That runners high i keep hearing about



  • angbunny22
    angbunny22 Posts: 54 Member
    i think it defers for everyone. Mine used to be 4 miles but since i started training for Half's i now dont' get it till mile 7+. love it.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    I've run marathons, 1/2 marathons, 10Ks etc... I usually get a runner's high after I've been working out consistently for a few days. And I feel it AFTER the run, never during. I LOVE my runs and the endorphin rush after!
  • On today's run... it was at 4 miles. It's usually after that point where you feel like you're dog tired and can't run another step. You either dig deeper, walk, or stop. When you make the choice to dig deeper and keep going, before you know it, you 're like... This is awesome. I am awesome. My breathing is steady. My HR finally found a place to steady itself. I'm pretty sure I could run forever. I can't believe I questioned whether or not I wanted to run today. Yes, I talk to myself a lot when I run.... Haha
  • crazy_indeed
    crazy_indeed Posts: 138 Member
    I usually get a runner's high around mile 3, once I hit this point I feel like Forest Gump.