

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member

  • arborsong
    arborsong Posts: 98


    ALICE, you are so precious!!! Thank you a thousand times! You have made my day complete!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: Greetings to all from sunny NW Washington where it feels like time to work in the yard:bigsmile: I am feeling much better today after naps and a good night's sleep and a morning of line dance (how much better would I be feeling if I'd gone to bed with the paramedics instead of with poodles :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Happy Birthday to all the birthday celebrants--

    :flowerforyou: We are packing for our trip to Los Angeles----the dogs have gone off to be boarded (it's easier to pack suitcases on the bed with no dogs jumping on the bed), the second of three loads of laundry is going, and later this afternoon we'll drop the cats off at "The Cat's Pajamas" and go shopping for batteries for the pedometers and Shape-Ups shoes for Jake. He has watched me bounce around in mine and has decided that he wants to feel bouncy too. We are bringing a lot of Isagenix shakes and meal bars and have decided to stay out of restaurants as much as possible. We leave the house early tomorrow morning.....it's a two-three hour drive to the airport depending on when we catch the ferry, then we park at a hotel we know, take the shuttle from the hotel to the airport then go through security which might take a long time since Jake can't go through the metal detector. My carry-on is a comfortable back pack so I can walk for exercise once we get through security and are waiting to board the plane. The event we're going to is at a big hotel at LAX so it shouldn't be take long to get from the airport to the hotel.

    :flowerforyou: On the subject of nighttime snacking, I have a plan like the one Barbara talked about......she has cheerios and yogurt, I always plan either oatmeal and applesauce or Kashi cereal with applesauce,or yogurt, or almond milk or an Isagenix protein shake....if I have a planned snack then it diffuses the prowling for something to eat.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy (pmjsmom) I am so envious of you getting Mariners tickets, we haven't gone for several years and I really miss it and look forward to going again.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, I am so excited to hear that you ended up in a place in Vail with internet access and a workout room...your higher power was certainly looking after you....Best wishes to Anna

    :flowerforyou: Spaniel, welcome to the group........stay connected to this exceptional group of women and you will get the motivation and support that will help you move along to your goal.......I've been doing this for over a year and look forward to reading the posts every day.....I track my food and exercise on MFP and make losing weight and being healthy a high priority......I wish the same success for you.

    :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone, I bought a workout video for the trip: Leslie Sansone's The Big Burn. Of course, I had to try it and it took a lot out of me. lol. I think it is going to be a great video for the hotel room. Jeannie
  • bradybrookes
    Welcome to all the new folks. February wasn’t especially kind . . I did not post a loss, but didn’t really gain either. Rough month here in the northwest for wind and cold – so I’m looking forward to warmer weather outside.
    My goals for March are:
    :happy: Keep things positive -- actions, thoughts, words.
    :happy: Maintain food and exercise journals.
    :tongue: Continue with exercising 60 minutes every day.
    C:tongue: ontinue with weights/strength training 3 to 4x week.
    :flowerforyou: Stay in touch with weight loss buddies (here).
    :drinker: Drink more water...less caffeine (I don’t drink coffee, but I do like Diet Pepsi!)
    :huh: I was also noticing that we all really KNOW what we do that’s successful and where we let down and let food, or TV, or work, or family or . . . well I could go on and on . . get the better of us. Because we KNOW, it’s strange that we can’t then transfer what we KNOW into what to consistently DO . . why is that? So, I guess I’m realizing this is very much a “brain game” of focus. We need to turn what we KNOW into what we DO . . . . hang in there everyone. This month is a great time for new starts, new life, new beginnings . . new US!!!!
  • spaniel
    spaniel Posts: 468
    Thanks for the welcome, ladies!

    It looks like this is a great thread and I look forward to sharing this weight loss/healthier lifestyle with all of you. Have a good evening, everyone!
  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hello All,

    I am so tired today I worked out at boot camp this morning vacuumed and picked up the house this morning then had my hair cut and colored, ran errands, did a kickboxing class this evening, then made dinner. I am doing all this madness to drop a few pounds before my nieces wedding and my trip to New York with my girls. I am also for two weeks only doing a higher protein lower carb diet just for these two weeks. Then will go back to a normal ratio of protein carbs and such. Wanted to update you so you wouldn’t think I had gone crazy. I really believe in a more moderate approach but maybe this will jump start the weight loss.:laugh: :laugh:

    Lucy I have also suffered with heel spurs very painful. I bought the inserts that you see on the infomercials they carry them at my Bed Bath and beyond. After several months the pain is gone and I am back to running haven’t ran in years because of the pain. The inserts were 20 dollars so very affordable. I wear tennis shoes most of the time with these inserts.:bigsmile:

    Way to go dobbiedo.:bigsmile: :

    Terrie I find I do best with weight loss when I eat at home too. But I love to eat out.:blushing:

    Kathy you can’t leave we enjoy you too much. I have been in and out for months due to my parent’s illness and haven’t dropped weight but I am counting it as a win because I haven’t gained back all I have lost. So hang in there the drive will come back.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Brady your observation is correct have you heard the saying do what I say not what I do. Well I think that is the problem most of us know what to do but we choose to do what feels best immediately not doing what we know will be better in the long run that instant gratification is a diet killer!

    Good night and good luck ladies,

    Lynn:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • constancemwj
    I would really love to join your group... I'm not really 50+ yet... but it's getting closer everyday....actually the end of this year and I know it's not going to be easy for me... that's one of my motavations ....I uses to never worry about my weight or health at all and then I woke up 2 years ago,, and realized I did feel good about myself any more and I really needed to change the was I was. (also thanks to my doctor too, I didn't want to end up with all the problems my older brother or sisters have.) I love this sight, it has really changed my life and got me moving in the right direction...but I've been doing this mostly on my own with still alot to learn...

    So my goals for this next month are to lose 4lbs.thats one/week
    do cardio for 5 times/week
    I started running again the first of this year and am up to a mile. and would like to do 2 miles by the end of march.
    and log and stay at my calories each day...
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Better late than never. Actually, guess its already tomorrow, so maybe I should say "the early bird gets the worm." Yuck, suddenly I am not hungry anymore!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Actually, after reading about those paramedics and how they improved everyone's situation, maybe I need to invite the whole fire department over!! This morning I woke up wondering how I missed the train that ran over me during the night.:noway: :grumble:

    A warm soak in the tub with some dead sea salts improved the situation. I didn't get any exercise in before I left for work--other than some doggie walking. I decided to do a furit and veggie and nut regimen to try and get back "in the groove" and see if I could get rid of this nagging need to eat carbs just before bed time. It appears to have done the trick as I haven't felt the need to "graze" tonight.

    I hadn't had this problem since I started MFP, and the only thing that is different-- other than the whack I took on my noggin' in January--is that I have been trying to increase my protein consumption by utilizing a protein drink for breakfast or a morning snack. It is a low fat, low sugar product, but after looking back at my food diary, I noticed that on the days I drank it, I was a "carb chaser" at night. Today I didn't drink any of it, got my protein from soy and other veggies, and stayed under my calories.

    I think I am back on track. Tonight I visited my mom and dad and while there, my dad wanted his dessert, so I scooped vanilla ice cream, served it with a brownie and homemade chocolate sauce(a la Hershey kisses melted in the microwave w/a dab of water--better than any chocolate sauce you can buy). So here I was unwrapping kisses, stirring the melted chocolate and I did NOT eat ANY of it!!

    I had veggies for dinner while I was over there, and had a couple of clementines for dessert. Felt a little "nibbly" when I got home, so I ate an apple and chased it with a glass of water. So far, I am satisfied, and beddy bye is almost here, so I feel like I have climbed further back in the wagon than I was yesterday.

    Kathy (pj)--I had forgotten you were in the Seattle area (not sure I ever realized it), so I was surprised to see from your profile that you are near Olympia. As I said, I may have known this, but since I am still suffering the effects of a whacked melon, it now seems like news to me!!:embarassed:

    I plan to be in your vicinity during the week following Easter. Barbiecat and I have discussed the possibility of me visiting her and Jake on the Olympic Peninsula. I also have family in Seattle that I need to visit. It occurred to me that I haven't taken a road trip without my parents in about 3 years. I used to go all over the place, but lately, unless it involves taking them somewhere, I haven't gone anywhere for overnight in quite a while.

    Anyway, depending on scheduling maybe we can arrange to have our paths cross when I am on my way back home from Seattle. I warn you, I will probably be travelling with "the Three Little Pigs" so it is unlikely to be a boring or quiet visit!!:laugh: :laugh: If the prospect of this doesn't sound like something that inspires you to be out of town that weekend, let me know and we can see what develops.

    Well, I am rapidly fading here, so it is time to crash. Thursday is my late day--don't start work 'til 1p. so I can be a little lazy in the morning.

    So long everyone.
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    I am so glad to be able to get some terrific ideas here. Glad I found this board. I plan all my meals and snacks except the snacks later in the day. I really should do that! Yesterday was a good day, but I did feel the need to snack after dinner. Maybe I just didn't eat enough. I try to have soup often, and that helps with the food intake at meals. You are all such great motivators! Many have lost so much weight and that is truly admirable.
  • arborsong
    arborsong Posts: 98
    Terri - am I remembering correctly - I believe TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY !!! Gosh, there's been so many this week, I may have lost track. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ANY AND ALL TODAY!!! Just know you are a special lady and a birthday is a marvelous time to evaluate where you are in life - including but not limited to your weight loss plan.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Water cheers to all today!!!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Morning Ladies:flowerforyou:

    I'm off to the dentist for general cleaning. Not my favorite place to be. But it is a must.

    Yesterday I had a day off. One of my sisters took care of mom.

    My husband wanted to go out for a ride but I had to balance the check book and that really took some time.:explode: So we did not get to go. He was not happy that it took that long. So he decided to roast a chicken for the evening dinner. He did not want to drive when the children and others were heading home. I had not touch my check book for a whole month. I use Money on the computer and on line banking that helps for sure. But I used my debt card for my parents things also so I had to sift through that all.

    We also had banking to do also. We did get to have lunch at Panera Bread but hubby was not happy with his cold salmon club sandwich. I don't think he was happy at all about the day. I did not mind the sandwich. We also had french onion soup. I love onion soup. I just think it was a little expensive though.

    We struggle getting to do things together lately and it is starting to stress us out as a couple. We talk about it so it does not get out of hand.

    We did not get into the gym yesterday:grumble:

    Hope to get there today.

    weaklink:flowerforyou: You have really been battling that head injury. Take care of your self.

    Today after the dentist I will go to mom's. She has really done well sleeping without anyone with her. I am amazed of all the things she can do. That really helps out. She had an OT provider over the house to help her relearn things she has to do to enhance her quality of life. Big step. We still have to make her meals and such but she can shower on her on and get ready for the day pretty much and be safe at the same time. . Actually she can make her toasted rice cakes with cream cheese and jelly. She loves it. So breakfast she can do.

    Lately I have had so many anxiity attacks I'm on meds. They seem to help. The day off I had yesterday also helped. My husband suggested not to visit my parents. He wanted me to take and entire day for myself. I think it helped. But, I did feel guilty not seeing them. I called and that made me happy. Its tough I feel like they are my little children and I can't let go. Does that make and sense?

    I wish I had something funny to tell you but nothing comes to mind.

    Well got to get to the dentist. NOT FUNNY.

    Kathy (plantlady):flowerforyou:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Well my Nephew was able to go to school today his fever broke. SO today I am going to head off to the gym to get back on track. Did good on my calories yesterday and played on the WII with him for about a hour that is a workout never really played it before so didn't realize how tired you get. He got it for Christmas guess I should have tried it before
    .HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL OF YOU WITH A BIRTHDAY COMING UP OR A BELATED BIRTHDAY FOR THOSE I MISSED:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member

    Happy Birthday Terri!
    :smile: Alice
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, everyone! I just joined MFP and found this link! How wonderful to read what you are going through and hear such similar stories. (It IS DIFFERENT being over 50)...
    AND to see how far many of you have come. So I am very inspired and look forward to checking in and having some successes to share in the future.

    Question? When I type in Yoga for exercise, nothing shows up. Any suggestions? (I sure feel like 90 minutes of Yoga is exercise!)

    Thanks to all and Happy March!:flowerforyou:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good Morning, everyone! It's a beautiful day and I don't even know what it's going to be like yet! I just feel really good today.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Happy, happy Birthday, Terri! I hope you have a wonderful day!

    Welcome to our newbies! This is THE BEST thread on the web!:smile:

    weaklink109--A soak in the tub sounds like heaven! I haven't done that in ages so I think I'll plan one for this weekend!
    I would love to meet up with you (and your "naughty piggies"). It would be fun! I don't know what my schedule will be, but I get to choose my hours, for the most part, so I'm sure something can be worked out!

    profjan6--I also struggle with nighttime snacking. I have given myself a cut-off time--8pm on weeknights, weekends and special occasions are handled on an individual basis--and so far it is working! It's only been a week, though, but I'm planning on sticking with it.

    Hang in there, Kathy(plantlady). :heart: You are in my prayers always. I'm glad you took a day for yourself. It sounds like you need it!

    aisser--It's nice to see you back! You were missed.

    AliceLMS--you find such cute things! Someday I'll have to figure out how to do that!:laugh:

    kackie--I do Hatha Yoga, which is listed under 'stretching'. I don't know if any other type is listed but I think you can enter your own exercises. I'm sure someone else here will be able to help you with that.

    Well, time to get my workout done and get ready for the day. ave a great Thursday, all!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Happy Birthday Terri! Double Nickels, haven't heard that expression in years! Sure wish you'd kept the Kisses sauce recipe a secret, at least for another 40 pounds... :laugh:

    Kackie, 90 minues of Yoga is KILLER exercise. You can figure the calories here and add you own exercise to your log. http://www.everydayhealth.com/Calories-Burned-Yoga.htm.

    Aisser, :flowerforyou: welcome back and welcome to the wii! Maybe your nephew will let you borrow the wii for your workouts :wink: The wii fit plus with balance board is the ONLY exercise program I've ever stuck with, and today is day 62!

    profjan6, I have to plan my meals AND snacks and log them in first. If I deviate from plan that's ok, but its easier to keep within goal that way. I have to WAIT UNTIL I ACTUALLY DO IT to log exercise tho'... :embarassed:

    Lynne, I'm exhausted just reading about your day! Bootcamp, housework, errands, kickboxing AND low carbs? If you find yourself getting TOO tired, add a few carbs back in. It makes a HUGE difference.

    Brady, you are SO right. :grumble: Wish Ninento could invent a brain game that would help us DO what we KNOW, like the wii helps us burn calories, stand straighter, balance better, etc...

    Alice, Love your Sparklies! What class are you studying for?

    Lucy, you're DH is a lucky guy. There was a day when I did trade mine in for my dogs:brokenheart: ... We're tons better now, thank God.:love:

    SuzyQ I too have trouble exercising when DH is in the house. He pops his head around the corner and sometimes mimcs what I'm doing. Know he's trying to make me laugh and lighten up... BUT...sometimes its doggone irritating :angry:
    How's your size 10 coming? I've lost 10 pounds and am still wearing 16W pants and 18P shirts. :explode:
    Doggoned frustrating.

    Barb, when exactly is your Bday? April 8? Not too thrilled to learn that my bday is National Pig Day... a little too close to home :bigsmile: And sure wish you'd kept the Kisses sauce recipe a secret... at least for another 40 pounds... How did you injure your noggin? A Gazelle! How do you like it? The adverts always look SOOO persuasive...:happy:

    Constancemwj, you're more than welcome. We'll just call you 50+ "Lite" :laugh:

    Spaniel, My sister Diane cheered me up by telling me that in India the 60th bday :tongue: is the beginning of the 2nd half of life. Beginning. I like that. What day is yours?

    Need to at least check in on the wii and scoot to work. Hugs to all.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Happy Thursday and Happy Birthday to those that today is extra special:flowerforyou:

    Kathy (plantlady) hope your cleaning went well, I know how you feel it's not my favorite place either, just one of those necessary evils:angry:

    Gerald said this morning that he feels like he's at 97% pain free since the steriod shot on Tuesday:bigsmile: I'm so glad, it's been quite a process since last April when he woke up in pain.

    Each night going home and getting my exercise in right away, some nights it's hard to do until I get on the scale in the morning and see even a small 2/10th drop:wink: I'll take anything I can get. The only thing keeping me doing the exercise is knowing that I have already logged it in and if I want to eat what I've planned I have to exercise to balance everything out....that and someone may look and see that I'm not:noway: ...I guess it keeps me honest.

    Couldn't get ahold of Mom last night, she was saying that she didn't like her PT guy because he was "Mean" to her and made her do things she didn't want to!:laugh: I'm sure that he encounters plenty of people like her in rehab, maybe something about being in her 80's that makes her think he should be nicer to her, although if he was she wouldn't get better because she'd never improve.

    Gotta get to the messy desk. Everyone have a good Thursday.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    smile: Hi everyone! I have been MIA because I’ve been out of work with Bronchitis that won’t seem to leave me.:frown: I am going back to work Monday but wanted to drop in to say hi!:love:

    I haven’t had the energy or the motivation to go online and track,:yawn: however I have been careful about my food choices. Today is the first day I feel like doing anything but I get tired easily.:ohwell:
    I haven’t exercised for over a week (again):angry: but my weight has stayed the same.:bigsmile:

    To cheer myself up, I tried on clothes from last summer! OMG!:noway: I can’t believe how big they are! :blushing: :blushing: They’re not ever wearable!:laugh: Some of them were too tight to wear…..and now they look like someone else’s clothes! I tried on some of the clothes I wore 17 years ago, and many of them are fitting! Can you believe how big the shoulder pads were back then???? :laugh: :laugh: Needless to say….I can’t wear some as they are just outdated!:noway:

    I hope everyone is well!:love: I haven’t read the posts yet, just wanted to post so I’m on the March thread.:wink:
    God Bless!