50 Day Goal - Want to join me??

Hey all! I've been here for 50 days now and I have lost a grand total of....wait for it....4lbs! Frankly, over the past 50 days I've been getting myself back into a routine of working out. I've joined a gym, thought about what I'm eating and have tried to get my focus where it needs to be. What I've been lacking is CONSISTENCY!! I've been WAY to big picture focused and easily discouraged. SO - today I decided that I want to lose (at least) 18lbs by my next 50 days. That sounds like a great way to celebrate 100 days on MFP. Would you like to join me?? What is your goal?? Let's partner up and get ready for Christmas!! :-)


  • Cylinda30
    Cylinda30 Posts: 157 Member
    Add me and I would love to lose 18 pounds with ya. I also go to the gym maybe we can do a challenge thing.

  • melissagrow
    melissagrow Posts: 13 Member
    I would love to join you! My goal is 20 lbs, and although I have been on this for a while, I am not dedicated enough to make it work! Maybe this will help!
  • Syndri
    Syndri Posts: 46 Member
    I'll join you with the 18lbs :-) It will stop me from being quite so lazy!!
  • Squeeks70
    Squeeks70 Posts: 157 Member
    I'll join in!
  • MrBryGuy
    MrBryGuy Posts: 115
    Consistency can be really hard if you focus on goals that are really tough to accomplish, although no goal is immpossible to reach. That new goal sounds like a great one for right now. I know you could do that. Feel free to add me as a friend. I am looking to lose about 8-10 lbs of body fat right now.
  • neciejones
    I'm excited!!!!!!! 12 pounds is my goal, but I sure would love the support of others. Anyone who wants add me!!!
  • Starleng
    Starleng Posts: 52 Member
    Add me...please! I so want to loose 10lbs to start.
  • marnold61
    I will join you but my goal would be 10 lbs don't want to make it too high and get disappointed. Hopefully this will keep me focused.
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    I'm wanting to loose 20 lbs by Christmas. I started on October 24th. WE CAN DO THIS!!!! High five everyone!
  • mzgafford
    mzgafford Posts: 42 Member
    Pick me pick me!!!! Currently I am not going to the gym but I am walking and will be starting the 30 Day Shred!!! I am wanting to lose 64 pounds total over the next 3-4 months! So this will be a great push to get there!! Please add me for support!
  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 252 Member
    I'm loving all of this!!! Thanks everyone!!!
  • maheffe
    Hi I just joined today and I'm happy to join you! Actually I want to lose 12lbs in 6 weeks an old friend is coming to town and I want to be in shape!
  • wonderwomany
    Hello, I'd like if you'd add me as well as I am new to this, only day two but what a great program, I just love it & really hope that after all the years of yo-yo dieting that this my fitness pal is the answer I have always been looking for! Stay motivated, we can do this! Regards, Mary
  • 3smommy2008
    Add me, I'll join you!! I'll match the 18 lbs in 50 days. I have such a HUGE overall goal, that it does get discouraging, so this will be great motivation, and something to look forward to on a shorter scale!! GO US!!!!!!!!
  • heatheralbert
    I am joining too. I want to lose 20 pounds by Christmas. Lets do it
  • funfactoryfacepainting
    Just a thought here... what do you think about breaking up your goal into small goals to help you reach your big goal?
    Maybe every 10 days a different challange or goal...

    8+ glasses of water
    9 servings of fruits and veggies
    up your workouts
    Support your friends/share recipes
    Buy a target outfit

    Those are just some ideas- what do you think?
  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 252 Member
    I think that's a great idea!!!
  • Priyanka8
    I would like to join I am very fat,
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    I'm in...I would like to lose 12 pounds!!

    funfactory - I :heart: mini goals!! When I feel that my ultimate goal feels sooooo far away, I start with a small goal and try to keep it up for at least one week before moving on to another mini goal!!
  • charm1018
    charm1018 Posts: 3 Member
    I'd like to join in on the challenge!!! Need to lose 25#''s...