Anyone training for a Marathon or upcoming race?



  • lisahiller
    I have a half marathon coming up on March 21, another on April 3, and another on May 2-sprinkled in between the 2nd and 3rd half is a sprint triathlon and then the season of triathlon begins...3 sprint tris and 2 olympic distance tris...I'm getting tired just thinking about it!
  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member
    Also, I am thinking of doing Insanity at the same time but I'm not sure if I will be able to find time to do both.

    You could definitely mix Insanity into your running schedule. In fact, it's a great workout to incorporate into a marathon training. I used it to train for my 2nd race. Send me a message and I can share my experience.
  • MrWeir
    MrWeir Posts: 3 Member
    I'm training for the Warrior Dash in May. When I signed up, I weighed about 350 lbs, give or take. I'm now at 335, accounting for daily fluctuations, of course. I have no idea what my weight will be when I do the race, but I'm not too concerned. Despite disliking the NUMBER, I like the rest of my fitness improvements. I feel healthier, I feel like I'm carrying less weight- a combination of weighing a little less AND being a bit more fit. I don't get winded as easy, and I am in a MUCH better mood most of the time.

    When I started, my goal was to finish. Now my goal is to get a better time than my friends. I have no illusions of winning the race, but if I can come in first out of my group of friends, I will feel that my win condition has been satisfied.

    Also- and I'll likely post a separate thread about this as well- I want to warn people about P90X. I think the program is GREAT! I wish I could do it. I just want folks to remember that it is an advanced program, not one for those of us who haven't been working on a fitness routine for a while. I'm watching a friend tear himself down physically, mentally and emotionally because he is trying to do the program when he simply wasn't fit enough to handle it.

    I support the P90X program, but like with ANY advanced program, I encourage everyone to work up to it. That said, don't shy away from it because it's hard. If it was easy, it wouldn't be worth doing.
  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member

    Also- and I'll likely post a separate thread about this as well- I want to warn people about P90X. I think the program is GREAT! I wish I could do it. I just want folks to remember that it is an advanced program, not one for those of us who haven't been working on a fitness routine for a while. I'm watching a friend tear himself down physically, mentally and emotionally because he is trying to do the program when he simply wasn't fit enough to handle it.

    I support the P90X program, but like with ANY advanced program, I encourage everyone to work up to it. That said, don't shy away from it because it's hard. If it was easy, it wouldn't be worth doing.

    You are right. P90X is not a program for anyone. Definitely takes one that is physically active and has been. I really feel for the ones that dive into P90X without any guidance or support to know otherwise. I always advise my customers on the most appropriate workout system for them, based on their CURRENT phyiscal ability. P90X is always something to strive towards. That's why I wrote this blog post:

    On that note, P90X can always be modified, so if your friend needs help on how to do that, without totally burning out or injuring himself, sending him my way. Happy to help.

    All the best to training!
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    50 mile bike race end March. 1/2 iron man in May in NC. Registered for Chicago full marathon in fall. Up in the air about a 1/2 marathon in April..and maybe another 1/2 iron end August
  • nyy03
    nyy03 Posts: 652 Member
    Half on May 16 (first), hopefully I'll get into the Nike Womens Marathon in October to do my first full, if not I'll do the full in Toronto.
  • 1fitchic
    1fitchic Posts: 19 Member
    I'm a new runner who is training for her first 5K in May. However, I had a minor setback this week with a pulled muscle (left shoulder) but it's all good now. I refuse to let that stop me. I am truly inspired by everyone here. I hope to get on the path to longer races. I would love to be able to run a marathon by this time next year!
  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    Just saw this post. I am currently in week 2 of my training for a Try-a-tri. Its a beginners triathlon. 375m swim 10k bike and 2.5 k run. I am super excited and I also have a coworker that is excited to join me in the try-a-tri. She hasn't officially registered yet but reminded me last night that we need to get together so she can look it over (the training schedule).
  • Karna6e
    Karna6e Posts: 57
    Half in early May. Just started training (whoops!), but I'm almost through P90X and will be starting Insanity soon. I was able to do 5 miles two days ago and I'm still feeling it. May have pushed too hard too fast but I felt great while I was running.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I'm training for half marathons in May and October, and my first full in November. Can't wait!
  • nyy03
    nyy03 Posts: 652 Member
    I'm training for half marathons in May and October, and my first full in November. Can't wait!
    Are you doing anything different in your training for the full? I'm currently training for a half in May and want to do a full in Oct as well.
  • vonalj
    vonalj Posts: 124 Member
    I am training for the Pittsburgh full marathon! 8wks left! Hope its possible!
  • Karna6e
    Karna6e Posts: 57
    I am training for the Pittsburgh full marathon! 8wks left! Hope its possible!

    Same here! Just the half though.
  • gym_rat
    gym_rat Posts: 94
    I find it so hard to stick to a training program. I am fine sticking to the long runs on the weekends but sometimes the weekday runs call for such short runs - 3-5 miles - and I want to just keep going.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I'm training for half marathons in May and October, and my first full in November. Can't wait!
    Are you doing anything different in your training for the full? I'm currently training for a half in May and want to do a full in Oct as well.

    I'm planning to take it easy after my half in May for a couple weeks, and then start one of the Hal Higdon training programs for my full. Those programs are about 18 weeks long, so my half in October should fit in perfectly for when I start tapering. Good luck!
  • jenmonkee
    jenmonkee Posts: 57
    Help! I need some real advice and direction for my goals. I want to do a marathon October 17th. I started running 2 weeks ago at the gym. I am trying to build up my endurance first, slowly adding time, which in turn will add distance. I am not worried about food yet, I am still losing weight. But I know there will come a time when I need to be eating the right foods at the right times. So I guess my questions are:

    How often should I be running?
    How far should I be able to run to know that I can complete the marathon?
    What are the most recommended foods to aid in me un my journey?
    What are common mistakes people make?
    What is the best advice you have ever recieved in order to train for such an amazing event?

    Thanks in advance, I look forward to hearing from all of you!

  • gym_rat
    gym_rat Posts: 94
    Help! I need some real advice and direction for my goals. I want to do a marathon October 17th. I started running 2 weeks ago at the gym. I am trying to build up my endurance first, slowly adding time, which in turn will add distance. I am not worried about food yet, I am still losing weight. But I know there will come a time when I need to be eating the right foods at the right times. So I guess my questions are:

    How often should I be running?
    How far should I be able to run to know that I can complete the marathon?
    What are the most recommended foods to aid in me un my journey?
    What are common mistakes people make?
    What is the best advice you have ever recieved in order to train for such an amazing event?

    Thanks in advance, I look forward to hearing from all of you!


    I wouldn't run more than 4 times a week if you are just starting out. Once you get closer to the actual marathon, you should do at least one 20 mile run to prepare yourself. There are a lot of programs out there and the one I am following calls for 3 twenty mile runs before the actual marathon The most recommended foods... I always eat a big carb dinner the night before a long run like pasta. The most common mistakes new runners make is that t hey go out too strong and try to do too much too soon. Make sure you rest and do dynamic stretches before a run (no static stretches). The best advice... well, I have only done a few half marathons so far and this is my first marathon. The best advice so far is to PACE yourself and don't go out too fast. It's so easy to get caught up in the race mentality and the energy and then burn out too soon.
  • jenmonkee
    jenmonkee Posts: 57
    Thanks Gym_Rat..all solid suggestions! I will keep those in mind and apply it towards my goal! Good luck with you marathon :smile:
  • twilightgirl12345
    i am getting ready to do the ms walk i do it every year for my friend that has ms it is 12 miles and i have done 12 miles every year i am hopeing that i am still in shape enough to finish the 12 miles again this year
  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member
    Help! I need some real advice and direction for my goals. I want to do a marathon October 17th. I started running 2 weeks ago at the gym. I am trying to build up my endurance first, slowly adding time, which in turn will add distance. I am not worried about food yet, I am still losing weight. But I know there will come a time when I need to be eating the right foods at the right times. So I guess my questions are:

    How often should I be running?
    How far should I be able to run to know that I can complete the marathon?
    What are the most recommended foods to aid in me un my journey?
    What are common mistakes people make?
    What is the best advice you have ever recieved in order to train for such an amazing event?

    I would definitely run no more than 4 x's a week, like gym_rat mentioned, although making that 4th run a longer endurance run. One that increases in distance each week, although tapers every couple weeks. There are a ton of excellent running schedules out there, likely for the exact race you are running as well. If you can run 2-3 20 mile distances (over a span of the 6 month training) you have that marathon in the bag. Adrenaline will kick in as you start to smell that finish line. TRUST ME!! Be sure you nourish yourself with wholesome foods. Not the quick easy grab-n-go type stuff. But do a carb load the night before a longer run, to be sure you have enough energy stored to get you through. YOu'll also want to eat a little something before your longer runs. A commons mistake people make, is they don't strength training. I think it's ESSENTIAL in building up stamina and endurance. Especially in doing core strenght. I would recommend doing a strength training program at least, 3 x's a week, to accompany your runs, but also consider doing an interval cardio workout that involved a bit of plyometrics. That will do wonders in building up your leg strength and build your fast and short twitch muscle fibers. I used P90X to train for my first marathon, and it did me wonders. Crossed the finish line in 4 hours...check out my blog article at the top of this post to read my experience. I HIGHLY recommend it.

    Best of luck to you!