I am taunted by neighbours when I run up the street



  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Record them, and when they're all moved into their house and start having friends over, play the recordings. (Just kidding...people like that alienate other people, and therefore it's quite likely they don't have any friends.)

    You should never, ever, E-V-E-R receive this kind of negativity regardless of your body shape or the workout you're doing. You're doing a GOOD thing FOR YOURSELF. If I were in your situation I'd be incredibly hurt and upset and WANT to do something to get back at them, but if you give them the finger or retaliate, they'll know that they've upset you (and be nastier), or if you do something to them, you may get in trouble. You can probably go to a police station and say that they're making harassing remarks, but the police (at least in the United States) can't and don't enforce common courtesy/human decency. They can only do something if the remarks become threatening - which COULD happen if you give them the finger. Then you'd probably also need some proof that they threatened you.

    Long story short, I'm sorry to say that I think your only good option is to ignore them...........or maybe challenge them to an endurance race and see who's really "out of shape"!
  • I know you have hearing issues, but what I do when I'm exercising outside (or even at the grocery when people and screaming children really get my blood boiling), is to listen to my MP3 player. I leave the cord dangling so people can see I'm "tuned out", and wear sunglasses too - doing both allows you to completely tune out anyone else and listen to your favorite music to motivate you while you run. You can get a small can of mace for $25 or less in case of loose dogs or if someone tries to attack you. Otherwise, just tune in to your favorite songs and tune out all the annoying things. I'm shocked how much less stressed I am. I'm lucky to also have a dog to take with me on walks/runs to deter people.
  • Kitkat_58
    Kitkat_58 Posts: 35 Member

    Since he likes Forrest Gump, you could just smile, say "Stupid is as stupid does," and keep going. I'd love to advocate that, but they sound like the type who'd slash your tires some night.

    LOL this made me laugh!

    Put your music in and IGNORE all of them. Be proud of yourself for loving yourself enough to do something about your health! You are doing great!
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Unfortunately, you can't control what other people do. But good for you! Hold your head high and be proud.
  • stomachflu
    stomachflu Posts: 134 Member
    Poop in their yard.
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    Rude *kitten*! Put headphones in and ignore them. I do like the idea of challenging them to a 5mile race. They'll either give up taunting you or try it and fail miserably. You keep running and know that you are the better person xx
  • MidlifeGlowUp
    MidlifeGlowUp Posts: 91 Member
    just remember you're doing this for yourself!!! Forget them! Put in headphones and remember your goal!!! BE proud hun you are incredible!


    It took some time to calm myself enough to write a few sentences that exclude the swear words I'm certainly thinking. How dare they?

    Screw them. This isn't about haters and the venom they spew on everyone they meet. Crank you music up and run fast and far enough to give them a reason to hate.

    As for your neighbors, I'm sure you could find a pet store that would sell you a pregnant rat. I think a hungry rat family would be a wonderful addition to their new home. What *kitten*.
  • Your neighbors are *kitten*. You called him out (which is awesome on your part!) and he just proved himself a jerk. That poor kid has a crappy parent.

    You can ignore them like everyone has suggested either with an ipod or change your run time... OR you can name and shame them by bringing your camera along and catch them mocking you if it happens again and youtube that ****. Obviously don't do this if you feel it will endanger you.
  • saktii2323
    saktii2323 Posts: 27 Member
    Some people are just rude because they believe themselves to be clever. 13 stone is not even that big.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I'm fat and I run.
    Didn't read past the first page of responses, but you already know they're the scum of the earth.

    Console yourself with the knowledge that right now you're fat and you run, but sometime soon you'll be slimmer and run, and meanwhile they'll be dead or suffering brutal ill health, AND the inevitable mental crippling that comes from a lifetime of being nasty to other people.

    Meanwhile, can you possibly move to a half decent neigbourhood that doesn't tolerate this sort of appalling behavour from its residents?
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Put on some music and turn it up. Drown out the losers.
  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    Consider yourself fortunate. It is a lot easier to lose weight than to grow a brain. You reaching your goals will be the final word. Feel a little sorry for them, too. One day they'll realize that they are essentially ugly by nature and it will hurt more than a little.
  • Crisitunity
    Crisitunity Posts: 98 Member
    I've had that kind of bs happen to me even when I was a size six. I'm super proud that you went up to them and told them off when they yelled at you, people shouldn't get to be that rude to strangers and expect to get away with it. Call the cops if they start harassing you again, just to file a complaint against them. Anyway, my point is, it's not because you're fat. It's because they're morons.
  • Terree_G
    Terree_G Posts: 69 Member
    This makes me mad and sad. Keep running... you're doing it to be good to yourself and you're making wonderful progress. Try to ignore the ignorant haters... and never forget that KARMA BITES BACK! :-)
  • If you let the ignorant comments of strangers stop you from improving yourself, then they win. There will always be people like that in the world. If I saw you running I would think "Good for her, atta girl" Keep at it! You will be so glad you did.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    It makes me sick that there are people like your neighbours in the world. They must feel so terrible and ashamed of their own fat, balding disgusting bodies that they feel a need to take it out on you.

    Balding disgusting bodies?

    If you are prepared to classify male pattern hair loss as disgusting, that makes you just as bad as the people who are taunting the OP.

    Be ashamed of yourself.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    tell him that if he and his little monster do not stop making fun of you that you'll run by his house naked every day for a month
  • helpmeherman
    helpmeherman Posts: 21 Member
    That's completely unacceptable. I don't know where you live, although I'm assuming outside of the US, but I have NEVER had an experience like that, and I run all the time and have run at a variety of sizes. I had a woman at stop light once roll down her window to cheer me on though! That was great.

    Maybe it's time to move?
  • Amanda13108
    Amanda13108 Posts: 34 Member
    i often get made fun of too,when i go on my daily runs, mostly by strangers the worst was when i was running down a trail and a guy on a 4wheeler stopped and asked me if i needed a ride back to my beach, i said excuse me (he spoke louder because of the engin noise) and said your a whale do you need a ride back to your beach, smh
  • shoshi68
    shoshi68 Posts: 407 Member
    I am so troubled by this little boy obviously having this behaviour reinforced by his bone-headed parents. What an awful shame.

    I am bigger than you, and aspire to run as you do. You must be so proud of your persistence and strength, as I am impressed of them.

    Keep up the good work, and don't let the *kitten* get you down!