What's your kryptonite?



  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    If I tell you then you will know how to defeat my super powers....nice try

    Good answer!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Lay's wavy potato chips.. I have to shut my eyes just while passing them in the grocery store :sad:
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    Twinkles! - I just refuse to eat them now b/c if I did, no doubt, I'd eat a whole box.

    Homemade pies (especially my pumpkin pie) - Oh, I don't even bother to control it. How often do you get homemade pies?!

    Breads - I swapped them out for matzo crackers, deli flats & homemade ciabatta bread & I still limit even those. It works well.
  • julianpoutram
    julianpoutram Posts: 331 Member
    Quite simply it is chocolate/ cake! I love these things WAY too much....
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 342 Member
    Anything and EVERYTHNG salty...especially potato chips!!!!:blushing:
  • slrea2012
    slrea2012 Posts: 31 Member
    The bag of peanut m&m's sitting in my desk drawer (at work) :drinker: and good beer
  • whitelaurel
    whitelaurel Posts: 162 Member
    Chocolate, cookies and candies--sweets! (And granola and trail mix.) Especially when I'm a) very hungry, b) very lazy, c) discontent, or d) having a bad weight loss week.

    I've been reintroducing myself to chocolate candy and cookies slowly (haha, like the peanuts person, up until recently, if it was in the house, it was INSTANTLY gone!!) -- but it's almost scary.

    I won't let myself eat it before a meal, or else I'll make myself consume it very, very, very slowly so that one serving lasts quite a while through the cooking process. Or I'll take one serving far away from the kitchen to consume. And I pre-measure a single serving into a plastic bag if it's something like M&Ms, and then I literally stuff the master bag into the furthest corner of the hardest-to-reach cabinet (then, after I eventually have the serving in the little bag, and after my shot of chocolate wears off and I'm out of euphoric danger land, I'll take the big bag out and measure another single serving into the plastic bag to store in a more accessible place for next time.) Also, if I want chocolate and anything else like an apple or yogurt sounds unappetizing, I won't let myself have it. And if I'm sad, I try to be miserable in my bedroom instead of the kitchen, but it's hard. You can call me obsessive or disturbed or insane, but sweets and I have been in the midst of this battle since my early childhood, haha.

    I still won't let myself buy Reese's Peanut Butter Cups or trail mix yet, because the only thing harder to resist than straight chocolate for me is peanut buttery or salty sweets. :) Rereading this, I literally sound like a crazy person...
  • bebifal
    bebifal Posts: 98
    Almonds and pistachios
  • pegsum
    pegsum Posts: 15 Member
    Coca Cola. Not the diet kind. The REAL kind. Sigh. I refuse to give it up completely, but I have been able to drastically reduce my intake. I practically swoon when I drink it. It's almost indecent.
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    SWEETS, ugh!

    I try to save cal's in the day to get my fix... seems to be working.. but I reckon it would work better if I just stayed the heck away from them!
  • bestmother13
  • RopenChoke
    RopenChoke Posts: 31 Member
    Battered, fried, and with a lot of ketchup. Doesn't matter what it is...onions, pickles, chicken, beef, porkchops,fish, shrimp, jalapenos, french fries...I could go on forever.
  • KarinaaD
    Chips And Tostadas ( ._.) Can't Help It Man.
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Boudain balls.
  • HeidiSmith419
    HeidiSmith419 Posts: 71 Member
    Chips!!! Or sourdough bread.
  • abentrup
    abentrup Posts: 29 Member
    oh geez....I love me a root beer every now and again!

    and mcdonalds french fries...just no way I can ONLY have one..or two...or a small order!

    Oh and ranch dressing...i can eat that stuff on EVERYTHING!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Potatoes! I'm trying to give up potatoes and other high gluten foods, for health issues I have. It's just so hard, I love my potatoes
  • tkbronico
    Latin men...w broken english.. :love:

    Oh umm... Peanut butter anything!! PB&J, peanut butter M&Ms, peanut butter in icecream, peanut butter w chocolate, peanut butter on a spoon.. Nom nom nom

    Have you tried mixing 2 tbls peanut butter with a 6 oz container of vanilla greek yogurt for an awesome dip...it's great on apples, bananas, pretzles...anything!!!
  • tattoogrrl28
    My sweet tooth is vicious. And i am on a 7 day cleanse which means no sugar or bread. I literally cried while making cupcakes for my son's school party yesterday, and huffed a bread bag like an addict with a bag of paint thinner.
  • RopenChoke
    RopenChoke Posts: 31 Member
    Boudain balls.

    Oh, yes! Love them. Born and raised in Baton Rouge, but now in SD. Notice how that would fit in my category of Battered, Fried, and with a ton of Ketchup.