Wii Etc (Fit, Fit Plus, EA....) Team for March



  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    How can you change the time minute allotment

    Well the beginner just gives you 3 minutes. If you go to advanced, you get 6, and at expert , 10. It took me a few times to get the hang of the foot work in advanced. The expert level is like the advanced except that its moves so much faster and goes a full 10 minutes.
  • Mrs0
    Mrs0 Posts: 3
    Hiya everyone, hope it's ok to join this thread, I'm a fan of the wii esp in this weather. I do wii fit plus and have just bought just dance, I really enjoy it, esp the cotton eye joe dance, good exercise and reminds me of being a slim teenager.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Hiya everyone, hope it's ok to join this thread, I'm a fan of the wii esp in this weather. I do wii fit plus and have just bought just dance, I really enjoy it, esp the cotton eye joe dance, good exercise and reminds me of being a slim teenager.
    Welcome....haven't seen the just dance. Sounds like fun!!! I used to love to do the cotton eye joe!!!! Will have to look for it!
  • gatorkdr1
    gatorkdr1 Posts: 16
    Woo hoo!
    Wii Fit
    Biggest Loser
    Gold Cardio Gym
    My fitness coach
    Just Dance

    I have the same wii games! :)

    My weight in for Biggest Loser is on Tuesdays, just like the show. I really need to work out a routine because I really enjoy each game but there are not enough hours in the day.

    My goal is to do 45 mins of activity 5 days this week. Last week I did 30 and it was great. Not sure how I will break it up between all those games.

    Just Dance 3 days a week for 10-15 mins (I use this as my warm up)
    Gold's Gym 3 days a week for 20-30mins.
    Biggest Loser 2 days a week this varies between 20-40 mins
    Wii Fit 20-30 mins 2 days a week

    My fitness coach is still new to me so I am trying to see what I like about it.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,401 Member
    Let's try this one more time now.....

    I have My Fitness Coach. I am trying (at least for now) to do a minimum of 15 minutes of yoga/night (this is in addition to my regular workouts). One thing I find is that the "trainer" gives you the instructions once and then you are to remember the correct sequence for the next however many times you are to do it. Like the sun salutation, she gives the instructions once and that's all. Honestly, I don't remember what moves come after which ones and when to come out of the move.

    Is there a special setting so that she will prompt you thru the entire sequence multiple times rather than just once?

  • Lucias
    Lucias Posts: 3
    Well, first of all, I wanted to say that I'm grateful for this place, I did Weight Watchers for many many years and I find this liberating!To keep on the topic of the wii, I did wii Active for the first time today and I love it! Maybe I'll follow somebody's idea and won't count the calories earned. Just keep on using the ones I have been using, while they have been enough anyways.
    My muscles seams like made of rubber, it is been a very long time since I exercise, but it also feels good, I hope I can keep it up.
    I love this place!
  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    Hey Everyone! I did day 4 of the 30 Day Challenge yesterday evening. I felt the burn really kicking in while doing jump lunges! Afterward, I set up a custom workout for an additional 10 minutes doing running, boxing, dancing, and tennis. It was great!

    Hope everyone here is having a great week! :)
  • neonhorn22
    I admire those that can do the Super Hula Hoop for 10 minutes! I have it on 6 minutes and I feel like I'm going to die!

    I had to stop doing Wii Fit Plus for a bit because my body was starting to get used to the routine, so I've been switching it up and getting on my elliptical.
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Evening everyone.

    I did 46 mins on Wii tonight, wii fit free step and EA active custom arm workout - 169 calories burned. Still went over my calories today :grumble:

    I just can't seem to get motivated just now but I will kick my own butt and carry on!!!! Tomorrow is another day and it will be better :laugh:

    Good job to everyone else meeting their targets. Keep it up :heart:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I did 46 mins on Wii tonight, wii fit free step and EA active custom arm workout - 169 calories burned. Still went over my calories today :grumble:

    Great job eclairuk,

    You shouldn't worry about going over too much in calories. More than likely you burned more than 169 calories.
    Taking that into consideration, you didn't go over as much as you think . :wink: :drinker:
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Let's try this one more time now.....

    I have My Fitness Coach. I am trying (at least for now) to do a minimum of 15 minutes of yoga/night (this is in addition to my regular workouts). One thing I find is that the "trainer" gives you the instructions once and then you are to remember the correct sequence for the next however many times you are to do it. Like the sun salutation, she gives the instructions once and that's all. Honestly, I don't remember what moves come after which ones and when to come out of the move.

    Is there a special setting so that she will prompt you thru the entire sequence multiple times rather than just once?


    Someone with My Fitness Coach help her out.

    I know on the Wii Fit Plus there is a button for DEMO so you can get instructed again, but I have no clue about My Fitness Coach.
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    I didn't do yoga tonight but I did 30 minutes of free step instead. I don't start work until late tomorrow, so I figured I could start my day with yoga which is always so energizing. I also walked to and from work (3 miles round trip) so I had a good day.

    Also, I found this which I thought some of you might me interested in:


    I haven't had time to read the whole thing yet, but it looks like EASA More Workouts will definitely be my next purchase.
  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    I am on day 10 of 30 of the EA Active program.
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    Just got my step 'riser' for the balance board tonight! yay! I am excited to try it with tomorrow's workout! I'll let you know how it goes!
  • irismoon
    irismoon Posts: 83
    Let's try this one more time now.....

    I have My Fitness Coach. I am trying (at least for now) to do a minimum of 15 minutes of yoga/night (this is in addition to my regular workouts). One thing I find is that the "trainer" gives you the instructions once and then you are to remember the correct sequence for the next however many times you are to do it. Like the sun salutation, she gives the instructions once and that's all. Honestly, I don't remember what moves come after which ones and when to come out of the move.

    Is there a special setting so that she will prompt you thru the entire sequence multiple times rather than just once?


    Just started up my fitness coach to help you out. When your exercise program starts up move your controler around. On the screen should be a button that says "tutorial". Click it and it pauses your program to tell you how to do the move you are working on. It will then show the move several more times until you click out of it. Wave your controler again after you get the moves down and click the button "Return". You can do this at anytime during your exercise program if you forget how to do something.

    Hope this helps!

    15 minutes after this post I completed my 15 minutes of My Fitness Coach for the day. I also got a good 30 minute workout at my local Curves fitness center for women. So I think I did great today. Yay me! Oh and thanks everyone for the info on the other games. I think I'm going to look into reviews on some of the pilates games as well as the EA Active before getting them just to make sure I'm gonna like them. Thanks again!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    I am really looking at getting the fitness coach. Looks like it could be a good one and several people on mfp seem to like it!
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    Hey group!
    I would love to join this forum. Is there a way to see the messages without having to go into the message boards group and find it? If so, that's okay.
    I am currently training for a 5K. My hubby is a marathon runner.. I would be happy with just a 5K. I am not really a runner. It's not something I really enjoy, but I know it's great for fitness. I think if I was a little more successful at running I would like it more and it would hate my body less.
    I started this quest because of the free run/island lap on the wii fit plus. It has really upped my cardiovascular threshold. I can actuallly go out and run and it's feels.. not bad! I am using the wii fit on my crosstraining & off days. I can play the games on my off days and do the others as part of my crosstraining since I cancelled my gym membership. Also, I am a fan of EA Active. I love the workouts and the 30 day challenge. I haven't done it on a regular basis, however, because I switch between games. Looking forward to seeing the success other wii fit members have. Good luck to everyone!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,401 Member

    Just started up my fitness coach to help you out. When your exercise program starts up move your controler around. On the screen should be a button that says "tutorial". Click it and it pauses your program to tell you how to do the move you are working on. It will then show the move several more times until you click out of it. Wave your controler again after you get the moves down and click the button "Return". You can do this at anytime during your exercise program if you forget how to do something.

    Hope this helps!

    Thanks so much. I'm going to try that tonight.

  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    well, just did my workout 17 of 24 on the 6 week challenge in EASA "more workouts" which was 30 min and i burned ~ 175 cal. then i did another 10 min of step to try my riser out and the cool down and burned an additional 75 cal. My legs are def. feeling the difference in the 3 extra inches to step up onto the balance board! and it feels GREAT! i am so hooked right now, i love it!

    the step riser is sturdy and recognized my steps on the EASA without a problem. I did check my weight just to see if it would be different. i first checked it with the riser and then immediately after without. there was a two pound difference (more with the riser)

    That's all for now....
  • irismoon
    irismoon Posts: 83
    I am really looking at getting the fitness coach. Looks like it could be a good one and several people on mfp seem to like it!

    If you like workout DVD's then you will love this game. It's like a workout DVD that you can interact with. During the workout it stops to ask you how you felt during the exercise program and makes the needed changes based on your answers. After a while it even gives you a mini test to see where you are on your fitness journey. Once it does this test, it gives you recommendations on what workouts to do and what goal you should have. I find that very useful. It also keeps track of your weight and measurements as those are part of the test. I really like it now. When I first got it I was unsure of it, but the more I used it the more I loved it. So if you get it, I hope you enjoy it too.