What are your biggest pet peeves?



  • letobot
    letobot Posts: 205
    when people use "loose" instead of "lose" when talking about weight loss...drives me bonkers
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    There are so many things about people that bother me, it's a wonder I'm not a recluse at this point. I think it may be related to a touch of OCD. Many sounds, habits, tics, voice inflections, use of slang terms, etc. are like fingernails on the blackboard to me. I have had to work really hard at becoming more tolerant to people in order to be successful in my career.
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    Ice chewers

    Yes. This makes me want to punch people.
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    when people use "loose" instead of "lose" when talking about weight loss...drives me bonkers

    This - instant unfriending!
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
  • People who nitpick and are passive aggressive.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    People who get in the "15 or less" item line at the grocery store with more than 15 items!!! SO annoying!!!! :grumble:
  • My biggest couple are as follows:

    Dont chew ****ing gum and make the sound of a cow at a feeding bucket! WTF?! I dont make that sound with my gum! How big are your teeth that they make that CHOMP SLURP CHOMP SLURP CHOMP SLURP.....

    Next, if I hold out my hand for money because you are buying something please for the love of god dont stick it on the counter in front of my hand. If it wasnt a childrens store i'd throw your change at you.

    Next, in the middle of summer when your 300lb self comes into my work, dont pull your sweaty *kitten* smelling money out of your boobs. Thats nasty! I dont want your nasty boob money!

    Final one, please stop naming your children ****ed up names. Denim? Really? Asia? Malaysia? Those are countries! Go for something like Sade or harris or Billy (boys and girls) or Susan! T-a? C-mon! there should be a person sitting in the room while you name your child saying "Nope! Guess again!"
  • Bum, didn't get that quite right did i??

    Please do not name your children Susan, there were four of us i my class and i HATE my name, it's a royal suckfest with knobs on!!

    There you go i was going to say i don't have any pet peeves but i do people who name their child Susan. Oooohh ......
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    People who don't know the differance between there their and they're, or lose, loose. loss? and those who do not know grammer, includding punctuation. I recently got a letter from my youngest daughter, 3 pages, front and back. With only one . No commas, end of paragraphs etc. I am glad I know where they go, I was able to read the letter, however; my husband was not. ???

    My second peeve, are my uneducated drs. For example; I currently have Ebstein Barr, my MIL told me, because I have not blisters in my mouth and throat, I DO NOT HAVE IT. Hmmm, the blood tests say I do?? She knows a helluva lot more than my dr., if you dont beleive her ask.

    have a great day all. :flowerforyou:
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    When I'm with someone and they pay more attention to their F*&^#%@ phone than me!!!
  • wifealiciousness
    wifealiciousness Posts: 179 Member
    -bad driving (people think it will never happen to them, but seeing as peole die every day on the roads...)
    -true laziness
    -people who have no perspective on life/ the bigger picture
    -global warming nay-sayers
    -the sound of nail clipping- and particularly people who clip their nails in public. Like on the train! eeee!
  • I know I am not perfect but I do have a lot of pet peeves about other people in general! People have a lack of self awareness, generosity and patience these days!! =)

    TOP 10:
    1. People who chew with their mouth open.

    2. People who whine constantly but never do anything about what it is they are whining about.

    3. Bad and/or selfish drivers!!!! (Probably my biggest one!)

    4. Women who gossip for attention or gossip in general.

    5. People who chew their nails.

    6. People who talk loudly on their cell phone in public but then give you the evil eye when you're looking at them.

    7. People who fart in elevators.

    8. People who talk/make noise during a movie.

    9. People who try to get on the elevator before I can get off.

    10. Slow walkers and/or people who stop RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of the aisle ANYWHERE!
  • People that are fake friends