No More Excuses -- Week 17

justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Here is the latest, a lot of stay the samers


Looks like Galina squeeked out the top prize this week. A Lot of people stayed flat this week.


  • Good morning to everyone. It's a better day today. I guess I needed another day of rest. I'm ready to go again.
    Thanks for all the encouragement.

  • gym_rat
    gym_rat Posts: 94
    I had a really bad day with sodium yesterday and made the mistake of weighing myself this morning. Not fun seeing that number jump. My husband is back from Iraq in about 60 days for R&R for 2 weeks. So I'm challenging myself for the next 60 days. I deleted all my old foods and have made my food diary public. I was shocked when I went back to look - sure I'm under my calories, but that doesn't mean I have been making good food choices.

    Here's to a happy Tuesday! Hope everyone has a great day.
  • Thank you looks like weight loss comes in week loosing more, another nothing...and after that loosing again.... Starting tomorrow, I will have a challenge for myself - to exercise 5 days in the row . we will see results at the end of the week!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all. I forgot to say the other day, that I think I have come to not love popcorn anymore. Remember when I was always complaining about eating it, etc etc. Well now I started my apple and yogurt in the evenings. The other night the dh and I curled up to watch a movie, and I treated my self with some popcorn. I couldnt get the yucky taste from myself. I think from all that salt, it was awefull, had to have a yogurt to get rid of it. So I think I have broke my popcorn cravings, and replaced with apple and yogurt.

    Will get on the treadmill today and finish W2D3 of C25K. Kidsa are both still sick, son still running a 102F fever.

    Congrats to those who lost weight, and even stayed the same.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Tuesday morning team...Nothing exciting here today. It is supposed to snow later on today, we'll see. I am ready for spring. One good snow a year is enough for me. It hardly ever snows in our part of SC but it certainly has this year. My oldest son decided he doesn't like track and the soccer coach let him come out for an evaluation yesterday. Try-outs are actually over but since he played soccer last year for the school they gave him a chance. The coach told him to come back today so fingers crossed that he will make the team. He has played soccer since he was 4 years old and a friend convinced him to run track with him this year but he didn't like it as well. Youngest is getting his car ready for the Pinewood Derby this Saturday for the Cub Scouts. It is an Army vehicle this year. He painted it and put it together by himself and he is very proud. All for now. Hope you all have a great day.

    Jack...Thanks for the chart. Still no weight loss for me, but at least I'm not gaining (this week):laugh:

    Renae...I'm glad you kicked the popcorn habit. Hope your children feel better soon.

    Teresa...Glad today is better for you. Sometimes you just need rest.

    Gymrat...Good luck on the 60 day challenge.

    Lazygalina...This will be a better week. I haven't lost any weight since the end of January but I'm still working on it.

    Congrats to the losers (and the rest of us). I have been in the latter category for the entire month of February. It is time for something to move!!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning Team!!!! It is going to be a beautiful day here in Colorado.....Highs in the 50's FINALLY!!!!! I am so sick of winter. Can't wait till we can be outside more!

    Youngest DH had an Honor Choir concert last night. It was great. It is amazing what one director can do with the kids in only one day's rehearsal. They of course worked with their individual directors prior but still....... And it helped to have a director that looked like he was a heap of fun!

    Tonight we have a budget meeting for our school district. They are having to cut and probably close a school. Since the youngest is going into hs, I just want to see what the plans are for there!!! Will be a busy day... Curves after work, then twirling lessons, then to the budget meeting. Probably won't get home till late!!!

    Didn't get my crunches done last night because of the concert. Have to remember to do them when I get home tonight!

    Talk to you all later, and have a wonderful day!
  • Okay guys.....drum roll. Me and my husband have been on the Wii for about 1 and 1/2 hours. I have ran in place for 10 minutes - twice. and we played tennis for about 35 minutes. We played golf and did all those balance games.Hula Hoop is a killer and I weighed in at 230.50 lbs. That's 4 pounds since I joined fitness pal. I wish they had the different exercises for the Wii calculated on the exercises portion of myfitnesspal. WaaaaaHoooo! I feel so much better when I run and sweat. Now I'm off to the showers.
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Hello All,

    I am new to the site and this group. I stumbled upon myfitnesspal on my iphone about three weeks ago and what a difference it has made. I had no idea how many calories I was actually consuming on a daily basis. While looking through some of the posts, I came across yours and was very impressed with everyone's progress and upbeat attitude. So I reached out to Jack to join. Just to tell you a little about myself. I have stuggled with my weight for about the last 12 years or so. Probably about the time I hit 30. I fluctuate between 205 and 210. I was at 202 when I started using the site about 3 weeks ago. Since then, I have lost a total of 5 pounds. I find keeping track of everything I eat and really watching the calories makes a huge difference. I was part of WW a few years back here at work and made great progress, but once the meetings stopped and I no longer kept track in the books, things went downhill from there. I think this is something I can keep up with.

    I look forward to chatting with you in the future!

    Thanks! Hawkeye01
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Welcome Hawkeye! Nice to have another new face!!! You are so right....I too find that writing things down makes me more accountable......Even the dad gome M & M's I found myself munching on this afternoon! SHOOT!!!! Oh well.....go on from here! ;)

    I'm sure Jack has filled you in then on how we work. This week our challenge is to do 20 crunches/sit ups a day!!! Jump right in and keep us posted on your progress!

  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hello All,

    I am new to the site and this group. I stumbled upon myfitnesspal on my iphone about three weeks ago and what a difference it has made. I had no idea how many calories I was actually consuming on a daily basis. While looking through some of the posts, I came across yours and was very impressed with everyone's progress and upbeat attitude. So I reached out to Jack to join. Just to tell you a little about myself. I have stuggled with my weight for about the last 12 years or so. Probably about the time I hit 30. I fluctuate between 205 and 210. I was at 202 when I started using the site about 3 weeks ago. Since then, I have lost a total of 5 pounds. I find keeping track of everything I eat and really watching the calories makes a huge difference. I was part of WW a few years back here at work and made great progress, but once the meetings stopped and I no longer kept track in the books, things went downhill from there. I think this is something I can keep up with.

    I look forward to chatting with you in the future!

    Thanks! Hawkeye01

    Welcome to our group:smile:
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Welcome Hawkeye.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Nice to have another dude in the group. Just know that to be in this group you have to acknowledge that the best BBQ is in Kansas City. (just kidding)

    Been doing my best on this trip. Today I was good, but I struggled over the weekend. I worked out at the dumpiest fitness center you have ever seen. It was comical. The price was right though. I now realize how spoiled I am at my fitness center.

    Tomorrow I run!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning team! Well here it is Wednesday already. Last nights schedule finally got me home at around 8:30. Each stop on my busy night went well. Looks as if we are going to be closing one of our schools in the district because of budget matters. It is sad but I feel confident that our school board is looking at all options and using their heads about what to do! The community forum last night was actually very well attended and everyone that spoke was professional. You don't see that too often when people have their own agendas in mind! Glad it went well, now we just have to wait and see what they decide.

    As far as food yesterday. I don't think I turned out too bad. A little over before adding in my excercise but then it was okay after I did. Today is a new day and I refuse to let the M & M's get the best of me!!!! I was having a weak chocolate moment yesterday!!

    At curves I lost another pound and 1/2 I think it was and a bunch of inches. Forgot my paper at the center so will have to get it tonight.

    Today is not quite so crazy.....Have work, curves and then youngest dh has National Junior Honor Society Induction. He is already a member but has to be there to do the induction of the new ones!!!!

    Well....everyone have a splendid middle of the week!

  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Wednesday morning...We had a 2 hour delay here this morning so I'm late starting work. Hope you all have a great day!
  • Welcome aboard. This is a good group. I'm a little late getting around. I had a virus on my computer. Well, she's all fixed and working again. Thank goodness I have a nerd in the family. Trying to post and do Wii at the same time. Husband is on it right now. So I get to post. I made the best post pie with hamburger. It only had 500 calories. I was tempted to have seconds, but resisted. Great day to start off. Hope everyone has a fine day.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all,

    Just finished W3D1 and have to say it was a lot easier then I thought it was going to be. Was jogging before at 5-5.2, but for the 3 min I knocked it down to 4.8. I even ran more then I had to, wanted to hit 20min with 5 min warm up and cool down. Burned 385 cals.

    Forgot to mention the other days that I did my crunches. Do at least 50/day.

    My sister and kids are coming for a visit today for the afternoon, so I don't think I will get much work done. Bought myself an ipod nano, a little treat for myself. Really like it on the treadmill. Have to use the headphones, for speakers aren't loud enough in arm band, and with treadmill noise.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162

    I too have a chocolate addiction. I am not sure if you have tried them or can get them in your area, but some of the Weight Watchers Deserts are only 150 calories and taste "fantastic". The brownie and mint chip are my favorite.

    Keep up the good work....

  • Hello,

    I too have a chocolate addiction. I am not sure if you have tried them or can get them in your area, but some of the Weight Watchers Deserts are only 150 calories and taste "fantastic". The brownie and mint chip are my favorite.

    Keep up the good work....


    Try the ones in the diabetic section at Walgreens. They are like 5.97, but get like 20 candy bars and they are really good. They are called glucerna. I'm not just saying that. They are g o o d....MMMMM......I'm out of them and need a chocolate fix. That doesn't happen very often. I have never craved any food let alone chocolate. It's like when you can't have it, you want it more. and more.
  • Good morning to everyone:

    It's going to be a great day. Woke up early and I'm ready to get going......posting early, eat early, exercise early. What could be better that that? And it to be a whopping 54 degrees.....WaaaaaHooooo! I can go outside. Well, I'm off.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740

    I too have a chocolate addiction. I am not sure if you have tried them or can get them in your area, but some of the Weight Watchers Deserts are only 150 calories and taste "fantastic". The brownie and mint chip are my favorite.

    Keep up the good work....


    Try the ones in the diabetic section at Walgreens. They are like 5.97, but get like 20 candy bars and they are really good. They are called glucerna. I'm not just saying that. They are g o o d....MMMMM......I'm out of them and need a chocolate fix. That doesn't happen very often. I have never craved any food let alone chocolate. It's like when you can't have it, you want it more. and more.

    Those sound yummy. Will have to try them.!
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