping (who are 8, 5, 2 & 1/2 and a 3 week old newborn), then they can control theirs.
  • RNTanya
    RNTanya Posts: 26 Member
    Swamp gas

    ...in that order
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    when I try to get off the bus with the stroller and people start getting on. They see me right away coming and they just move to the side and stand tall as if it helps...ummm helloooo...Its a Quinny 4XL Freestyle stroller....Not exactly small....MOVE!!!
  • RMLMoore
    RMLMoore Posts: 130 Member
    People who use the term "ignorant" to mean rude instead of uninformed.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Vegans/ Vegetarians trying to push everyone to be the same...sorry but I LOVE my meat & we ARE meat eaters.

    Same for religion..... if I wanted to be anything other than Pagan then I would be... I'm not pushing mine onto you.... don't do the same to me... I don't come knocking at YOUR door on a Saturday but I WILL answer it naked just to shock you out of here.

    People who speed & then complain about being caught by speed cameras "they are just revenue raisers" ....sorry don't speed & they DO NOT MAKE MONEY.....

    Drivers on mobile phones while driving.... how many times I've almost been hit cause someone was texting or talking on it...... FFS DRIVE while in the car.

    Rude people who walk 2,3,4 abreast on the footpath all while I walk behind someone in front of me to make a single file....... YOU DO NOT WON THE PATH

    People with prams who EXPECT someone to help them on & off transport....... sorry but I did it all on my own.... you can as well.... plus unless you are going to explain to my DR why my back just got so much worse & YOU are going to pay for the treatment... then I'm sitting in my seat.

    There is soooooooooooooo many more, but these ones are just from TODAY alone.
  • Dagoth
    Dagoth Posts: 172
    Family Guy
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    when people let their kids run around the store like a pack of wild animals.
    and when people stop in the middle of the pathway when im trying to walk through.

    Oh! I agree! I'm a mom to 4 kids and I cannot stand those parents that let their kids treat the store like it's a GD Mc Donald's PlayPalace. Only difference is, I actually tell those mothers/fathers/grandparents/etc. to rein the kids in before I make a comment to the manager. If I can control ALL four of my children while shopping (who are 8, 5, 2 & 1/2 and a 3 week old newborn), then they can control theirs.

    Amen!!! I have 4 as well ages 7, 5, 4 and 1 and they are always on their best behavior when we are in stores. Ive been so tempted to parent someones children for them...Actually I have! Been a few times where I whisper to the kid they should go over there and listen to their mommy.
  • StarIsMoving
    Parents who put their kids on a leash... it's a little human, not a dog... just sayin'
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    People who are NOT handicapped, but still park in handicap parking spots because they are "just running into the bank or the store." Well, these parking places are made for people who can't just "run into the bank or the store" due to an injury or health reasons.
    People who leave their pets in cars with just the windows cracked while they just run into a bank or store. In just 10 minutes a car can heat up 20 degrees. On an 80 degree day, the inside of a closed car can quickly exceed 100 degrees. Come on people, pets are family. Then again, I have seen people do this with their kids to.
  • nikilovesaxl
    Parents who put their kids on a leash... it's a little human, not a dog... just sayin'

    This too.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    When people specifically ASK for a person's advice ....then go and do exactly as they please. :noway:

    When pedestrians cross the road and take all the time in the world to smell the roses while doing so...and im waaaiiiiting.:sad:

    When someone stands behind me in line at the grocery checkout and their cart keeps nudging me :sick:
  • nikilovesaxl
    People who are NOT handicapped, but still park in handicap parking spots because they are "just running into the bank or the store." Well, these parking places are made for people who can't just "run into the bank or the store" due to an injury or health reasons.
    People who leave their pets in cars with just the windows cracked while they just run into a bank or store. In just 10 minutes a car can heat up 20 degrees. On an 80 degree day, the inside of a closed car can quickly exceed 100 degrees. Come on people, pets are family. Then again, I have seen people do this with their kids to.

    And this.Haha.
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    Jehovah Witnesses....Im sorry....But pleeeeeeaasseee stop coming to my door.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Parents who put their kids on a leash... it's a little human, not a dog... just sayin'

    I HAD to do that to my son. He refused to hold my hand & I was NOT going to squeeze it that hard to hold him. Those things are for SAFETY. Please don't judge that one till you have been there. My son had no control over watching where he was walking or running off till he was 18 years old... I used it till he was 5 & then he went to school. Should have tried excursions with him to places like the zoo. Not fun when he is SCREAMING at you to let go of his hand so he can climb a fence. You keep your dog SAFE by using one.... same with kids.
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    People who are NOT handicapped, but still park in handicap parking spots because they are "just running into the bank or the store." Well, these parking places are made for people who can't just "run into the bank or the store" due to an injury or health reasons.
    People who leave their pets in cars with just the windows cracked while they just run into a bank or store. In just 10 minutes a car can heat up 20 degrees. On an 80 degree day, the inside of a closed car can quickly exceed 100 degrees. Come on people, pets are family. Then again, I have seen people do this with their kids to.

    And this.Haha.

    Im sorry..But Ive tilted m head so many ways and even zoomed in and I cannot figure out what your ticker pic is!

    Oh wait!!! I see it!! awwwwwww
  • citygirl04
    citygirl04 Posts: 286 Member
    Ignorant people, rude people, & I hate waiting on people. Drives me nuts cause I'm always on time. If you're gonna be late pick up the phone.
  • nikilovesaxl
    People who are NOT handicapped, but still park in handicap parking spots because they are "just running into the bank or the store." Well, these parking places are made for people who can't just "run into the bank or the store" due to an injury or health reasons.
    People who leave their pets in cars with just the windows cracked while they just run into a bank or store. In just 10 minutes a car can heat up 20 degrees. On an 80 degree day, the inside of a closed car can quickly exceed 100 degrees. Come on people, pets are family. Then again, I have seen people do this with their kids to.

    And this.Haha.

    Im sorry..But Ive tilted m head so many ways and even zoomed in and I cannot figure out what your ticker pic is!

    Oh wait!!! I see it!! awwwwwww

    Its my rat hiding under my dog :laugh:.
  • mjhedgehog
    mjhedgehog Posts: 249 Member
    Omg, how could I forget....

    That STUPID trout pout, kissy face with the puckered lips like 85% of girls do in photos!!!!

    haha the duck face! yeah I hate that too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itjHUM5B9uM

    ^theres a whole song about it. the duck face grinds my gears too.

    umm what else.... kids who run around like crazy in stores.

    people who make really big messes in clothing stores (like when they just throw stuff on the ground)

    people who call other people stupid online but half their post has grammatical/spelling errors

    people who HAVE to find someone to blame for something no matter what