Beautiful Blues 3/2/10

debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member

Here's our chart this week. I have had a very stressful couple of days, and my eating isn't getting any better because of it. I am trying to drink lots of water though. It seems to be helping. Hope all is well with all of you!


  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Debnu- Thank you for putting up the chart since I know you are really busy with moving. Keep drinking lots of water and taking a break in between to de-stress.

    smadag- You can always pick up p90x again from where you left off. I'm glad to hear your trip went well!!!

    I'm done with some school homework and am getting ready to do Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance and Cardio Abs.

    I'll talk to you later, and take care all!!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hey all,

    Hope everyone's doing good.

    I sorta forgot how much Tony kicks your butt . Did Chest and back yesterday and Plyometrics today.
    Upperbody/arms still a little sore today, but in a good way.

    Debnu, it won't be long before you know it that your in your house, and eating healthier again.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Hey blues! :flowerforyou:

    Haven't posted in a while, but I've been reading your posts.

    I didn't send my weight in ... but I'm up a pound. Last week, I was up two pounds. I don't get it. So, this week, I'm taking a break from working out and eating 1230 calories per day to see what that does. Next week, I'll add exercise back in... haven't decided whether I'm going to eat my exercise cals or not. If I don't, I will add most of them back in the next week, then keep going that way till I plateau and start over with just eating 1230 calories again. I am hoping this will help confuse my system a little.

    I'm looking into HIIT training ... but I don't know if that's for me or not. I guess we'll see!

    Chrissy - I voted for you as the 'bat girl' -- I hope you win! You deserve it. :smile:

    deb - coffee with diet Swiss Miss helps my cravings a LOT. That and tons of water. Good luck! Congrats on the new house, too! Woohoo!!!! :smile:

    almomay - 16.4 pounds! Wow! Congrats!! :bigsmile:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I need to be honest with myself I have put on 5 pounds but have not changed my ticker until now. I am hoping that this will be an eye opener and I can get things back to my routine. Being out of work has messed things up so I need to get a new one I guess
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I'm going to get up bright and early tomorrow and get things done and then do some kickboxing on netflix. Hope to burn some calories and make me feel a little bit better. My goal is to get into a size 14 by the summer. I want to ride on the back of our goldwing looking HOT. he he.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    jess-you will be a hottie on the bike

    smadag-I am at that same point as you - after I hit my 90 pounds I didn't weigh and I am up about 2 - fluctuation I am sure - but hanging on for 1 more week to see what happens because I know I am doing what i need to

    leigh-I've changed what I am doing - I am now eating maintainence calories for my new goal weight (1600) and my workout is my deficit - I'm on day 3 of that -we'll see how it goes. Just trying to shake things up!

    Peter-way to work it! I did P90X Cardio Intervals last night - it was a good workout. Funny that I realized a year ago my lunges would have been smaller, and I wouldn't be able to keep up with the jumping around but I did it all - same thing in strength class the other night - I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, side view, and realized my lunge is a big and low as the instructor! When I started exercising - I might as well have just lifted my heal and been done my lunges were so little---love to see the progress!

    Almomay-go Insane girl!!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Great job blues!!

    I've been working hard at step aerobics the last couple of days & have been watching my food well since Monday. I'm hoping to get back down to my goal weight. I'm up a few pounds... :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    I registered for my first 5K!! It's this March 27th!! I'm super excited!! I've come across various training schedules, but I don't want to give up my step aerobics. I do that at least 3x a week. Any suggestions or tips?? I don't want to overdo it or injure myself. I ran on the treadmill after my regular step aerobics class on Monday, but I don't know if that's a good idea to continue with that kind of intensity. I'm already feeling it in my anckle today. Maybe I should cut back on the step aerobics...... :frown:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    San-make sure you give yourself a rest day-step class is TOUGH on the knees, hips and so is running!

    I run 3 days a week, strength and cardio 2 days, step one, rest 1

    Don't increase your mileage by more than 10% per week. allow a recovery week after every 3 or 4 weeks or running-meaning cut your miles to 60-75% of a normal run week. how many miles are you at so far - distance wise? You can do it! Exciting knowing you're gonna do it - isn't it!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hi all, It was sure good to be back in the groove of watching the BL and exercising this morning. I didn't realize how much I missed it. I also find that I just feel better after exercising. Perhaps it is good to have a week or two off every once in a while so that you can appreciate it.

    I am hoping everything is done soon. We need to be approved for our loan by Friday. I am getting rather nervous. I hope to hear that it is all done, soon! We officially listed our house yesterday. Hopefully someone will fall in love with it.

    Thanks for all the support, you are all great! I am trying to stay honest with myself too. I think that is the hardest thing to do. But it is the most important!

    Keep up the great work. We will have a great week! :flowerforyou:
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi Blues,

    Debnu- I also missed watching BL due to the break, and I really enjoyed it yesterday. Wow, I was so happy when the underdog team won. They were really worried! Wish you a good move and a healthy journey!

    Sanifrey- Awesome to hear that you are signed up for a 5K. I'm going to look into doing something like that this summer. I will be better physically than last year.

    smadag- I think it's great that you are being honest with yourself. I think this is the most important step to being healthy. You are doing a good job!!!!

    I just got done with Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit & cardio abs for a total of 57 minutes.

    For all runners out there, I'm thinking of running outside when it gets warmer. How do you guys track your miles or how far you have gone when you're just running outside?

    Enjoy the rest of your day all!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    lcorrell14 - Glad to see you back. I'm sorry if I came across rude or anything about my comments with those GNC Pills. I only meant it with a little tough love feeling.
    With regards to you losing - You just need to tweak something i'm sure. Are you still taking measurements? We're all here to help each other, and possibly push one another.

    Smadag - Yah you need to be honest with yourself - In the long run it's better to know you gained and have to work harder to take off those extra lbs. Otherwise, who are we cheating, just ourselves.

    Chrissy, I agree. Last year there was no way I could attempt P90x.
    Because of some of the C25k training I did and a little of the EA active running on the spot. I was able to keep up more in plyometrics that I thought.

    I actually want to get out and jog again soon. Each time I think about it. I know chrissy is out there jogging somewhere, cold or not. (yes I'm a wuss running in the cold). But it's been nice up here in toronto last couple days and rest of the week will be nice too.
    I think I'm going to try and find another spot to jog. Either one of two schools tracks, or possibly a bike/walk path down by the lake.

    Almomay - your awesome kicking butt in Insanity. I've used this site and seen others recommend it.

    Sandy - Awesome - You can do a 5k - But you know your body needs a rest day. Rest that ankle and don't over do it. Hows stretching the calves going?

    Chrissy, Sandy - Do either of you do squats or calf raises?

    Debnu - Not much longer - Keep good thoughts - All those shows I've watched on tv about selling a house - Just make sure that someone can come in and imagine "their" stuff in that house.. ie take down all personal stuff, pictures etc.

    Today I did shoulders and arms along with ab ripper x - Before I had stopped it last time, I had just purchased a bunch of free weights. With Tony he always wants you to pushing heavier weight. Before I only had 10lb dumbells and 25lb dumbells. Made it hard to do some exercises, and a pain to add and take off weight.
    Now I have pairs of dumbells in 10, 15, 20, 25 and 50. No worry about having to take weights off and add some to make it a set amount I needed for an exercise.
    So today I pushed the heavier weight :sad: :sad: I am SORE. It's always a good sore, but I can barely scratch my back sore.:tongue::blushing: :sad:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    debnu-thinking about you and the house working out!

    Peter-my cold in NC doesn't compare to your cold in Canada!!!! You'll have sunny days soon enough. You're working hard without running!

    I do 150-200 squats twice a week...sometimes we do calf raises. Strength training really does help with being able to endure those runs!

    Did 3 miles on the treadmill last night -walked 1 more so I could finish NCIS that I was watching! So much easier to start my run at the top of the hour and watch an entire show and not bits and pieces.
  • katattack
    katattack Posts: 45
    Best ever: Got my boyfriend on the running train! He geared up, threw on some running shoes, and we ran 5K together! He was sosososososo proud. Wants to institute "Wednesday evening runs" as a weekly thing. I even pushed him a bit at the end and he didn't complain once (although he was uncharacteristically quiet about 5 minutes in lol). I was pleasantly surprised. New running buddy! AND he's taken on a recent health-kick, "Kat, help me lose weight?" hahahahaha awesome. I can *definitely* help with that. I feel like this is my first official personal training client :P

    In personal news, I've signed up for a half-marathon in May, so hopefully I'll have the bulk of this weight off by then.

    I'm hoping to see a loss on Monday but am feeling a little iffy about it! Feeling a litttttle heavy, though my eating's been great and my gyming has been on point. Hmm. We will see i suppose! Still 4 days to work some magic!

    Alright folks, happy Thursday to you all, let's hit this weekend STRONG and with FOCUS on those health and weight goals we've set out for ourselves, yes??? Team!!

  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    just finished arms and sholders of my P90X. I stayed with ight weights so I can get my form correct before I move to heavier weights I was suppose to do it yesterday but time limitaions prevented it. So since I was to do yoga today I decided to to skip yoga and do what I missed yesterday and if I have more time later after my chores I will do yoga then.

    Hope yall are having a great week, I am off to the store to get some healthy foods
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    kat-woohoo-half!! you can do it - my first is in 17 days, March 21 I LOVE when my hubby runs with me I feel the same as you having my own "client" but with him I get fringe benefits!:love::blushing:

    smadag-way to go keep working hard! It won't hurt to use light weights your form is SOOOOOOO important!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey Blues!!

    It's great to see everyone "on board" & doing so well! I'm really looking forward to doing the 5K on the 27th! Thank you all for your support & suggestions! I've decided to make Tuesdays & Saturdays my 5K training days, that way I can do my Step Aerobics 3 days & stil rest 2 days! The last thing I need is an injury! I've been really trying to concentrate on the stretching & taking care of myself.

    Keep up the great work everyone & thank you all for being so inspiring!!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    HI all,

    I'm just popping in and will catch up later with posts. I have a midterm tonight for school. I did Insanity Cardio Recovery & Insane Abs for a total of 66 minutes.

    Take care!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hi everyone, thanks for the good vibes and thoughts. We are closing tomorrow on the new house. 10 days from the official contract. Crazy!! We also got an offer on our house today. It was a little low so we are countering, but we are excited. 3rd day on the market and an offer. Wow! It has been a crazy day and will continue to be. I wish you all well. My eating has not been good lately but I am exercising, so hopefully it will counteract a little. Today I was feeling quite strong as I was easily able to lift the 50lb bag of dog food into the cart. It wasn't too long ago when it felt like a ton of bricks. :bigsmile:

    Keep up the great work!:flowerforyou:
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    tttthumper - no worries!! I appreciate input of any kind. :flowerforyou: I am continuing to take them but not feeling much more than a coffee boost from them.

    chrissy - Glad to hear I'm not the only one trying to mix things up a bit!

    I've ate from 1230-1240 calories all week this week, except for one night when I went WAY overboard by around 1000 calories. Yesterday, I was under by about 300 calories because I wasn't feeling well. But, when I stepped on the scale this morning ... I was up one pound. I don't understand. :ohwell: I did not exercise this week to give my body a break, but next week I will be back at it for sure... I am going to the beach in June and using that as a goal to lose 20 more pounds. I have 15 weeks for that goal.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Well eating 1600 calories and using exercise as my deficit seems to be working pretty good. Feeling better (I was getting light headed everytime I stood up-BUT when I looked back over the past couple weeks I was under 1200 most days) I typically don't struggle with being over it's watching that my exercise cals dont take me too low. I've done well this week with knowing I need to eat 1600. On my long run day I'll eat a few extra cuz I'll burn over 1,000 during the run....can't wait for my weigh in after that!

    Chest muscles are sore from weights last night - I always feel good about being a little sore knowing I pushed myself!