Disappointed and disheartened



  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    We all have to face our biggest fears one day... And you did!!! Now that you know where you are, and where you don't want to be, it's time to start making small, meaningful changes, everyday of your life. If you feel comfortable in a gym, then you should really start using it 5-6 days a week and logging it everyday. Start with light cardio sessions, followed by light strength training... But you have to keep in mind that it didn't take you one week, one month, to gain the weight, and it's not going to be a fast process of getting it off. As long as you can face that battle, and win the WAR, you WILL achieve your goals!! MFP is a great way to keep yourself motivated too. People on here, who use this as a tool to get themselves in to shape with proper diet and exercise, are always willing to lend a helping hand. We are all here to achieve the same goals, whether it's 15 pounds or 115 pounds. I've received so much invaluable information on here, and it's helping change my life. Use it too!!

    I just have to tell you this.... Eating out should be a luxury, and not something you do everyday. Although it's quick and easy, many restaurants just can't offer you wholesome foods with good ingredients, and portion control like you will need when wanting to lose weight. Don't starve yourself, but embrace the need for change, and try to cook most meals at home. Get your boyfriend involved (if he's willing) and ask that he help prepare foods and set the table, so you can both enjoy each other's company over a good, nutritious meal. I tell ya girl, it will significantly help in your weight loss goals.

    Keep in mind though that you will need to encourage yourself when others around you can't, won't, or are jealous of your success... Use MFP every day if you can!!! People are cruel by nature when they are jealous of someone's success... Although it's a terrible thing to say, it's true, so just be prepared and know when to turn to a positive source for encouragement!!! You are a strong woman with a clear vision of what you want and don't want. Take the bull by the horns!!! You've got this!!

    WOW!!!...this should be saved and kept for the future...great words that anybody can use...very impressive
  • sarahmotes
    sarahmotes Posts: 2 Member
    You can do it! You are only 25 and that is fantastic. You can reverse whatever damage, and get to a healthier place to enjoy your life. I have been fat, and lost weight before, and gained it back. I've got more than half of my 70 lbs. gone now, and I feel great. I think everyone is so different, and so much advice might work for one person but not for others. But there is one thing I believe in, and that's doing it from the inside out. When we work out there is so much pressure from others about whether we "see results." Have we lost weight yet? Do we look different? I want to encourage you to keep working out as something that you do for how it feels, first. We must enjoy our bodies because of how we feel, not because someone else thinks we look good. Feeling stronger, feeling lighter, being able to do more things inside the gym and out. Because results that others can see take a long time, I like to think of working out as the thing I do to feel good, so I can accept myself where i am today. After a workout I can think "I feel so good right now it doesn't matter what size I am." That is the feeling that is all yours, and it's nobody else's business how you look and whether you are a certain size or shape. I think a lot of us quit because we're not "seeing results," but the most important results need to be feeling better, and the rest will come.

    Never give up. Persistence wins when everything else fails.
  • gio425
    gio425 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Giovanna and very good luck to you. I think you've taken a BIG step forward in really identifying the situation you are in, and identified why. Don't blame yourself entirely. That one line "I am broke" tells me some of why you may have gained: Fast food, cheaper foods are WAY, WAY more fattening than the healthier stuff. And more emotionally satisfying too. Even eating at home, lots of the things that are least expensive at the stores are the most fattening. So, find a copy of EAT THIS NOT THAT (seriously, I keep a copy in my car), and make the wiser choices in selecting food. No matter whether you are cooking at home or at fast food, there are some healthy options. Also, be sure to log EVERYTHING you eat into your myfitnesspal log. People who log all their food are less likely to eat too much.

    I'm not even sure you need a gym. I used to be a gym rat and it didn't really do much but make me hungrier. I have a recumbant bicycle at home and I do that, log that. Also, you can just make sure you take a 30 to 60 minute walk daily that gets you up to a nice "sweat level." I find this is better to do alone, or with an mp3, than with a friend. When I do it with friends, I go slower and we slow down to talk.

    As for clothes. When trying to lose, GoodWill and other thrift stores can be your best friend on a budget. You'll see lots of shoppers there driving new Mercedes and Jags, it is said "the best dressed people buy at GW" and I believe that. You can get like-new jeans for $5 or even less on 1/2 priced days. As you drop weight, you can buy the "in between" sizes there and then just donate them back when you move to lower sizes. No need to spend $35 to $225 for a pair of jeans. You'll find the same brands and sizes at GW. Lots of tops and other stuff there too. I was in line to a special event and had to ask one young lady where she'd gotten this gorgeous grey business look dress ... she told me Goodwill, $5. Hope you have a good one near you.

    Lots of WATER ... that is free. Drink 20 oz when you get up in the morning, and have an apple right after that. Then drink 20 oz before every meal, another 20 oz before you shower or tub it, and 20 oz before going to bed. You'll be surprised at how much difference that will make.

    Good luck. You've made a GREAT start by outlining where you are and why!

    HIGHLY INFORMATIVE AND UPLIFTING!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi! As you see, you have a lot of good people struggling right along with you. There are also some rather snotty people around here who will subtly and not so subtly put you down because you're not approaching your problem the same way they would. Learn what you can from them (and all of us) and forget the rest.

    For a couple of decades, I bought into the idea that "diets don't work" and decided to eat when I was hungry and stop when I was full, and my body would settle into the weight that it was meant to be. Yeh - right. That must be around 300 pounds because every year my weight crept up a little more until I found myself stuffing myself to the point of misery every single day and reaching a high of 207 at only 5'6" tall. That's when I freaked out and decided to engage my brain. I've tried and discarded a lot of attempts since then (hours at the gym, weight watchers, etc) and am new to MFP. I also joined Bodybuilders.com because they have 12-week plans over there with day-by-day programs you can work to achieve fitness goals.

    One thing I discovered that you might discover also is that overeating was covering up a lot of emotional issues. Since I stopped the overeating (better some days than others), I've been a bit of a mess. There's a lot of denial to dig through.

    Anyway, best wishes! You'll find friends as well as drill sargents here.
  • recee96
    recee96 Posts: 224 Member
    You can do it! You have taken the first step...we will help you! I'm adding you as well.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    You've had what I call a "defining moment". In March 2011, and in April 2011, I had 2 defining moments that I won't forget either. ONe of them was when I went to an immediate care center because I was sick. The scale I had at home at the time only went as high as 330, and I couldn't get a reading on it after a while, so I knew I was bigger than that, but didn't know how much. WHen I weighed at the immediate care center, I weighed 376. I couldn't believe I had let myself get to that point.

    Then, in April, I went to "Moms and Muffins" day at school with my daughter. I was so out of shape and so big that I had to stop a few times on the way to the door just to catch my breath. When I finally got inside the door, I had to stop and sit down for about 10 minutes. I was so mortified and humiliated and embarrassed that that was when I decided something had to change.

    Since then, I've lost 103 pounds. I would like to lose another 130, so I'm almost half way there.

    The last thing you need to do is be down on yourself. And if you stray from where you wanted to be, you're only human!! As it says in "don't sweat the small stuff and it's all small stuff" - make peace with imperfection. Accept that you're going to do things that are counterproductive to where you want to be. BUT, if you're making steps in the direction of where you want to be, you'll get there. Maybe not as fast as you'd like, but if you stay the course you'll get there.

    I'd like to say that I've been perfectly perfect over the last 15 months that it's taken me to get this far, but that would be a huge lie. I've stumbled PLENTY. What keeps me going is knowing that I'm usually on track more than I stumble. So find things you're doing right. Find joy in that there are things you're doing that are pointing you in the right direction and you'll get there eventually.

    You can do this. If I can do it, you can do it.
  • sdsurface
    Just use the tools. Try posting everthing you eat. It makes such a huge difference to see where the wasted calories are. Don't be disheartened. Just keep on going forward. Change 1 thing a day. You can't do it all at once. Keep your chin up.:smile::smile:
  • jsamuelian
    I have been right where you are! You can and will make the changes in your life. Start small and push yourself. It is going to suck for quite a while but once you get in the routine of eating better and exercising (Running and Walking are excellent, and you get outside), you will find your body craving it like it used to crave doughnuts and pizza (not that you can't eat those anymore, just make them a VERY special treat).

    Another good idea is signing up for something (race, event, etc) that gives you a purpose for exercising. Your friend loves to bike. Maybe you sign up for a bike ride or if you love to run/walk try a half or full marathon. There are lots of training programs that can help you.

    I did TEAM in TRAINING and completed my first marathon last year. Now I run 4-6 times a week and have maintained my weight loss.

  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    same thing happened to me! That's how I've gotten where I am to me. Let the anger feed your workouts and start with something that isn't to hard and work your way up. Don't set impossible goals that will discourage you and find something you enjoy to reward yourself with!
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    We all have to face our biggest fears one day... And you did!!! Now that you know where you are, and where you don't want to be, it's time to start making small, meaningful changes, everyday of your life. If you feel comfortable in a gym, then you should really start using it 5-6 days a week and logging it everyday. Start with light cardio sessions, followed by light strength training... But you have to keep in mind that it didn't take you one week, one month, to gain the weight, and it's not going to be a fast process of getting it off. As long as you can face that battle, and win the WAR, you WILL achieve your goals!! MFP is a great way to keep yourself motivated too. People on here, who use this as a tool to get themselves in to shape with proper diet and exercise, are always willing to lend a helping hand. We are all here to achieve the same goals, whether it's 15 pounds or 115 pounds. I've received so much invaluable information on here, and it's helping change my life. Use it too!!

    I just have to tell you this.... Eating out should be a luxury, and not something you do everyday. Although it's quick and easy, many restaurants just can't offer you wholesome foods with good ingredients, and portion control like you will need when wanting to lose weight. Don't starve yourself, but embrace the need for change, and try to cook most meals at home. Get your boyfriend involved (if he's willing) and ask that he help prepare foods and set the table, so you can both enjoy each other's company over a good, nutritious meal. I tell ya girl, it will significantly help in your weight loss goals.

    Keep in mind though that you will need to encourage yourself when others around you can't, won't, or are jealous of your success... Use MFP every day if you can!!! People are cruel by nature when they are jealous of someone's success... Although it's a terrible thing to say, it's true, so just be prepared and know when to turn to a positive source for encouragement!!! You are a strong woman with a clear vision of what you want and don't want. Take the bull by the horns!!! You've got this!!
    That part about being jealous is so true lol! I just started a group for people around 5' (5'-5'6" or so) and I stated in my first post "I can't wait to be (jealous) inspired by your success" LOL
  • brandijaye
    brandijaye Posts: 8 Member
    I know the feeling. You look beautiful in your picture. Try to think positive it'll make all the difference in the world on how you feel. You can do this ! Positive talk . Make your internal voice talk to you like you would a close friend in the same situation . Start small so it's not overwhelming. Cut out fried foods and eat small meals every 3 hours. Make small goals,they'll turn into bigger ones. You deserve to feel good and love yourself .
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I have been right where you are! You can and will make the changes in your life. Start small and push yourself. It is going to suck for quite a while but once you get in the routine of eating better and exercising (Running and Walking are excellent, and you get outside), you will find your body craving it like it used to crave doughnuts and pizza (not that you can't eat those anymore, just make them a VERY special treat).

    Another good idea is signing up for something (race, event, etc) that gives you a purpose for exercising. Your friend loves to bike. Maybe you sign up for a bike ride or if you love to run/walk try a half or full marathon. There are lots of training programs that can help you.

    I did TEAM in TRAINING and completed my first marathon last year. Now I run 4-6 times a week and have maintained my weight loss.

    I second the donut comment, but I disagree about the pizza! LOL It is all about the type of pizza and how much, but some pizza has a lot of protein (cheese and eggs in the crust or if you eat meat unlike me) plus if you add veggies and the tomato sauce if its fresh can be a nice dinner. :]
  • shoris609

    My name is sunil. I have recently joined this website. I would just liike to say that reading your mail did not suprise me. Unfortunately your pattern could apply to almost anyone including myself. The fact that you acknowledge that you have a issue is a step in the right direction. However I have reliabily been informed that going to the gym is a very small part. The main part is to change your eating habits. As I am now finding out, that the changes that are required are small but intially dificult. Just look at what your are eating and simply reduce the amounts. Believe me slowly but surely it will make a lot of difference. Just to encourage you witin last three weeks or so I have lost eight pounds. Ihope this helps. Good luck

  • KaseyC0711
    Hi Giovanna and very good luck to you. I think you've taken a BIG step forward in really identifying the situation you are in, and identified why. Don't blame yourself entirely. That one line "I am broke" tells me some of why you may have gained: Fast food, cheaper foods are WAY, WAY more fattening than the healthier stuff. And more emotionally satisfying too. Even eating at home, lots of the things that are least expensive at the stores are the most fattening. So, find a copy of EAT THIS NOT THAT (seriously, I keep a copy in my car), and make the wiser choices in selecting food. No matter whether you are cooking at home or at fast food, there are some healthy options. Also, be sure to log EVERYTHING you eat into your myfitnesspal log. People who log all their food are less likely to eat too much.

    I'm not even sure you need a gym. I used to be a gym rat and it didn't really do much but make me hungrier. I have a recumbant bicycle at home and I do that, log that. Also, you can just make sure you take a 30 to 60 minute walk daily that gets you up to a nice "sweat level." I find this is better to do alone, or with an mp3, than with a friend. When I do it with friends, I go slower and we slow down to talk.

    As for clothes. When trying to lose, GoodWill and other thrift stores can be your best friend on a budget. You'll see lots of shoppers there driving new Mercedes and Jags, it is said "the best dressed people buy at GW" and I believe that. You can get like-new jeans for $5 or even less on 1/2 priced days. As you drop weight, you can buy the "in between" sizes there and then just donate them back when you move to lower sizes. No need to spend $35 to $225 for a pair of jeans. You'll find the same brands and sizes at GW. Lots of tops and other stuff there too. I was in line to a special event and had to ask one young lady where she'd gotten this gorgeous grey business look dress ... she told me Goodwill, $5. Hope you have a good one near you.

    Lots of WATER ... that is free. Drink 20 oz when you get up in the morning, and have an apple right after that. Then drink 20 oz before every meal, another 20 oz before you shower or tub it, and 20 oz before going to bed. You'll be surprised at how much difference that will make.

    Good luck. You've made a GREAT start by outlining where you are and why!

    Perhaps you may not need a gym, however, be sure that you have other options outside of just walking... Although you can achieve success with walking, you will need something else to push your cardiovascular health to the next level. Walking is very good to help maintain weight, but if you're seriously trying to shed pounds, you will need to lift light weights AND do cardio exercises. If a gym isn't an option for you at this point, google search "free cardio activities" and make yourself a list.
    You can also pick up small hand weights online or at sports stores for a very reasonable price. Here's the catch though: For some people, trying to motivate yourself to workout at home can be much harder than you think. If you have the means necessary to use a gym for a few months, I'd make the sacrifice. I promise you, it will be worth it. At least get yourself to a point in your weight loss journey, that once you quit the gym, you won't have any issues motivating yourself at home.

    The book she suggested was a great option, and you should also read "You are what you eat"... That book changed my entire perspective on foods, and how they affect your body both internally and externally. It's a great read!!

    And honestly, you will really want to avoid fast good at all costs. If you're reluctant, check out the nutritional information, as well as, ingredients list on foods you typically eat at a fast food place. I.E. - McDonald's chicken nuggets, or yogurt parfait, or chicken salads... They may sound somewhat nutritional ,but in essence they aren't. In order to TRULY lose weight, you have to push yourself outside of your comfort zone, and don't look back!! No matter how hard it gets!! Use MFP for those weak moments, and I promise you, you will perservere. I understand that there are times when a home cooked meal just isn't a option, but if you want to really lose the weight, plan ahead, make meals in advance, buy yourself a gift for the "NEW YOU" and get a bigger purse and fill that thing with almonds, peanut butter, banana, string cheese, boiled eggs, hummus, etc. Keep the perishable items in your work fridge or in an insulated lunch bag, so your choices are simple and nutritional. It's tough work, but the end result is totally worth it!!
  • parissimone72
    parissimone72 Posts: 7 Member
    It can be disappointing to look at the scale. Make a choice today to say......I'm going to do this. Start by at least counting your calories then you'll find yourself searching for healthier items to put in your body. Start by going for a light walk ....niike running app is good it lets you know how many miles you have walked.

    Don't beat yourself up.....But make the decision to do something about...lick your wounds and get started
  • dietpepsi100
    dietpepsi100 Posts: 76 Member
    Track your food everything you put in your mouth! My fitnesspal works! I started April 4th exercising and changed my eating habits. I go to the gym everyday and have lost 82 pounds! Hard work pays off. I have lost half the weight. Yes I still have 80 pounds to go. But I know I can do it. Stop thinking negative thoughts and do this for YOU. Your worth it! Best wishes
  • cecyvaquero
    cecyvaquero Posts: 154 Member
    Don't give up on yourself. You have achieved alot so far and now you are on MFP and you will meet lots of freinds that will help you through this. You can friend me and you can count on me to motivate you and give you words of support. If you feel down then let us know. We are here for each other. Take it one day at a time. Don't worry about tomorrow lets work on today. Start today by replacing 1 unhealthy meal with a healthy meal. Exercies 10 minutes longer. You might not see results yet but if you continue to work out and eat healthier you will get there. You will fall but you can definitley count on your friends here at MFP to help you get back up. Things will get better. After every storm the sun shines. Never give up!!!
  • goldenday
    goldenday Posts: 204 Member
    The best quote I found in a running magazine was "it wasn't a miracle that I finished, it was a miracle that I had the idea to start". Which I think can be applied to many things. Your being too hard yourself right now, think about the reasons why you want to lose weight and takes things in small steps. You realise things need to change and they will. Track everything you're eating even though it can be hard and you will be able to see first hand where you can make changes in terms of your diet.

    Hope your feeling better soon.