How do I stop cutting myself?



  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    You get professional mental health help. Specifically seek out DBT or Dialectical Behavioral Therapy.

    You don't seek mental health help from strangers on the Internet who can't relate.
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    I had issues with self destruction. I would do some pretty bad things to hurt myself to make the pain go away. As I was told, I am only as sick as my secrets. I got with someone who walked me through a program to get rid of the "Wreckage of the past" and be able to use it to help others and quit hurting myself.
    I lived in pain and misery and wanted everyone else to live there also. I hated my life, my wife, my job, my environment and everyone around me. The funny thing is, nothing has changed and my life is a better life than I could have imagined for myself.
    IMHO, paid professionals keep you coming back, that is how they get paid. But to connect with a group of people that know how you feel and have been there is priceless. The only return they get is to see you get better, and that is what keep them sane.

    I will keep you in my prayers, I know what the pain and misery feels like, but I also know what peace and serenity feels like once getting rid of the pain.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Australian resources:

    Go see

    There are a bunch of contact numbers in the back, talk to them.
  • SashaMegan
    SashaMegan Posts: 110 Member
    I had that kind of trouble about ten years ago. You need to speak out loud what hurts you. Rejection, stress, violence, anger... If people hurt you, you should speak your mind. Maybe you need to take a physical, geographical distance with a situation or people.
    That way you won't have to replace the sentimental pain by a physical one.
    Use your painful energy to turn it into will to go forward.
    And of course, couseling can help!

    I hope you get better soon! :flowerforyou:
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    IMHO, paid professionals keep you coming back, that is how they get paid.

    That argument only works in a private healthcare system though. In most countries (certainly here in the UK and across Europe) access to counselling is free and time is limited as it's oversubscribed, so the aim for the doctor is completely reversed (ie get them fixed properly so they don't need to come back, and get it done quickly as there's a long waiting list).
  • RumRum85
    RumRum85 Posts: 61 Member
    Why cutting yourself? Why not better kicking someone else *kitten* down? Boxing, Taekwondo, catch!!
    if you like to feel pain in your legs you may go to run long distances, will be painful and you'll feel sore muscles for a couple of days and you will have a sensation of "hey I ****ing did it! I cover ... uhm... 21km!!" without marks, blood, grabbing new (and cheaper) t-shirts by signin in the races and getting (more) sexy ;)

    Of course I'm talking without knowing you, so sorry if I mentioned things you've already tried
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Why cutting yourself? Why not better kicking someone else *kitten* down? Boxing, Taekwondo, catch!!
    if you like to feel pain in your legs you may go to run long distances, will be painful and you'll feel sore muscles for a couple of days and you will have a sensation of "hey I ****ing did it! I cover ... uhm... 21km!!" without marks, blood, grabbing new (and cheaper) t-shirts by signin in the races and getting (more) sexy ;)

    Of course I'm talking without knowing you, so sorry if I mentioned things you've already tried

    Umm yeah.. I already work out 6 days a week.. including running 3-4 of those days..
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    I have been there, and know what you mean by it being the only thing that stops the pain. For me what eventually made me stop was my husband putting out an ultimatum. I knew that I would lose my family if I did not stop. But even then to do that I had to find ways to replace the cutting. A good scream, punching a bed and now working out. It is not easy nor is it the same for every one. Best of luck and praying for you.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I had a very difficult upbringing and moved out when I was 16. I got into a little trouble and someone almost took my life (I was strangled but woke from up). That was when I was 19. I thought this is not me, this is not my life, there is better and I will have it. I started making myself better in every aspect I could. I exercised, I worked, I went to school and made goals. I now do nursing, have a house, a car that is reliable, am 8 lbs heavier than I would like, have a great relationship (no yelling/physical abuse) and am happy. They say you have to hit rock bottom with a lot of behavior to really want to make a difference with your life. I did not see a counseler to change my mind and I dont think it would have helped. I changed when I wanted to. Unfortunately I almost died in the process. When you are ready to change you will.
    Btw, I know someone who cut his tendons and lost function to his hand. Talk about depressed
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    Look, I know where you are coming from. For many years I cut my arms to release emotional pain. For me the physical pain was easier to deal with and went away faster than the emotional pain I was feeling. You need to find something to take your mind off of your issues. For me, my kids saved my life. Specifically my oldest son. When you have someone else depending on you, it kind of puts your problems in perspective. Also, find someone, anyone, that you can talk to. This is much more common than you believe. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to add me. I will listen.
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    IMHO, paid professionals keep you coming back, that is how they get paid.

    That argument only works in a private healthcare system though. In most countries (certainly here in the UK and across Europe) access to counselling is free and time is limited as it's oversubscribed, so the aim for the doctor is completely reversed (ie get them fixed properly so they don't need to come back, and get it done quickly as there's a long waiting list).

    Thank you for that. My apologies for assuming everything is like it is here!
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    You need to seek proper professional help immediately and not look for answers on an internet forum. Because among the sane rational responses you get here, you will also get unhelpful useless replies.

    You said you can't afford to go to a doctor, well find a way to afford it.
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    There has been a huge amount of help for individuals with cutting issues using a therapy technique called Dialectic Behavioral Therapy or DBT for short. Find a good therapist that is TRAINED in this, and give it a try. What is there to lose? PM me if you want more detailed info.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    You need to seek proper professional help immediately and not look for answers on an internet forum. Because among the sane rational responses you get here, you will also get unhelpful useless replies.

    You said you can't afford to go to a doctor, well find a way to afford it.

    Okay sure. I'll just find a tree which money grows on.. :huh:
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    so what you are saying is that you want to stop cutting yourself, and you know kinda how to do it, but its not bad enough to sort out the finances to do it.

    you already know the answer. so why ask?
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    You need to seek proper professional help immediately and not look for answers on an internet forum. Because among the sane rational responses you get here, you will also get unhelpful useless replies.

    You said you can't afford to go to a doctor, well find a way to afford it.

    Okay sure. I'll just find a tree which money grows on.. :huh:

    knives dont either.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    so what you are saying is that you want to stop cutting yourself, and you know kinda how to do it, but its not bad enough to sort out the finances to do it.

    you already know the answer. so why ask?

    Uhh I actually have no idea how to do it...?
    I have been to counsellors before and they didn't help at all?
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    With dieting we make a consious decision to eat healthier foods, eat less calories and exercise even when we dont feel like it. Some of us stick to it daily. Just stop is the best advice I can give. Make the choice today and every day not to do it. Get rid of the Exactos
  • sezhep
    sezhep Posts: 57
    I used to cut, and starve myself, and scratch/punch myself.. I was afraid of counsellors, hated the thought of them, tried it once and it confirmed my hatred.
    I don't know what happened, but I just stopped. Don't even know what I did. I guess my life just took a turn for the better, or maybe I realised it wasn't so bad in the first place. Now I'm left with dirty horrible scares that embarrass me.
    So even if you can't seek help, maybe just stop actively looking for it, and actively try to see the better things in life.. and you might stop without even realising you tried to.
  • bobbilaplante
    bobbilaplante Posts: 2 Member
    i also cut myself for a number of years. honestly i had to get mad at myself and want more happiness for myself. now that being said it is always easier said than done. first realize that what has driven you to do this is all in the past, whether that is yesterday or 10 years ago. i found holding ice cubes in my hands produced a small amount of the pain that i needed to create in order to allow myself to focus for a short period of time. i also found a spot in the town that i enjoyed being at, made me feel peaceful. i would ensure that i allowed myself some time weekly to bike there( as hard and fast as i could go, caused me to be tired and i liked to physical pain it caused also) the i would relax by the river and listen to my music for a short period of time. then return home. this is what helped me to turn my focus away from cutting. i did the meds, i talked to more people than i can remember, but in the end it is what i did for myself. 18 years later i still want to cut when things get bad. i almost did a few months ago, but i remind myself that i have different standards now!! you too can do this, it is one thought at a time. and no one else can help you, they can only encourage you to do things differently!!
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