Frustrated :(



  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    So, Today I tried to do the right thing. All week I been craving the new Hibachi place that just opened. After reading what my amazing MFP friends commented I decided it would not be the best choice. I ended up with subway. A much healthier choice.

    I Purchased a nike fuelband the other day and decided that today was the day I was going to walk 1 mile. I know that does not sound like much but having 4 herniated disc from a bad car accident every mile seems like 100. I walked 1 lap around my local park. I was so proud of myself but now I'm paying the price. The pain in my back is bringing tears to my eyes. Shooting down my legs and just throbbing. I know I pushed it and I'm trying to make this weight come off asap.

    Now I'm stuck in bed and starving. Maybe I should have just went to the buffet and came home. I lost 9 pounds so far but need another 41 before they will do surgery on my back. My wife says I'm to hard on myself. I'm just tired of the back pain. Tired of being stuck in the house and tired of being fat.

    I'm just plain tired and feeling like just giving up !!! The weight has won for 42 years and It might just win again.

    you ARE being too hard on yourself. don't give up because if you do then your weight really has won! the weight will come off, you didn't gain it overnight (even though we all feel like we did) so it's not going to come off overnight. don't push yourself either - no good ever comes from it and the only person you end up hurting is yourself. you've lost 9lbs! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! YOU SHOULD BE PROUD OF YOURSELF! give yourself time because your body is obviously telling you it needs more time. remember slow and steady wins the race. (that's what i tell myself). keep up the good work and again be proud of what you have accomplished thus far.
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    Unfortunately a stationary bike is usually bad for back pain sufferers. Walking is usually the best assuming done properly (stride, posture, etc.). Walking is often an in-home pt assignment after a back surgery, starting with very short distances and building up.

    Walking briskly screws with my lower back right now. I carry most of my weight in my middle and it's centered toward the front. That seems to pull on my low back when walking. (I had the same problem when I was pregnant.) :-\

    To the OP, I hope you get some relief and feel better soon! YOU CAN DO THIS!!
  • NickMarshall33
    You're doing great at 9 lbs lost. I know the pain your feeling trust me. DON'T GIVE UP for the pain take ibuprofen and a long soak in hot water. Or a hot shower. Hang in there you are doing great.
  • lizapettit
    lizapettit Posts: 166 Member
    I'm so sorry that you are discouraged with your progress, but don't give up!

    My father was an accomplished triathlete about 15 years ago. Disk problems and a career change let to him gaining a significant amount of weight, which only made his back worse. Earlier this year, he decided he was fed up and was going to get back into great shape. He thought he could do the couch to 5k program and start running again right off the bat, but it was entirely too much stress on his back. I believe they say that for every step, you put 3-4 times your body weight on your joints when you run... not sure exactly what it is for walking, but any excess weight just makes it that much harder and puts that much more strain on your body! So, he decided he was going to have to focus on losing the weight before worrying with the exercise and he is making a ton of progress!

    My point is, you are definitely not alone! Don't give up on yourself because you deserve to be able to walk pain-free and every pound lost gets you closer to that goal,

  • stljam
    stljam Posts: 512 Member
    Walking briskly screws with my lower back right now. I carry most of my weight in my middle and it's centered toward the front. That seems to pull on my low back when walking. (I had the same problem when I was pregnant.) :-\

    To the OP, I hope you get some relief and feel better soon! YOU CAN DO THIS!!

    Yep briskly can be bad, hence the stride/posture comment i made. A talk with his PT or Dr with these questions would be good.
  • candctaber
    DO NOT GIVE UP!!! Take baby steps & don't push your body so hard. You have an injury and need to really think about what your body can do at any given time. Prayers going your way!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I agree with the others-don't give up! You walked and that's awesome! Maybe next time (cause there will be a time when you're not in as much pain as you are now) walk for 1/2 mile or 1/4 mile. You've lost 9 pounds which is awesome! You'll get to where you need to be, slow and steady wins the race. The weight won't win again-you CAN do this, the thoughts of giving up are just cause you're tired, you'll get the energy and desire to beat the weight again. I agree with your wife-you are being too hard on yourself.
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    I am right there with you! I can't seem to even give my daughter a bath without my lower back takin me down for the night. Please stick with it - Subway was a GREAT choice! I don't know the full story on your back but stretching really helps me. Also, 9lbs is better than none and you actually got out there and walked instead of just sitting on the couch thinking "I should be out there walking". lol.

    Also, you're wife is right. lol. Don't be too hard on yourself. I know you want the weight to come off fast but try to stay positive. Stress can actually be a contributer to weight gain so destress and take one step at time! I hope you have a great day!
  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    I know how frustrated it can be. I can't walk more than a few minutes before my back cripples me. It really sucks! I know you want that weight gone now, but it's going to take my time to take it off. Pushing yourself to do things that you cannot/should not do will further slow down losing. You can do some serious damage with your herniated discs. Just do what your doctor says and eat as healthy as you can. The weight will come off, but it's going to take some patience. (((HUGS)))
  • TimN1974
    Stick with it. I have severe spinal stenosis from a back injury + arthritis. What really helped me (IMHO) is that I work from home, and can sit on an exercise ball ALL DAY while I work. It has strengthened my core to the point where I now can elliptical 5 days a week, and walk with little pain. Two years ago (and some 30 pounds lost before joining MFP) it hurt to take every step. Stick with it!!!
  • RPerkins726
    I LOVE the support and encouragement read here--and it's all for you!! And your goals and dreams--we KNOW you can do it! You've already lost NINE POUNDS. THAT IS AWESOME. Just get through today and know there are better, brighter days ahead!
  • babygurl6982
    :cry: :flowerforyou:

    Oh sweetie dont give up I know I might e new at this myself but 9lbs way to go thats progress like someone said earlier you can lose weight just on diet alone if you cant walk a mile right now then dont slow progress is better than no progress, look you have came this far please dont give up (im fighting for you)! your story almost brung me to tears im so sorry your in so much pain > your strong and even though I dont know u I do know that you can do this add me as a friend if you want to and i will try and help you out as much as i can (im still learning myself) lol ...Good Luck and keep me updated !
  • confusednotcrazy
    Your doing great to have lost 9 pounds so far and you can do this. I hate vegetables but I found that If I munch on a carrot or celery now and then it keeps the hunger at bay and doesn't give me many calories. It will be worth it all when you get the surgery and then you can push yourself harder, but for now listen to your body and you'll do great.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    So, Today I tried to do the right thing. All week I been craving the new Hibachi place that just opened. After reading what my amazing MFP friends commented I decided it would not be the best choice. I ended up with subway. A much healthier choice.

    I Purchased a nike fuelband the other day and decided that today was the day I was going to walk 1 mile. I know that does not sound like much but having 4 herniated disc from a bad car accident every mile seems like 100. I walked 1 lap around my local park. I was so proud of myself but now I'm paying the price. The pain in my back is bringing tears to my eyes. Shooting down my legs and just throbbing. I know I pushed it and I'm trying to make this weight come off asap.

    Now I'm stuck in bed and starving. Maybe I should have just went to the buffet and came home. I lost 9 pounds so far but need another 41 before they will do surgery on my back. My wife says I'm to hard on myself. I'm just tired of the back pain. Tired of being stuck in the house and tired of being fat.

    I'm just plain tired and feeling like just giving up !!! The weight has won for 42 years and It might just win again.

    OOOooooOOOooHHhhh DMJ........I know your pain intimately. Im so sorry you're hurting. Im in the same boat only they wont do surgery anymore. Ive had 4 or 5 done and have titanium pins plates screws and rods all over from my neck to my ankles. Some days...especially lately it hurts to sit still much less think about walking. I couldnt walk a mile if I had to...even after taking pain meds.

    BUT please dont give can do this. Im restricted...extremely so ...on what exercises I can do and have still managed to lose something like 70 pounds in 100 days. My blood sugars are better than a non diabetic!!! I feel better than I have in years.....I just cant work out like all the others here. SO you CAN do this just be kind to yourself...take it easy...move as much as you can without hurting beyond the carbs more than anything and load up on vegies, fruits and protein.

    I wish you much success and less pain STAND STRONG!!
  • Kris6344
    Kris6344 Posts: 23 Member
    Maybe you could do some exercises in a pool that wouldn't irritate your back so much?
    I wish you all the best man.
  • Shas2228
    Shas2228 Posts: 187
    DON'T you dare give up!!!

    You need to look at yourself in the mirror and SMILE... You have already lost 9 pounds. That's 31,500 calories you have SHREDDED off your body!!

    You don't HAVE to walk right away to help with weight loss. I've lost 47 pounds and I've gone power walking less than 10 times since September 12th. (I'd love to walk more... but, long story). Anyway my point is, you CAN lose weight simply by just eating better. I promise!

    3,500 calories equals to 1 pound. So you need to "burn" 3,500 calories in a week to lose 1 pound. Oh, that's so easy! So you figure out your body's basic caloric intake need. This amount is the amount your body needs to simply function and maintain the weight you are at. Look at that number. Now think of the calorie intake MFP has given you. Subtract the difference. That's how many calories you are burning a day simply by eating better. I hope this makes sense. I will provide the link.

    Now times that amount you burn a day simply by eating better by 7. That's how many calories you burn a week simply by eating healthier. I will provide a better example.

    Let's say a person's basic calorie intake a day is... Oh, 2,100 calories. Just to maintain. Now let's say My Fitness Pal gives them 1,500 calories a day. So that's 600 calories a day that person is burning simply by eating what MFP recommends. 600 calories times 7 days a week equals 4,200 calories. So that person has lost a little over a pound that week. That's not even including the fact we burn calories every day by doing chores. Going to the store. Or even exercising a little. So this person could actually have lost 2 pounds a week by their every day functioning.

    Does that make sense? Please don't give up. You need this for you. You need this for your wife. She deserves a healthy and happy YOU.

    Hang in there!
  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    Is there a community center near you with an indoor pool? That would be good exercise, but easy on the back maybe?
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Pain is so hard to deal with! It makes me irritated when normally I wouldn't be, it makes me feel sorry for myself, ( I detest self-pity), and I find I focus more on what I can't do than what I can do. What we all can do is eat at a deficit. Diet is at least 80% of the solution. I am relying entirely on diet to get this weight off because I don't know from day to day how I will be feeling. Mfp has helped so much. I like reading different theories, ideas and recipes. I have to wait 6 to 8 months for surgery, perhaps your timeline will be about the same. Keep tracking, you have the tools to do this! You've had tremendous success ready. The time will pass, let's spend that time being grateful for a solution, for taking health and happiness by the reins and enjoying life every day! ( I know I'll still complain but by practicing being positive and thankful for hundreds of blessings in my life, helps me get off the self pity pot and into my day)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Don't give up!! You CAN do it. Can you talk to a physical therapist? He/she might have some very helpful suggestions on exercises you can do that won't irritate your back. Sounds like walking is not one of them. What about a stationary bike?

    I was thinking this, too. Even just being in the water swimming a little at first burns more calories than being in bed and it's relaxing and can take your mind off food.
  • dmnj33
    dmnj33 Posts: 63 Member
    ******** UPDATE *********

    Down 27 pounds. Need to drop another 16 before back surgery. This is the hardest thing I have ever done. I pretty much stalled but I will not give up. FAT you will not win. NOT this time. I want to exercise more but it's a fine line to walk. Some days my back can handle it and some days it can't. If I push to much then I'm stuck in bed for 2 days. So Frustrating. Also if I take my pain meds it seems like I don't lose any weight that week.