I am taunted by neighbours when I run up the street



  • magdalen13
    magdalen13 Posts: 62 Member
    Reminds me of what we used to say in school when being teased for being fat, ugly, etc.... "I can lose weight (or whatever)... but you can't fix stupid"

    People like your neighbors are too stupid & mean-spirited even to realize that their attitude ultimately makes them the "loser", not you. Sorry you have to put up with such idiots.
  • Shannonpurple
    Shannonpurple Posts: 268 Member
    I'm fat and I run.

    I run for my health and because I enjoy it.

    I am over 13 stone and a size 16 (down from 18 stone and size 24).

    I now can run continuously for 2 hours covering 8.5 miles and I am proud of this and enjoy running :)

    But I get a lot of negative comments from strangers, normally from young males who wind their windows down to shout comments at me as they drive past. Luckily I am hard of hearing so I miss the actual words screamed at me but it is clear from facial expressions and tones that the comments are negative...I ignore and keep on running.

    A few weeks ago, new neighbours have taken on a house which needs a lot of building work done on it and hence are frequently outside the building and their young son has taken to pointing laughing and making various remarks about running and my weight, to and at me, which I ignore as he is a young child (around 8yo) and knows no better.

    Then I 'met' his father, who joined in with his son and shouted so loudly across the road that I heard him clearly, despite my deafness/hard of hearing issues. He pretended to speak in the affections of a person with special needs and screamed 'Run Forest, Run' at me.

    I crossed the road and asked him not to call me names in the street. He sneered and said he was only singing as I ran past and didn't get 'my ****ing problem'. When I explained that I received enough comments from strangers and expected my new neighbours to be more courteous. His wife screamed from an upper store window, that I was '****ing over reacting' and that I should '*expect* comments when I run outside'.

    Am I being unreasonable to expect neighbours to be polite to each other, not to mock them ?

    I accept strangers might be nasty but is it acceptable to be pointed at, laughed at and name called on my door step....as I am *fat* and I run outside.

    I may be old fashioned but I operate on the 'if you can't say anything nice, say nothing' policy and would never shout at strangers on the street.

    Sigh, this won't stop me running but it just makes it harder for me to get out there. Why be nasty for no reason ?

    Wow what a bunch of *kitten* holes I would call her nasty names and teach her son some swears as I ran by. But if you are not that mean friend me and I will come for a run with you and we can throw rocks at her house, I am rude and crude I will piss on her porch if you want me too....hehehe. Pay back is a B!t@# and so am I.
  • Melaniec78
    Melaniec78 Posts: 259 Member
    You can change your situation and should continue to do so.
    They cannot change being stupid and ignorant, and I hope they are bitter because karma has already been working magic on them.
  • SuperCindy185
    SuperCindy185 Posts: 12 Member
    Ah when anyone make a comment just remember inside that they are jealous because you can run! and not only can but do! It is because they feel ugly about themselves that they say anything at all. If they felt good about themselves then they could feel good about you too.

    So when you hear something smile - and realize that you are doing something beautiful for yourself and for those around you. Who knows you might just inspire of these lazy *kitten* people to put on some shoes and run along with you. Take those comments and feel their power. Run Forest, Run inspired many followers to fun with him, not because he was handicap but because he was loving to run. He never said a word while running he just ran.

    It is unfortunate more people lack compassion and love for themselves and have to share their ugly with the world but it sounds like you just maybe the light they need. Always keep that in mind and smile!
  • brybre0413
    brybre0413 Posts: 212 Member
    YOu are AWESOME and if you can run 8.5 miles who freaking cares what apparent idiots say! My as??>>> jiggles when I run and I don't give a fig! Turn up the music and keep running girl........screw the dad and his kid and the momma!!!!!
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    good for you for "keep on keeping on"!!!! People can be mean and that is horrible that they are teaching their child that kind of behavior. You are braver than I. I would like to start running outdoors but worry about this exact thing happening.
  • jrtcw
    jrtcw Posts: 128 Member
    They want you to fail so that they don't feel bad because they can't run like you. Keep running. :flowerforyou:
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I didn't read all 18 pages.

    That is horrible.

    I think you should video tape it next time and post it on you tube and then send it to the local media. Name names. And post addresses.

    Bullies need to know that this type of behaviour is no longer going to be tolerated.

    If they think you are over reacting and you should expect comments like that. Put it out there in the court of public opinion.

    Will they really stand behind their words or will they cower in the corner like they expect you to.
  • RNTanya
    RNTanya Posts: 26 Member
    Great, just what the world needs--a man raising another inbred peon like himself. I don't know much about the harrassment laws there, but it seems to me you have the right to leave your home without being harrassed and bullied.
  • jonesdav254
    jonesdav254 Posts: 99 Member
    First off, I'm sorry you are being taunted. Weight bullying or teasing happens to a lot of people in many different places – in work, in school, at home, and even between friends. Just because it happens often does not mean it’s right. In fact, weight-related bullying is wrong regardless of the circumstances. Being teased or bullied because of your weight is just as wrong as being made fun of because of your race, gender, or religion.

    People sometimes make mean comments about weight if they believe that being overweight is a person’s fault. In reality, being overweight is caused by a lot of factors that you can’t always control. The foods you eat and the activities you do are only a part of what makes up your weight. No matter why people bully about weight, remember that it’s not your fault and you don’t deserve to be treated that way!

    When people are bullied and teased about their weight, they sometimes feel down and ashamed. This can lead to feelings of depression, low self-esteem, and poor body image. It can make people want to avoid being around others, or stop doing their usual activities. You however, noted your strength to keep going with your exercise program...that is SUPER!!

    I might note that confronting a bully or someone taunting you may not always be the right decision. While I do understand your desire to get your new neighbors to be more kind, it seems this may not be in their personality (at least at present).

    What can you do?

    - It’s better not to fight back. Bullies want to get a reaction out of you. If you stay calm, ignore them, and walk away, it will become boring for them and they will be more likely to leave you alone in the future.

    - Be confident! If you look unsure of yourself, bullies are more likely to pick on you. Hold your head up high and stand (or run) tall.

    - Don’t go somewhere where a bully can find you alone. You are safer when your friends or other people are around.

    - If possible, run with a partner. Having someone there to support you, (perhaps a big bloke friend) will put a stop to these immature taunts.

    - If the taunts get to a point of threatening, report it to the police.
  • RNTanya
    RNTanya Posts: 26 Member
    I didn't read all 18 pages.

    That is horrible.

    I think you should video tape it next time and post it on you tube and then send it to the local media. Name names. And post addresses.

    Bullies need to know that this type of behaviour is no longer going to be tolerated.

    If they think you are over reacting and you should expect comments like that. Put it out there in the court of public opinion.

    Will they really stand behind their words or will they cower in the corner like they expect you to.

    Actually, that is a very good idea. There was just a video that made the national news here in the US. A man and his son were filmed imitating the walk of a young girl with cerebral palsy as she got off the school bus. It was awful but it did my heart good to see him and his son raked over the coals for bullying.
  • catinohio
    catinohio Posts: 82 Member
    size is not a measure of health, clearly if you can run that long you are very healthy! Screw them! "The only thing you can tell from looking at an overweight person are your own prejudices against overweight people"

    Walk up to them and say "if you think Im so huge, why dont you race me? 5 miles!" Because you know for SURE you could outrun them anyday!

    Shut them right up....

    Awesome response!
    And keep in mind how you will look when you run past them at your goal weight. Then YOU'll be the one snickering.
  • xo_Sarah_xo
    xo_Sarah_xo Posts: 308 Member
    I didn't read all 18 pages.

    That is horrible.

    I think you should video tape it next time and post it on you tube and then send it to the local media. Name names. And post addresses.

    Bullies need to know that this type of behaviour is no longer going to be tolerated.

    If they think you are over reacting and you should expect comments like that. Put it out there in the court of public opinion.

    Will they really stand behind their words or will they cower in the corner like they expect you to.

    Oh yes, totally do this!!!!!!!
  • I am in shock that people you don't even know and are new to your neighborhood would treat you this way.

    As others have said, hold your head up high, listen to your tunes and keep on running!

    Do you have an option of going a different way so you don't have to pass thier house? I'd avoid at all costs.

    You are fabulous - keep up the good work!
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    Burn their F'n house down then tell them they are over reacting as they watch it burn.
  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    u are doing fab...here is what I will tell u- it doesnt matter if u are a size 4 or size 20- people will make comments.. do it for you. the hell with them. me and my gf get yelled at all the time and I say yup the crazies are out...I never focus on traffic and continue as I am doing this for me not them and I dont need to answer to them
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
    They are just jelous because they can't seem to change anything about themselves. That is really all it is. I would just keep running and ignore them. Don't say anything, don't even look at them. Acknowledging them is giving them what they want. If it bothers you too much that it can't be ignored, find a running group to join or an alternative route.

    There is a girl in the UK who has her own blog, Fat Girl Run, and she encountered a lot of the same issues.

    Give her a read. :)

    Just keep running. You are so much better than they are.
  • jamfan
    jamfan Posts: 124 Member
    wow their A-holes. I might be inclined to train my dog to crap in their yard on walks. I have a tendency to overreact but this is uncalled for & I'd fear I'd do something in retaliation.

    I get comments while biking especially cutting up through traffic at a light. I've even had items tossed at me out of vehicles but I'm usually moving so fast that I don't hear or bother w/ comments.
  • julysbaby
    julysbaby Posts: 97 Member
    size is not a measure of health, clearly if you can run that long you are very healthy! Screw them! "The only thing you can tell from looking at an overweight person are your own prejudices against overweight people"

    Walk up to them and say "if you think Im so huge, why dont you race me? 5 miles!" Because you know for SURE you could outrun them anyday!

    Shut them right up....
    AWESOME!!! They asked for it:bigsmile:
    not that I endorse unkindness, but you could also use another Forrest quote "stupid is as stupid does"....but don't stoop to their level.
  • luvhandles74
    luvhandles74 Posts: 85 Member
    Toooo many pages to read... Ummmm...people are a-holes and NO you shouldn't "Expect" comments when you run by...what morons these people are...I would have asked her if she "Expects" the comments about how UGLY she is..when she goes outside....I know that responding this way doesn't make things right but this kind of stuff makes me friggin angry...

    Stay away from these people but if you clearly hear them say something about you then stand up for yourself, bullies generally go away after you show them you aren't a pushover..