Anyone have tried W.w ??



  • emd528
    emd528 Posts: 30 Member
    I did Weight Watchers and lost 20 lbs in probably about 3 months. This was February-April/May of this year, so it was with the newest Points Plus system. They set a limit for how many points you can eat each day, and all fruits and most vegetables are worth 0 points, so you get those for "free", even though they suggest you track them anyway. You also get 49 extra points you can use throughout the week- you can save them all for one big event, or spread them out a few every day, or not use them at all. You also can earn exercise points, and you can choose to use/not use those towards food.

    They calculate your points per day based on your height and weight, and the lowest you'll ever be at is 26 points/day. As a 5'4" woman who came in weighing 180 lbs, I started with 32 or 31 points per day, and by the time I had lost the 20 lbs, I was down to 26. Points Plus values of food are calculated based on fat, carbs, fiber, and protein. The more fiber something has, the less points, but the more fat/carbs/protein, the more points it has.

    Positives: I liked that you got 'rewarded' for eating fruit, and for adding more fiber to your diet. But, the points calculation can make you try to cut weird corners to try to save points. Points don't round, so when I was calculating the points for a meal, and a tiny difference in ingredients or portion size (which would usually mean a small caloric difference) would change the points value, I'd sometimes do stupid things to make the points work in my favor. Sometimes (like light Laughing Cow cheese, for example) doubling the amount of food means the same points plus value; doubling things with a lot of fiber (which is still doubling the calories) usually *doesn't* double the points plus value. Other times, like if something has a lot of fat, doubling the amount of food will more than double the points plus value. These quirks of the system are unintuitive, frustrating, and make you do stupid things to try and make sure you get the most food for your points- at least, that's what I did! Exercise points were frustrating, too- I'm a runner, and so I would always see how many minutes I could run to bump myself up another exercise point, instead of just listening to my body and sticking to a number of miles I wanted to run. If you ran, say, 30 minutes, you'd get about 5-6 points (I'm pretty sure, depending on your weight), but if you ran 32 minutes instead, you'd get an extra point, and then not get another point after that until probably 38 minutes.

    Basically, I didn't like that things weren't incremental the way calories are. If I run 35 minutes, instead of 32, I want the units I burned (calories, points) to reflect that in my diary. If I eat double the serving size of something, it makes more sense and seems more fair if the amount of points/calories I record to reflect that. I like counting calories better because it's more straightforward, and feels more honest. It's intuitive, it's something you can easily do for the rest of your life, and you don't need to constantly whip out your phone when you're in the grocery store to figure out how many points something has. Plus, counting calories is free!

    I think WW helps you make good choices in terms of food, and encourages you to lose weight at a healthy rate, but these are things you can get from counting calories, too. Usually healthier foods are lower in calories, and most people who are watching their caloric intake know that they should eat fruits & veggies. The sense of community and encouragement I felt at WW meetings and at WW online is about the same that I feel here, so I don't think you'll really be gaining anything in that regard. I liked WW, and I am glad I did it because it helped me lose weight, but I am getting what I think is a better system with MFP for free.

    Hope that helps!
  • txdahl
    txdahl Posts: 107 Member
    I did amazing well on WW, I was going to the meeting each week so accountability was easy because you knew you would be standing before someone each week. The eating was easy and I was able to handle my points so that I still got to eat anything I wanted. I stopped due to some stresses and life changes and just never went back.

    I found this site by a friend. The thing with this is I find the community support so much better and the eating easier. I don't have to worry about counting to find points, just put in what I eat and how much and occasionally have to add something that isn't in the data base. My favorite part of MFP is that it is free. I found with WW if I had to miss a meeting due to work or something I felt guilty because of the money.

    I think it is person choice, if you like what MFP has to offer than you should do well, if you like the stricter structure and accountability of WW then go with that. I do have a few friends at work that are doing WW and as soon as their time is up this time they are all moving to this site and not doing WW anymore, for them it is the money. We have all lost about the same amount except mine is free.

    Which ever you choose I wish you the best of luck!
  • mollymoo51
    mollymoo51 Posts: 2 Member
    I think WW is a good program... like most diets, I do well a couple weeks and then give up. My Dr seems to think calorie counting & exercise is the best way to lose weight.
  • JessieTangerine
    JessieTangerine Posts: 91 Member
    Plus I feel like WW didn't really teach me HOW to doesn't break down the foods as much as MFP did, and doesn't give you specific ranges of carbs/proteins/fat to aim for.

    ^ This!!

    See I found the exact opposite. I did ww online and I felt like there was a great emphasis on eating a wide variety of foods and making sure that you do get all your veggies in so you get adequate nutrition. My mum does ww meetings and they are even more big on get in your vitamins and minerals. I find on mfp, people completely ignore micronutrients in favor of hitting their macronutrients. Even on days I dont track calories, I track servings of fruit and veggies, a habit I learned at ww.

    Overall, ww has the most wonderful community and can really help most people lose weight. I think my mom has lost about 40 pounds since january. Personally, I prefer mfp though because a. I did not lose weight on ww (eating too few points made me average less than a pound a month) and b. mfp allows you to adjust your macros so if high protein low fat isnt your thing, thats ok as long as you stay within calories whereas ww points have a non-negotiable formula.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I lost all 90 lbs on WW in the span of just over a year, back in 2011. I made goal last December, and have drifted down about 10 lbs past my initial goal weight.

    I'm an Online member only, and am looking to make the change over to MFP to save myself $18 per month. Tracking is key, and I already know how to get my fruits and veggies in - those are crucial in keeping hunger at bay.

    I figure it may take a month or two while i double track to figure what what works for me on this site - i already know WW like the back of my hand so I need to figure out what my daily amount here will be in order to maintain.

    The only thing I wish MFP had was "weekly calories" like WW has "weekly points" for splurges and what not. Those tend to occur on the weekend and they keep me from feeling deprived.
  • scrapfrfun
    I've done both, and honestly the weight loss is probably about the same... I lost MORE weight on the old WW system than their new one (PointsPlus). I prefer to count calories verses points, because there's no calories/carbs/fiber/protein to points calculations and the workout to point conversion is weird too.

    Honestly, MFP is FREE and easy as hell to use by comparison.


    I lost 60lbs on the momentum plan and then when they switched over to the pointsplus system that is when it went south for me.....I was constantly yoyoing and NEVER had 2 straight weeks of loss. It was so frustrating, I even tried it twice a couple months apart.

    I have lost 17lbs while on MFP and find it just as easy as WW for tracking but I don't have to pay for it!
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    Each weight watchers 'point' is about fifty calories. that's the Only difference with their system.
  • babicak3z
    babicak3z Posts: 79 Member
    i havent but a coworker has and hes lost 70lbs and counting
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    I did - twice. Both times I lost 40 pounds, and eventually gained it all back. I couldn't afford it anymore. MFP is much easier, and it's FREE. Works for me!

    edited to add: My sister is a permanent member of WW - she's lost over 80 pounds. Unfortunately, she's lost TOO much; her face is sagging terribly and she has no breasts at all now.
  • WynterSkeyes
    WynterSkeyes Posts: 48 Member
    Yes I did WW about 2 years ago and yes it does work if you are willing to work. My problem was I stopped. I lost 30lbs and got tired of weighing and tracking food. But I know now that to stay on the right track thats what you have to do. Just like being on this site you still have to weigh and track food. But its a good thing because you pay more attention to what you are putting into your body.
  • GFON
    GFON Posts: 8 Member
    I know people that have had great success with weight watchers. When I investigated it I thought it was too much work and figuring. MFP has worked out great for me. It is quick and efficient and I find if I stick to it and exercise it is dead on and the weight comes off. Just be honest and don't drink your calories. Also exercise will make the weight come off faster and you will feel better.
  • WynterSkeyes
    WynterSkeyes Posts: 48 Member
    Technically once you get all the books and get everything down packed its a waste of time and money to keep paying for the site. You could do it on your own. But you have to be motivated and really willing to stay with it because the support system is gone.
  • TXhall
    TXhall Posts: 2 Member
    I have done WW and had some results. I feel there is no better program to teach you healthly eating and balance. Teaches you a lot about portion control and balance eating. I like the thought that no food is off limit in moderation. The weight comes off slow about 1 pound a week (which they say is good) and they push WW products. I like MyFitnessPal because the weight is coming off faster but I also know I would not be making the healthy choices I am now making with out the skills I learned at WW, One thing I am seeing is tracking calories and eating right is harder than counting points with WW.
  • Swaroski
    Wow! U guys are great!!! Full of usefull advice and comments!!! Thanks alot!!! It will sure help myself make a good decision! I have again 40 pound to lose and desperate, I thought maybe that could ba a solution for me..

    Thanks again Pals :D
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    I had success with WW but it was a lot more restrictive than straight calorie counting. I feel like the unnecessary focus on fat grams is kind of pointless and the science doesn't support it. I'm a big fan of just straight calorie counting, its a lot less complicated (and free)...
  • fatcatjack
    I have done WW half a dozen times, most recently a year ago. Each time gained back all that I lost & then some. When I did it a year ago I had already been using MFP for a year but was looking for some in-person accountability. I found myself starving for weigh-ins, leaving the meetings & pigging out. So ultimately it wasn't serving the purpose I intended it for. Also found the leader almost brain- washed to their system. Her answers were so rote it annoyed me terribly. I tried it for 3 months & ultimately decided it was a waste of money for me. I now have a community of support that is incredible & I wouldn't cheat if my life depended on it. #mindshift Best wishes finding a great fit for you.
  • saudade108
    I have, and I saw results while I stuck to it. Everyone I know who stayed with it had great results. WW WORKS!!
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I did it years ago. It is a good program. Fully recommend giving it a try if you'd like. There's no one way that works for everyone :) what I will say that is very good about that program is that it will not starve you like crash diets do, and works in a very similar way to mfp where you log your food and make better choices, absolutely nothing wrong with that approach at all! :)
  • Rochelle_Burroughs
    Rochelle_Burroughs Posts: 15 Member
    I have been a member of WW both online and going to a class. I had good results with the class but found that there wasn't enough support online.
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    i liked the old plan, the new points plus system doesn't for me. on the old plan i lost 10 lbs for my wedding and maintained. i can't seem to lose more than 5 lbs since july now on the current one.i got tired of paying for no real progress, just cancelled it. i'm just doing mfp now