5 Pounds A Month March 2010 Challenge



    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Quick welcome to all the new people! We are here for support and motivation. Share your successes and your downfalls. We are here to be your support group!

    I am off to the treadmill to get in a walk until the first daycare child arrives! Have a great day!
  • weeble2008
    weeble2008 Posts: 147 Member
    A day or two or three and always a dollar short.....story of my life! Is it too late for me to join the challenge?!?! Beginning in January, my plan was to loose 5 lbs a month, and was doing good until I tore a muscle in my lower back in February. I'm not going to stress about the 6 lbs I gained back during recovery though....back on the plan!
    I could definitely use the encouragement!

    For March:
    SW: 173.5
    CW: 173.5
    GW: 168.5
  • erinm
    erinm Posts: 53 Member
    Weighing in:

    Weight as of last Friday: 201.4

    Weight as of today: 197.8

    Off to a good start!
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Good morning everyone... Just getting ready for work, so have just a quick sec to say hi! Wow, so many new people! Great! My goal is to drink the WATER!!!! Why is that soooo hard! Have a good one everybody..
  • twt1999bird
    Did great three days in a row. Now it is day four and I need some help. What do you do when you start to have a serious craving? :sad: My mouth is watering so bad for Houlihan's stuffed mushrooms with horseraddish. I just found online that a plate of them is over 1400 calories.:devil: Is there a way to not deprive yourself of the food you love with out ruining your progress? It's only a dream isn't it? :mad:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi! I know I'm a little late but I can I join in too? I had a group but it kinda fizzled out. And since then I've been less motivated. Being in a group really helps lot! I'm not sure what I need to tell you, so I guess I'll just post some things I see below...

    starting weight at beggining of march- 154
    goal weight by end of month- 150 (or less!!)
    goal by April 8th- 145 (my 25th b-day!!! :bigsmile: )

    let me know if I need to tel you how much i exercise or anything. today i will be exercising for 65 mins. c25k, shred, and a 20 min walk! :flowerforyou:

    Oh and my name is Ariel :happy:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Did great three days in a row. Now it is day four and I need some help. What do you do when you start to have a serious craving? :sad: My mouth is watering so bad for Houlihan's stuffed mushrooms with horseraddish. I just found online that a plate of them is over 1400 calories.:devil: Is there a way to not deprive yourself of the food you love with out ruining your progress? It's only a dream isn't it? :mad:

    I don't know if this helps; but, I let myself have the cravings...just not the whole thing

    I have learned to throw things away even tho we feel like we are wasting food...so, if you could only eat 1/4th and exercise a little, your craving would be satisfied and not kill your weight loss efforts.

    Lastly, I have one night a week where it's all out...I drink alcohol and a favorite snack...I heard once that 70% of what you eat should be what your body needs and 30% can be what you really like....not sure how true that is, but sounds reasonable
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Wow, I am impressed with everyone's dedication, it's contagious!

    Keep it up everyone. :happy:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Again I have a long post, SORRY! :tongue:

    Sounds good, what should our challenge be? Are we doing once a week every week? I know I will be much more likely to do it if you keep me accountable!

    Walking is great exercise! Plus I bet you are doing more than you think you are taking care of your hubby. All those daily chores add up fast.

    I also do yoga and love it! I use The Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga DVD. BTW having a doggie makes you younger and live a longer healthier life-so they say! (Did a "what is your real age" test online, might be bull but it was fun)

    One meal wont hurt. Have a good time, make the best choices you can, then get back to it the next day.

    Drink while you drive. :drinker:
    WOW, that sounds really bad... lets try that again! lol
    Drink WATER while you drive. :happy: Get a bottle, figure out how many times you need to fill that bad boy up to reach your water goal (mine is 4 times=96 oz) On my way to work I drink a bottle, on the way to workout on my lunch I drink a bottle, on the way back to work, on my way home, ect. I find it easier to think about 4 bottles instead of 12 glasses. Just feels like more counting glasses. This is a good goal, my very first mini goal over a year ago. It really helps me to drink, on days I don't I feel the diff.
    FYI You will pee a lot so keep that in mind if you have a long drive home.

    This is my downfall! (I am a binge eater) You know yourself best, but if it was me I would eat it. I find myself wanting something I shouldn't have and I am really good about not eating it during the day but then that night I eat everything I see plus sometimes the thing I wanted in the first place also. So if I just eat the thing I was craving I could save myself from eating a 1000 extra calories.
    If you are stronger than I am, just think about how good it tastes, then think about how great it will feel to be your goal weight! You could also make a homemade version with less calories.

    I heard the magic numbers were 80% healthy 20% treat yourself. The First Lady does 90% 10%, and she looks very good! :wink:

    :yawn: So I didn't workout last night, kept falling asleep while reading (I read to my kiddos before they go to bed at night, last night it was "The ugly Duckling") and my son keep yelling "mommy, mommy, mommy, waaa uuuupppp waaaaa uuuuppppp" then my daughter said "Are you reading or what mommy? You are just sleeping, maybe you should just go to bed. I remember that the ducky doesn't stay ugly. Go out of my bed before you fall asleep and take all my space" :laugh:

    So today I will try and get both workouts in, I still don't think I will have a loss tomorrow. But I hope to at least not gain.
    Hope everyone has a great day.
    PS Do you all hate the Girl Scouts as much as I do this year??? Why do they have to be so cute in the little uniforms?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I heard the magic numbers were 80% healthy 20% treat yourself. The First Lady does 90% 10%, and she looks very good!

    Thanks for the update...I wasn't sure what they were...but, the first lady does look good.
  • twt1999bird
    So I decided to get a medium fry from McD's. That way it was a small serving of something and I hopefully will keep me from going overboard later. I have been working out like crazy this week so I am just going to burn it off tonight. About to finish up my lunch with some tomatoe soup.

    I have to figure out how they make those mushrooms at Houlihans now. Better yet, their horseraddish dip. mmmmm...dreamy!!!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Did great three days in a row. Now it is day four and I need some help. What do you do when you start to have a serious craving? :sad: My mouth is watering so bad for Houlihan's stuffed mushrooms with horseraddish. I just found online that a plate of them is over 1400 calories.:devil: Is there a way to not deprive yourself of the food you love with out ruining your progress? It's only a dream isn't it? :mad:

    Never had this food but it sounds good! When I look at something like this I start thinking how much extra exercise it would take to burn off those calories. If you really can't avoid the temptation order it with a friend and eat only half. It is still 700 calories but not quite as much damage as the 1400. I personally have decided not to totally eliminate any food that I love, but to enjoy it occasionally. I want to be able to eat the things I enjoy but in moderation.

    I could be losing weight a lot faster if I was not dieting this way, but this lifestyle change has to be something I can live with the rest of my life. I am not on a diet, I am learning how to eat in a healthier way.
  • erinm
    erinm Posts: 53 Member
    That's exactly what I do too. If I completely forbid myself of things that I am craving or really enjoy, then I can't forget about it, and want it even more. So, I allow myself those things in moderation to satisfy the craving. Perfect example is last night my husband and I went to our favorite ice cream store. In the past I would have ordered a large malt, which is over 1300 calories. Last night I didn't order anything, and had four small bites of his. That satisfied my craving, and I didn't blow my calorie intake goal. I also look at the big picture of how much it would take to burn off what I eat, and whether I really need it. That helps me work through it too. It's hard, but the pay off is wonderful. I have lost 22 pounds since January 1st. That means more to me than any malt or craving does! :)
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    It seems like so much of cravings are habit. There's history and association and it takes a moment to change the habit. I've been trying to expose myself (Oops) to fabulous foods that are healthy (bizarrely I had a craving for a specific salad the other day - that's a first) and modifying higher calorie foods like one of my faves, Anthony's salmon burger. I take off half the bun and scrape off most of the sauce - there's still plenty left for flavour. Rocco Dispirito has been doing recipe makeovers in magazines and on TV which sound great too.

    I had two of my son's fries last week and quite frankly they tasted greasy and disgusting. I think my taste buds are changing. Yeh!
  • DixonKels
    DixonKels Posts: 20 Member
    Ok, so I had my weight wrong on Monday. It was 229.5, not 228.6. But I did my weigh in for this morning and was 228.2, so I am down 1.7lbs since Monday! =) I think weekly challenges would be great motivation for our group! Any one have any ideas??
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    March 1st weight 181
    March 5th weight 178

    Weight is such a deceptive thing. I admit to being a daily weigher. I saw 176.6 one day this week (Wed) and then my weight went up a little each day! I know it is water weight because I know I have been eating well and exercising. I am more intrigued by the way weight goes up and down than I am frustrated. For me it is a learning process about which foods make me retain more water than others. I am looking for that downward trend!

    On a totally unrelated subject.....yesterday was a good example of why I love my exercise bike. I jumped on it during the kids nap time with a good book. In what seemed like a short time later I looked at my HRM and it said I had burned 800 calories. I love it!
  • silmarwen
    March 1st: weight 198.6
    March 5th weight : 197.2

    Down 1.4 lbs! Heading to the gym in a few before work.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    March 1 178
    march 5 176.2

    makin progress.
  • iwantthis
    iwantthis Posts: 15 Member
    March 1: 203.8
    March 5: 196.8

    7 pound difference...
    OKAY I also admit to weighing myself EVERY day. Regardless if that's good or bad, I weighed 200.8 yesterday, so this number is slightly disturbing to be. I hope it's the real deal !! fingers crossed.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    March 2nd 173.4
    March 5th 172.0

    Down 1.4

    Looks like everyone is doing good!