weight loss and hair loss



  • HairDivaAlisa
    HairDivaAlisa Posts: 50 Member
    I would definitely say that getting too few calories could be a major reason for hair loss. I see it all the time in my clients (I am a hairstylist). Diet affects the hair for sure. So making sure you are getting the right amount of calories as well as feeing your body the right food is important. Hair grows in 3 stages so if you have changed your diet in a time where you are already experiencing hair loss/shedding then it can look like a lot more than usual. I typically tell my clients if they haven't had their blood work done in 6 months to a year, that they should make an appointment to have it done. Just to make sure nothing is going on. If it all comes back good, then I usually will recommend a hair, skin and nail vitamin or something with marine proteins. Hair can only continue to grow if your scalp is healthy as well. I could go into more depth on this but it would get long. If anyone has questions you can feel free to email me. But I wouldn't worry too much. Hair loss/shedding usually slows within a month or so. Just make sure you are getting enough calories and making those calories count.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    When I started this journey the end of July I had just gotten out of the hospital after a nasty infection. I wasnt eating even near 1000 cals a day much less the 1800 recommended. I was losing a lot of weight and would've told anyone that would listen that I felt great. OF COURSE I felt great on the heels of a horrible infection......

    .....but it wasnt long and I noticed my long hair falling out. OMG it was in and on everything...hair brush and drain...table...floor...desk et al. It was nasty. It took me awhile to put it together because, like others here, I have major thyroid issues. (it's like saying because I have thyroid issues I gained 100 lbs....which is seldom EVER the case)

    But at what point do you quit looking for excuses and face the inevitable? EAT RIGHT and the hair loss will lessen or stop. Shedding is one thing,..we all do that all the time. But when you arent ingesting the right nutrients, vitamins etc......YOUR HAIR WILL FALL OUT.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Biotin and 3-6-9 essential fatty oils are a good help. It comes back.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    I had a problem with hairloss on two occasions:
    After the birth of my children. (This is normal, and it is temporary)
    Once when I used cheap shampoo. My hair fell out like crazy, and it took me a while to figure it out. My scalp also itched a bit. As soon as I switched shampoos, the hairloss ceased.
    JACKIELAN Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks all for the advice, I actually had all my bloods checked out 2 months ago, and the only thing wrong was that my cholesterol was too low ! So the Dr told me to each more omega 3 foods to raise the good cholesterol and then fight the bad cholesterol better. Perhaps the lack of the omega 3 fats has something to do with it. In any case I will speak with the doctor about it again.

  • Hair loss isn't a good sign with weight loss. It means you probably aren't getting sufficient nutrients. Try taking multivitamins and make sure you are eating enough.
  • SarginsonPamela
    SarginsonPamela Posts: 1 Member
    YES YES YES...I LOST 30 pounds on the Dr.Berstein Diet last year and kept noticing my hair was thinning...it was aweful...our calorie intake was about 800 calories per day...Im know using myfitnesspal with my calories a day of 1200 and I have not experienced hair loss....I just knew it was due to diet....grrrrrrrrr.:sad:
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    If you haven`t changed anything except how much you are eating in a day it might be due to diet. Hair loss is associated with not enough nutrients and too low calorie consumption.

    How much are you eating in a day? You may not be eating enough.

    This is it! If you are missing certain vitamins and nutrients, you will lose your hair.
  • BIOTIN :) it will help with other things too - Make sure you are getting all the nutrients to your body that you are missing with supplements or vitamins, including this one!
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    I am going through the same thing. We have a hair catcher drain in our shower and I pick up clumps of hair after my shower every day.

    I am under 1200 calories because I am restricted from gluten and dairy. I am starting how to eat all over again so that is a big part of my problem. I started taking biotin. That, along with learning how to get my nutrients to fit in with my new plan, is helping a little.

    Really, I just think I need some bread and all will be fine. :wink:
  • I have found when I am losing a bunch of hair, I am lacking my B's and Folic. Trader Joe's has a really good one (Dr recommended) It's 100 tablets for under 10.00. Just stick one on your tongue every morning and let it dissolve. It has helped me. I first learned about it because a medication I was on was messing me all up. It's worth a try and a little extra B never hurts.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I lose hair when I'm stressed, not at all when I'm eating less.
  • tbellamy1
    tbellamy1 Posts: 353
    That is common with VLCD for long periods of time
  • lovelifenetta
    lovelifenetta Posts: 1 Member
    add omega 3 vitimans to your diet. My doctor suggests that with weightloss you do tend to lose your hair.
  • lauryn6061
    lauryn6061 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes, had this problem when I was severely cutting my intake. I lost 15kg in 3-4 months. After that I ate normal meals again.
    But I was a student and ignorant (or maybe just plain lazy) about nutrition. So my hair was not as thick as it was when I was 15 kilos heavier. Read an article saying extreme weightloss may contribute to hair fall.

    Second time was caused by some hair product (that made my hair look great), unfortunately hairloss was so bad that my scalp started showing through. Took me about 2 years to get it back to normal.