


  • Prisme
    Prisme Posts: 65 Member
    Yes! Everyday. Love makeup.
  • ashleew1117
    Yeah, i wear it everyday. Now sometimes if i wake up to late then i'll just do eyeliner and some mascara but when i wake up at a normal time i do a full face of make-up but i don't usually wear like foundation and stuff like that unless i have a blemish and it needs some covering.

    But sometimes i get lazy and i'm just going to work or my boyfriends house and i'm not trying to impress anyone so i just wear mascara and my eyeliner.
  • RunningOnPurple
    RunningOnPurple Posts: 119 Member
    I think I have worn makeup a total of *maybe* five times in all of my 38 years.
  • Mandypt
    Mandypt Posts: 173 Member
    I wear it for work. It makes me feel more professional because there are alot of people who cross my path daily.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Daily .. Rarely levae the house without it.
  • GabyG69
    GabyG69 Posts: 213
    I only wear it maybe once a week when I'm in the mood to put it on. I have pretty clear and even toned skin so I don't feel like I really need it.. When I do put it on it's blush, mascara, and under eye concealer :)
  • xxloveiswarr
    normally when my husband is around. since he's deployed it happens very rarely unless i'm on vacation.
  • nata0x
    nata0x Posts: 7 Member
    I wear it for school or whenever I go out of town.
  • YcatsFursworth
    YcatsFursworth Posts: 278 Member
    not to work because I work nights and normally end up rubbing my eyes. or if I'm around the house all day. but if I'm going out I do normally, not for everyone else but for my hubby
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    I usually dont wear it around the house or if I am just running to the store, but if I go out or go to church I do......I love makeup just dont feel like doing it everyday
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    Mascara and eyeliner almost daily, I like wearing it!
    Eyeshadow and blush when I'm going out dancing or whatnot, but I only ever wear foundation if someone else applies it.
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    Nope. i wear a minimal amount of makeup unless i iam going on a date or something. makeup is getting more and more expensive. So I don't wear any to work where it is just going to run off of my face. Going to work is like working out for me. i get really sweaty, so there is no point of getting all made up. Plus, makeup is not really good for a kitchen.
  • ellenxmariex3
    ellenxmariex3 Posts: 165 Member
    I wear foundation, eyeshadow, and eyeliner to school every day. I tend not to wear mascara. I'm bad at applying it and my eyes tend to water from it.

    If I'm just running around on weekends, I won't put it on. If I'm going out with my friends or with my man, I'll jazz it up :)
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I wear it daily except for Sundays. I wash my brushes on Saturday and it takes a day for them to dry.

    I have acne even though I'm washing my face, toning, moisturizing, etc. every day... gotta cover that stuff up!

    ETA: Daily application, UD NAKED foundation, set with Mally powder foundation (or MAC blot powder if it's a good skin day), tarte blush, physicians formula bronzer, and tarte mascara. Lips are usually a tinted lip balm. BOOM. Done.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    it only takes me 3-4 minutes to put on my everyday makeup for work. i wear concealer, foundation, powder, eyeliner, blush, mascara and tinted lip balm.

    evening looks take longer (15-20 minutes) and i add in eyeshadow and lipstick.

    my main brands are eve perle, nars, urban decay and prescriptives
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    i grew up wearing "Kajal" or "Kohl" in India... my aunts and grandma used to apply it for me when i was too young to know how...and here i am 33 and in the US and each morning i put on eyeliner and mascara ...( my version of kohl ) and thats it.
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    if i go out at night. but i don't wear it for the most par. i swim in the middle of the day, so it makes it a pain the *kitten*.
  • Arunakae
    I only wear make-up on special occasions, like a few times a year. I hate feeling like I have to alter myself to be pretty, so I'm simply me. I love not having to worry about it and I love that when anyone, whether it be a stranger or my girlfriend, tells me I'm pretty or beautiful, I know they're talking about the real me, not the pretend me covered in a mask of make-up.
  • StarIsMoving
    Don't wear it daily, but fairly often. However, I don't feel like a bum without it. When I go to work I have it on 70% of the time, otherwise not too often. Too busy to really think about it I suppose
  • Dawnymaries
    Not daily. I wear it when I'm happy, or when I'm going somewhere fun/special. Normally I don't wear any if I'm just grocery shopping or whatever.