

  • jessienmiller
    jessienmiller Posts: 73 Member
    All that coffee could be contributing too, but I like the idea about charting when you are bloated and see if it correlates with any food or drink. If it is that certain time of month, bloating is common. I would focus more on toning exercises and strength training and as muscle weighs more than fat, you might see an increase in weight initially but then it will turn to weight loss. I would go online and find some specific toning exercises for those areas or see a trainer and see if that doesn't help.

    Does the bloating cause any pain or other symptoms? Does it come and go or is it consistent and did it start all of a sudden or something that you have had for years? If it is new and consistent and doesn't go away, I would make a doctor appointment sooner as it could be any number of things, but as a nurse, I tend to lean on the cautious side of things. I would prefer to assume it is something and find out it is nothing than to assume it is nothing and find out later that it was something, if that makes sense.

    You are beautiful and maybe talking to your husband about your feelings will help you through them as well. Possibly a counselor could help as well. Body dysmorphic disorder could be a possibility? You are doing everything right and I know you can do this... the way there may just be different than you initially thought. Good luck and hang in there! *hugs*

    Thank you sooo much! And yes it has been mainly the last few months that i have looked preggers, I do not have any pain or cramping but my stomach has been making horrid noises when i have or have not eaten. Thank you for the *Hugs* I really needed that. And about the unlocking my diet , I really do not want to ( not because i have anything to hide) But because i do not feel that i can take all of the hurtful critisism that one or two people may have to offer ,and i already do not like what i see so why give myself more reasons to not like something. But I am honest and count diligently as i have said before i even count my grapes, I put in my gum and my vitamins also .I have gotten so crazy about counting that throughout the day if there is a free min i write anything down that i stuck in my mouth so i will not forget anything and can add it up before i eat anything else.I log my coffee and even cinnamon.
  • jessienmiller
    jessienmiller Posts: 73 Member
    Yes this is with my goal weight of 110, why is this bad?
  • eandrsmom
    eandrsmom Posts: 119
    Bloating could be due to what you are eating and how you are eating it. I was having horrible issues until about three months ago, when I switched to 5 small evenly sized, evenly spaced meals a day and added a probiotic. I have not had the first issue since then. Good luck and you look fantastic already, by the way!~
  • jessienmiller
    jessienmiller Posts: 73 Member
    Thank you I may try a priobotic and see if that helps, And my profile pic was me last year at 10-12 pounds lighter and fitter. But thats why i switched to this pic to help me remember that i can get back to where i want i just need a new path to get there.
  • eandrsmom
    eandrsmom Posts: 119
    Thank you I may try a priobotic and see if that helps, And my profile pic was me last year at 10-12 pounds lighter and fitter. But thats why i switched to this pic to help me remember that i can get back to where i want i just need a new path to get there.

    We are in the same boat....only it has been a lot longer since I could wear a fabulous little dress like that! I am halfway I will be ready to go when the weather warms up!
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Popping back here....

    Probitics..seriously...yet another marketing scam that does little to assist. Your diary is STILL locked, so I cant assist you here. I would look at your workout routine..what is it SPECIFICALLY. If you bounce around every time without some form factor, you are doing nothing to assist other than cardio, which will flatline at some point. So, be SPECIFIC with it. Change it up ever 3 months with a break in between and focus on BF%. This means you need to BUILD MUSCLE. Lastly...all I can point to is your diet.