I'm tired and I'm struggling.



  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    I agree that this lifestyle change is 90%+ mental, just like running is totally a mental game (I have just recently learned this). When your body tells you it's time to stop, your mind must tell you to keep going. YOU CAN DO THIS. Not every day will be perfect, not every meal will be just the way it should, but we all have slip ups, and in the end, remember why you're losing weight - for yourself and your health!
  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
    I feel like I can relate to you right now. I maintained my weight loss for a year and a half and then for some reason in the last few months I stopped exercising regularly and started eating poorly. This is a bad time of year to lose focus. Shorter days, colder weather, and the start of holiday goodies at the office daily are killing me. Also, I am very tired from the no exercise and crappy food. I gotta figure out a way to get remotivated also!!! I was thinking about buying a new workout video. Maybe that would get me excited. Also thought about a friendly workout/healthy eating challenge with my husband. Hope you can find something to get you re-motivated!! Good luck!
  • Yolanda4160
    Yolanda4160 Posts: 170 Member
    ((hugs)) try to surround yourself with positive, motivated people that will help you stay on track. Sometimes the best motivation is a kind word from someone else, fitting into a smaller size, etc. Believe me- I started in January and the first 20 pounds came off pretty quickly, but then it slowed. I have reached 60 pounds now, but I am in the gym daily! -- only because I remind myself how far I have come :) It takes a lot of dedication, but it is worth it in the end! :) Good luck and god bless
  • bhfood
    bhfood Posts: 77
    I sympathize. It is a battle, but it IS a battle that can be won. support I think is key. This site has been instrumental to my latest efforts and I am committed to making exercise and good nutrition my lifestyle. key word: LIFE. It will be a lifelong way of going about our daily routines. It must be a priority. If you're at your best do it in the morning. if you get up earlier to do it you will have way more energy aNd if you're better at night, do it then but find vaRied waYs to exercise, that;s aNother thing I'm doing this time aRound that I didn;t do before. now I;m not getting bored aS much. Good luck aNd haNg in there.
  • JEG2012
    JEG2012 Posts: 158
    I agree with everyone above me. There will always be good and bad days, but more good that bad. Take it day be day. Yes, it seems you have a lot of changes going on right now, but you embrace each one of them knowing you will overcome and succeed! Losing and keeping 1-2 pound off each week is wonderful, be proud girl!

    Add me if you like, I'll be there to cheer you on your victories and nudge you when you're feeling blue.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    My three things for today.

    1) STOP! Stop everything you're doing and go out and take a 5-10-15 minute walk. Stop reading this and go do that right NOW!
    2) Lose the "or" mentality. The only failure is in giving up. Don't focus on being perfect - just make sure that the next decision you make is a better one.
    3) Turn off every single sensory input device you have and go stare out a window or up at the sky for 5 minutes.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    It's a constant struggle, and it often doesn't get easier.

    Pinpoint exactly what is throwing your off of your routine, and find ways to work around it.
  • sarafay80
    sarafay80 Posts: 41 Member
    Set yourself up for succes. A couple things I have recently changed that re-energized me:

    1) Planning a menu for meals. Lowered my shopping efforts and made my week easier. I get everything ready for breakfast and lunch for the work week. This has reduced my stress and my ability to deviate and go out instead.

    2) Try a new workout/workout partner/group class, etc. Make your exercise portion new again. Dedicate the days of the week you will go to the gym and be consistent with it. I recently trained with a trainer for a month (they had a special) and it really renewed my faith that I CAN DO THIS! When I go to group classes I feel the same - watching the others around me and knowing they all started somewhere.

    BELIEVE in yourself! You have the knowledge to continue your successful journey. Make eating right and exercising easy and fun - this has really re-energized me.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    we all have problems. we all can make excuses to take a day or two off, to say that we'll start tomorrow or whatever.

    do what you need to do.

    work hard.

    no excuses.

    play like a champion.
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    The past is the past there is nothing you can do to change it. Each day recommit yourself. Take it one day at time.

    I sounds like you are stressed. Use exercise as a form of stress relief.
  • s_wicked
    s_wicked Posts: 28 Member
    I think you are in overload mode.You are trying to deal with everything at the same time. I will pass along some crazy and completely doable advice...deal with your diet and boyfriend. write all other issues on strips of paper and put in a bag. Everyday or once a week, its up to you, pull out an issue to deal with. Tell anyone that comes along with issues that its nt their turn!!!! My children thought i was crazy for a while and gave me space t think!!!
  • wtxhale
    wtxhale Posts: 54 Member
    I have been feeling the same way..............Stress from family, work, living, and traveling issues caused me to return to bad habits and gained but I refuse to give up. Many of my friends here do not criticize me but they encourage me through words and seeing their success.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    One thing about weight loss.....there is no law that says you can't start over. But you have to be ready. Are you REALLY ready?
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    I recently went through this exact same thing. I was tired of eating healthy, I was tired of exercising every day, I was just tired. I started a new internship plus taking college classes.... anyway my solution was just to eat whatever I wanted for a few days and take a break off exercise. While it probably isn't the healthiest decision, I absolutely know that, it did make me desire exercise and healthy food again. After a few days of not working out and eating some junk (I didn't go hog-wild, still ate fruits and veggies just didn't say no to sugary sweets) I really craved exercise and my clean diet again. Maybe you just need a small break! It could be good for you mentally and physically.
  • nklunk
    nklunk Posts: 149 Member
    I'm right there with you. I was doing so well with my workout and diet then my hubby switched jobs and now works 6pm to 6am 7 on 7 off. So when he is working nights I am at home with our 2 year old and the dog. I was in a grove of coming home making dinner watching an hour of tv or doing some chores then starting my workout around 7 and so on and so on. The first week he switched was so hard to adjust to. The baby doesn't go to bed till 8 or after and I'm someone that needs sleep and goes to bed around 9 9:30 and start my day around 4:30 or 5 cause I now also have to take the baby to the sitter. So now I know I can atleast get an hour workout in on the weeks he is working nights which means I cut back on my calories those weeks and then on the weeks he is off I up my calories and workout for atleast 2 hours or more. So far it has worked out good. Just sit down and make a plan of what will work for you!! Good luck!!
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    I traveled almost EVERY WEEKEND between May and September so I know its hard. And soon again it will get easier. Its going to fluctuate. When its easy, figure out what works for you. Here is what I do:

    1. 100 ounces of water a day minimum
    2. I redid my calories calculations based on HelloItsDan's roadmap. Search for it.
    3. Log everything. Shoot for your daily goal but if that doesnt work, look at the week's average.
    4. Weigh and measure everything. Its amazing how a few ounces can equate to a few hundred calories.
    5. Even if the scale doesnt move, you might lose inches or enough for others to notice.

    Dont give up because the alternative is to quit and gain the weight back.
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    Go shopping for a bathing suit.
    Then look at the success stories here.
    Then look at your own profile page.
    Then look back at the success stories.

    I know it sounds like i'm joking, but my point is- remind yourself why you need to continue, what can be accomplished, and why you want it... then decide if you should keep going.

    I think you already know, but it always helps to remind ourselves. You can do it- you've done a great job before and you'll do it again.
    good luck.
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    You're doing great. You're worth it. Celebrate your progress.

    Make the choice every day to get better. You have done so much already, just keep working and it will pay off. Some days or weeks it will seem like you're not getting anywhere, but over the long haul, you will make great progress and eventually get to where you want to be.
  • km33443
    km33443 Posts: 11 Member
    Don't give up! Try to take things one choice at a time. If you have a rough day, don't beat yourself up about it (much easier said than done, I know).

    You have been doing a great job. I don't have many friends here on MFP, but you are one of them. I have felt inspired seeing your progress and determination thus far. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. Make time for yourself to reboot mentally. Don't try to take on too much at one time. Do what you can do, be proud of the progress you have made, and once you are ready to go back at it full force - keep pushing.

    Hang in there!!
  • cortney_weiss
    cortney_weiss Posts: 57 Member
    Maria, you got this!!! I see lots of people "telling" you what to do. But I want to encourage you, motivate you, you can do this. If you want it that bad, you will make that change. I know I was really down when I wanted to lose the weight. So once you're ready to make that commitment, you're ready to rock :)