Loved the MOVIE hated the BOOK

Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
This is a tough one but the only one that comes to my mind is "Marley and me".


  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    The closest I can come was Interview with the Vampire. The book had a lot of boring parts and it was hard imagining what the author was really talking about, but the movie really brought everything to life and I liked the ending to the movie better.
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    Can I go with a TV show? I'm having a super hard time reading through the Game of Thrones books but I loved season 1 of the TV series!
  • petechiae
    petechiae Posts: 147 Member
    Can I go with a TV show? I'm having a super hard time reading through the Game of Thrones books but I loved season 1 of the TV series!

    It's funny, I think the books are really great. There are a lot of details and characters so it's hard to follow, but it's totally worth it because you start to make links and understand things that are not as obvious or just not mentioned in the TV series. : )
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    Can I go with a TV show? I'm having a super hard time reading through the Game of Thrones books but I loved season 1 of the TV series!

    It's funny, I think the books are really great. There are a lot of details and characters so it's hard to follow, but it's totally worth it because you start to make links and understand things that are not as obvious or just not mentioned in the TV series. : )

    Very true. I just find that there are a lot of really dry parts in the books which could have been left out without hurting the book at all. But I do think that if I hadn't already read the books I wouldn't have understood some of what was happening in the show. There were a lot of times while my bf and I were watching it where he was like "what?!" and I'd have to explain something to him.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    Pet Cemetary
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Pet Cemetary
    Take it back!!!

    Or at least spell it correctly.

    Pet Sematery was fabulous as a book, as are all of Stephen's books. They can't do justice to his writing on a movie screen...
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    Pet Cemetary
    Take it back!!!

    Or at least spell it correctly.

    Pet Sematery was fabulous as a book, as are all of Stephen's books. They can't do justice to his writing on a movie screen...

    #truth! I've hated every Stephen King movie that I've seen but LOVE his books!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    This will be a short thread. :laugh:

    I can think of movies where I didn't *read* the book, but not one where I *hated* the book. Hmmmm...
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    Blade Runner.
    Nope. Can't think of anything else-it's usually the other way round!

    (ie I love the book but hate the movie!)
  • rhvandan
    rhvandan Posts: 185
    Another tv show... The Vampire Diaries. The show is pretty good, the books are CRAP. In the books, Elena is a whiny, empty headed twit... In the show, she isn't the epitome of depth and volume, but at least she has some inner strength and a fairly large intellect.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Pet Cemetary
    Take it back!!!

    Or at least spell it correctly.

    Pet Sematery was fabulous as a book, as are all of Stephen's books. They can't do justice to his writing on a movie screen...

    Except for Shawshank Redemption and Green Mile...those 2 were GOOD movie adaptations, for a change!

    I ♥ SK

    The 8 hour Miniseries for The Stand was pretty good too....
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    Lord of the Rings

    * only coz i kept falling asleep while reading*
  • valerieschram
    valerieschram Posts: 97 Member
    "Into the Wild." I didn't hate the book, but the movie actually had more details.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Pet Cemetary
    Take it back!!!

    Or at least spell it correctly.

    Pet Sematery was fabulous as a book, as are all of Stephen's books. They can't do justice to his writing on a movie screen...

    Except for Shawshank Redemption and Green Mile...those 2 were GOOD movie adaptations, for a change!

    I ♥ SK

    That is correct! Also, please see: the original Shining with Jack Nicholson......
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    Lord of the Rings

    * only coz i kept falling asleep while reading*

    I'm with you on that. The books drag on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on..
  • kzivic
    kzivic Posts: 326 Member
    I liked the movie "Water for Elephants" better than the book. I like how the movie streamlined the story of Jacob as an old man and didn't keep flashing between him in the past and him in present like the book did.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Can I go with a TV show? I'm having a super hard time reading through the Game of Thrones books but I loved season 1 of the TV series!

    It's funny, I think the books are really great. There are a lot of details and characters so it's hard to follow, but it's totally worth it because you start to make links and understand things that are not as obvious or just not mentioned in the TV series. : )

    Very true. I just find that there are a lot of really dry parts in the books which could have been left out without hurting the book at all. But I do think that if I hadn't already read the books I wouldn't have understood some of what was happening in the show. There were a lot of times while my bf and I were watching it where he was like "what?!" and I'd have to explain something to him.

    I feel that way about all of the parts about the wall. Yet, in the series, I love Jon Snow, so I prefer the series in that sense.

    This is one of the few books where I recommend people watching it first. It makes it so much easier to follow if you have seen it first.
  • thatonegirlamy
    TV show but The Vampire Diaries...I love the show but the books sucked! Lord of the Rings is a good one.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Anal Angels 12.

    some of that stuff just doesnt translate well on paper...

    :noway: :laugh: You'll be the guy that manages to get a thread about books locked. emot-hfive.gif
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Starship Troopers. I thought the book was a snore, but loved the movie.