Very Low, or Zero Cal Foods.

Basically, i am feeling hungry a lot. But i think im getting a good amount of cals.

I stalled out this week because i ate poorly. So, i am looking for things i can have a lot of, without really hurting my progress.

This topic is all about quantity, over everything else, as it is my biggest weakness.

I know i have to get over it, but, im not there yet, and meanwhile, i dont want to offset the progress i have worked so hard for. :-) What do you eat, when the munch monster attacks?


  • 35khris
    35khris Posts: 33 Member
    Listerine!! It stops All cravings...Right Now!!
  • norabeth
    norabeth Posts: 176 Member
    baby carrots
    steamed broccoli
    string cheese
    pre-measured trail mix
    peanut butter
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Veggies are your best bet. Large salads with plenty of veggies.

    Increasing protein and fiber intake will help with hunger.

    Zero calorie is not really food.
  • MissBernie73
    MissBernie73 Posts: 115 Member
    Hommus and vegetable sticks are always are good things to munch on, or a big bowl of steam vegies with lemon juice. Plain popcorn is also good.
  • OddChoices
    OddChoices Posts: 244 Member
    Steamer Broccoli
    Grilled eggplant
    Grilled squash
    Greek yogurt
    Non fat frozen Greek yogurt
  • chrisc16
    Salad with vinegar (about 30 calories or less per 2 cups), celery (a whole bag can't be a lot of calories), water.
    Of course, this assumes that you are getting nutrition during the day (this stuff is lacking nutrients).
  • Dee_84
    Dee_84 Posts: 431 Member
    Cucumber Slices
    Chicken Breast (baked or grilled)
    Bell Peppers
    Teas & Broths
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    Baby carrots
    Fresh spinach

    Any fresh fruit or vegetable and you can't go wrong.
  • spangey13
    spangey13 Posts: 294
    I hear ya. At the moment I'm knocking back a coke zero. It is what I do when I'm starting to get desperate. I know that I'll get told off for soda/fake sugar stuff/coke etc - but it works for me when the only other option at work is junk in the vending machine.
  • mattsgrl98
    mattsgrl98 Posts: 46 Member
    Air popped popcorn is my go to food when I am hungry and dont wanna use alot of calories. I can have 5 cups airpopped with zero cal spray butter and I switch up popcorn flavor seasonings all for under 80 calories.
  • Faericn_Rising
    Thanks all, keep them coming... im going to try and plan out my meals, in frequent, small bouts, for the next few weeks, and i want to make sure im comfortable. I know zero calorie foods are not really foods. but the point of those, to me, is to be able to ingest things when im weak, without hurting my numbers or progress. Most likely after, i have all my nutrients for the day. night is my worst time.

    Keep them coming and thanks !
  • Dedicatediva
    Dedicatediva Posts: 32 Member
    First I drink water to make sure I'm not just thirsty. Some of my favorites snacks are greek yogurt with bananas and almonds, sundried tomatoes and wasa crackers, better oats oatmeal, pretzels, fruit salad with peaches,apples,kiwi and strawberries, banana with almond butter.
  • Faericn_Rising
    Air popped popcorn is my go to food when I am hungry and dont wanna use alot of calories. I can have 5 cups airpopped with zero cal spray butter and I switch up popcorn flavor seasonings all for under 80 calories.

    I cant believe its not butter? Carfeul with that... it says no cals, but its 30 cals, for 30 sprays, and 3 grams of fat. I used to put that stuff on EVERYTHING. i had to give it up to break my last plateau....

    Though, i have heard a LOT of great things about air popped popcorn...
  • dez_yaoichan
    cheese cubes during the day while i can still watch my calorie intake.

    frozen fruit at night, after i've finished for the day and just need a little something to munch.

    these work best for me because they take longer to chew then other things, making it seem like i'm eating more then i actually am.
  • mattsgrl98
    mattsgrl98 Posts: 46 Member
    I usually only use the 10 sprays the label says! I have heard that you need to count the extra cals if you go overboard on it.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Aaaah, the Munchie Monstewr...He attacks me at night, too. For me, it's the CRUNCH I need.

    OK, I try to keep snacks under 100 cals. So...besides the usual good-for-you-yet-borrrrrring stuff like fruits and veggies, here's some stuff I've tried:

    Salsa with soda crackers or other lo-cal, lo sodium crackers (Kashi crackers are divine!) Or use rice cakes....which I calll "air cookies". :laugh:

    Popchips...OMG, these taste almost like the real deal!

    Orville Reddenbacher "Smart Pop". I sprinkle it gently with dillweed. Seriously. Tastes like pickle chips.

    Breadsticks, with our without the always fabulous Kraft Herb & Garlic Light cream cheese spread, or lo-cal salad dressing as a dip.

    Any kind of turkey pepperettes. 50 cals each. Gotta love 'em.

    Popcicles. They curb my craving for sweets.
  • zzzzdoc
    Half-Sour Pickles
  • Faericn_Rising
    Thanks all. I am going to try and plan my meals for the first time, with our next shopping trip. I have a pretty good system worked out i think. Thanks Again. :-)

  • thezoom27
    If your like me and you NEED a handful of something salty and delicious, see if any of your grocery stores have Plantain Chips! They are amazing and not even nearly as bad as chips or cookies. I don't feel guilty after having some. There fairly low in calories (about 150 calories per 32 chips). The garlic flavored are by far my favorite. They have that crunch and taste of chips so it gets rid of that craving 9 times out of ten. I hope that helps ( they sell them at Winners in Canada!)