gym etiquette



  • Shawty_Ro
    Shawty_Ro Posts: 135
    Am not quite getting the problem??
    At the pictures ok, thats different... but, really? did it bother you that much?
  • Sojaided34
    so Im at the gym this afternoon on the treadmill (mine you Im the only person on treadmill row) after abt 30 mins, another person
    decides he wants the treadmill right beside me. Again no other soul on the treadmills. I just wanted to hit stop and ask him...dude really...wth? at least skip a treadmill or something....and he is walking (im not knocking walking) but the pace he was going any other treadmill would have accommodated him just the same. Like going to the movies and someone sits beside you in an uncrowded movie...........unbelievable..............:explode:

    Ok this is my biggest peeve in the world. I hate it when it's empty anywhere and someone sits around you. I would have moved. LOL I feel your problem.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    It would probably bother me too. But if it bothered me that much, I'd move to another treadmill. I don't think it would bother me that much-but just enough that I'd be wondering WTF?
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    A guy used to do that to me ALL OF THE TIME...he had horrible BO. :sick:

    Used to cut my runs short. I would go to the group classes when I saw him on the machines...then he started going to the group classes.

    Pretty sure dude was into me...maybe he was into you? :huh:

    I get it though...I like my space. If I absolutely have to run next to someone else...then we race!
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    the real question is why anyone would run on a treadmill when they have a perfectly good outdoors

  • this1bigdog
    this1bigdog Posts: 350 Member
    Pssh don't bother me any. . if anything I feel sorry for them cuz it rains around me . .in fact just last week. .I hit the person 4 feet away from with some sweat! watch the glob fly through the air in slow motion!

    if it's crowed area . . i do another machine till the crowds move on . .so don't worry about me sweating on ya :o)
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    so Im at the gym this afternoon on the treadmill (mine you Im the only person on treadmill row) after abt 30 mins, another person
    decides he wants the treadmill right beside me. Again no other soul on the treadmills. I just wanted to hit stop and ask him...dude really...wth? at least skip a treadmill or something....and he is walking (im not knocking walking) but the pace he was going any other treadmill would have accommodated him just the same. Like going to the movies and someone sits beside you in an uncrowded movie...........unbelievable..............:explode:

    This si something I don't notice. Along with girls who wear make up or people that don't wipe down the machines.


    Because I'm too busy working out to give a ship what they're doing.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Was it me?
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    How dare he do something like that?
  • livingwithlam
    Maybe it was his favorite treadmill. I have a favorite treadmill, lol. If someone is on the one next to it, oh well, I'm still using "mine!"

    Still, kinda strange, though.
  • skankamaggot
    skankamaggot Posts: 146 Member
    Maybe you were under a good TV or fan.
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Just apply the seven rules of bathroom etiquet to treadmill row (Just replace urinal with treadmill/elliptical/recumbent bicycle):

    Rule #1 – The Buffer Urinal
    What’s more uncomfortable than rubbing elbows with a stranger while standing, legs akimbo to avoid the puddle, at the urinal? This is basic field strategy here guys. Dave Barry covered this years ago. You never, ever, ever, select a urinal directly next to one already in use, not when there’s a choice anyway. If there are three urinals to choose from, pick one on the outside. Leave the center one for the guy who may actually die if he doesn’t get to the bathroom. If the one of the outside ones is in use, choose the one on the opposite end of the bank. If both outside ones are in use and only the center one is available, wait. One of the other guys will be done soon.

    Rule #2 – Announce Your Presence
    If you are using a stall and have the place to yourself, it’s one thing. But as soon as you hear the door open, you need to make your presence known. Am I suggesting that you say ‘hi’ and introduce yourself? Absolutely not. No way. Instead, do a little cough. A sniff can be mistaken for the shuffling of a shopping bag or a heavy winter parka. Plus, you may not want to be inhaling through your nose. I’m just saying. A cough is more effective, distinct and has the added bonus of being absolutely, 100% impersonal. Let’s remember, you’re in there to get something down, not to make a friend.
    ule #3 – Ignore My Kid
    This should go without saying. I shouldn’t even need to put it here, but, inevitably, there is a guy every weekend – at Costco, say – who breaks this cardinal rule and feels the need to comment about the fact that my kid either a) really has to go or b) “made it.” This second one is especially creepy. It implies the guy was monitoring my kid’s transaction somehow and is especially creepy when accompanied by a groan, the kind someone does as they stretch in the morning. My kids are my business. I don’t like the idea that they need to be in the men’s room. I’d rather use the family bathroom, but it seems like it is always taken when I need it the most. My children will have enough reason for emotional scarring. They don’t need Old Man Winter making a comment regarding their “pee-pee.”

    Rule #4 – No Eye Contact, No Talking
    Okay, I have had exactly one interesting conversation with a stranger in a public restroom. It was at a grocery store. He was old, a WWII vet who was waiting for his meds. He seemed a bit lost and confused and began talking to me as I was washing my hands. But that one incident does not make it okay to speak with or look directly at another man in the men’s room. It’s never okay. Don’t be the guy who walks into the bathroom and tries to strike up a conversation or says something like, “Whew, it smells like Big Foot’s tomb in here!” Even if it were funny, the situation does not call for comedy. If there is, for some extreme reason, an occasion that necessitates inter-personal communication, eye contact is strictly prohibited. Stand, stock still, eyes forward like a Marine on inspection. When entering and exiting, keep your eyes down. When standing at the sink, it’s okay to look at yourself in the mirror, but absolutely never should peeking at your neighbor be allowed. Ever.

    Rule #5 – Clean Up After Yourself
    If you dribble on the seat, leave a mess of water and soap around the sink or miss the waste basket with an errant paper towel, pick it up. This isn’t elementary school, this is a men’s room. You may be in a huge hurry to get out of there and I understand that, but come on, you’re an adult. Act like it. If you leave drops on the seat or a toilet unflushed, that automatically removes that particular facility from use for at least 10 hours. Have some decency. And while you’re at it, after you rip off some paper towel, wipe the push bar and start the roll out so the next guy can rip a piece directly off. Why should I have to suffer your laziness the next time I go to get some paper towel only to touch an oddly gelatinous coating on the handy push bar? Clean and dry, that’s how you should leave the place. Repeat the backpacker’s mantra to yourself over and over: “Leave no trace.
    Leave no trace.”

    Rule #6 – The Proper Stance
    Whether in a stall or at a urinal, keep your stance narrow and your positioning square against the target. In the stall, a wide stance could lead to unexpected touching or, worse in the case of Senator Larry Craig, a political scandal. It’s important at the urinal too. No one wants to touch boots while you’re doing that. And if you stand at an angle, you’re likely to incur civilian backsplash casualties. I shouldn’t have to wear a disposable poncho into the men’s room because you don’t understand that the angle of incident is equal to the angle of reflection. In short: AIM.

    Rule #7 – Don’t Linger
    I am as guilty as the next guy of spending, perhaps, a bit too long in my bathroom at home. A lot of times, it’s the only time I get to myself to read or get caught up on all the staring and doing nothing I have fallen so far behind on since the kids came along. But, not here, not in the men’s room. Those who linger here are waiting for something. What? A chance to mug someone? A new friend? A visit from aliens? How am I supposed to know? It’s not something I do. When it comes to the men’s room, think about Chile’s. ‘Get in. Get out. Get on with life.’ Put an end to the awkwardness and discomfort. Do your thing and move on. The men’s room is not the place to stop and smell the roses.

  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    True story: I was running and a couple got on either side of me. AWESOME song came blaring on my radio and I started to do this run/jump thing... well, I got so excited I sorta piddled. No one runs next to me anymore.

    Like they said on Billy Madison: You ain't cool unless you pee your pants.


    I dont know if this has happened to anyone else or not but your story reminded me of it. I was running on the treadmill and was watching one of the tv's on the wall which was playing the show "wipeout". Anyway for some reason I got really focused on the guy who was jumping trying to navigate an obstacle and when he made the big jump... out of some kind of weird involuntary reaction I jumped and almost fell on my *kitten* . Luckily I was not seen but wtf?!

    I almost choked on my grapes picturing this.

    Yesterday, while on the treadmill I tried showing my coworker how to use his HRM. I missed a step and almost landed on my @$$.
  • herlittlegreendress
    Don't worry, I would've thought the same thing...and I have. I, personally, wouldn't go right next to someone to spare them potential uncomfortableness and I like to think most other people have the same idea. Sometimes it feels like an intimidation thing. (I'm a walker and tend to get runners who chose the treadmill right next to me despite the abundance of available machines) Why do they do this??
  • kuzurichan
    (I'm a walker and tend to get runners who chose the treadmill right next to me despite the abundance of available machines) Why do they do this??

    Because then they win THE RACE! >:D The race you had no idea you were in, that is.

    Apart from that, I don't get what thread-starter's problem is. Sure, it's kind of annoying when people do this, but whining about it on a forum is probably overreacting a little.
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    I always pick the treadmill away from any lady who is not bizounzing all over the place. Too distracting, I really do go to the gym to workout.

    My personal pet peeve is dudes at gym who stand next to dumbell rack and try to knock out their curls. I will just walk right through them...yeah, it's something like a bully but damn...dude, you're not the only one trying to lift.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    If I have my headphones on and I'm in the "zone" I'm not going to notice anyone else. If it is next someone, ok. If it isn't, that's ok too. I doubt I will even notice. I'm too busy rocking out to "Eye of the Tiger" and how sexy the Russian was in Rocky 4 to pay attention to everyone else at the gym
  • chosengiver
    chosengiver Posts: 1,493
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    so Im at the gym this afternoon on the treadmill (mine you Im the only person on treadmill row) after abt 30 mins, another person
    decides he wants the treadmill right beside me. Again no other soul on the treadmills. I just wanted to hit stop and ask him...dude really...wth? at least skip a treadmill or something....and he is walking (im not knocking walking) but the pace he was going any other treadmill would have accommodated him just the same. Like going to the movies and someone sits beside you in an uncrowded movie...........unbelievable..............:explode:

    I just realized today that I've turned into a gym rat. I'm at my gym 6 days a week, working out for at very least, 65 minutes each of those days. So that means I know which machines I prefer to use, and which ones have issues that haven't been resolved. (I'm a member of a YMCA and they are a non-profit, so some things take a while to be repaired) I did this today, jumping on an elliptical machine right next to a guy who had the only occupied one. I grabbed the one next to him because it's the one I prefer to use. I see this guy there almost every day and he seemed cool with it.

    I do see your point of view though. A guy jumped on the treadmill next to me while I was doing my run today (before the elliptical machine) and he walked while I was running at 6.5 mph. The cadence of my feet and his were a bit distracting in my head until I could tune him out. No, I don't listen to an iPod or something like that, so it was obvious to me that our feet weren't hitting the tread at anywhere near the same rate. It's okay once I can tune it out, though. Sometimes we just have to chill out. Probably that guy today just wanted to use THAT particular machine, or he really wanted to have some fun pushing your buttons. How was your workout? I hope it went well despite the distraction! That's honestly the important part.
  • dukeninja
    dukeninja Posts: 50 Member
    "I would be okay with that.
    They are not running on the treadmill that I am running on, why do I care??"

    ^^^Now that I would like to see. Sounds impossibly hilarious! Two people chasing each other on one treadmill...