WTF is a thigh gap?



  • Thigh gaps are sexy.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Thigh gaps are sexy.
    I have a question about this for you and other guys who feel this way. What makes it sexy? Looking through the pictures that people have provided, most of those girls are pretty skinny, but any time there's a thread about what's sexy, most of the guys seem to say, "Curvy is sexy, that's what women are supposed to look like, not like little boys." Are these the same guys, guys who think that curves are sexy but also think thigh gap is sexy? Seems contradictory, since the thigh gap girls don't look very curvy at all to me. Or are the guys who say they don't think skinny girls are sexy lying because it's no longer socially acceptable to admit that skinny ladies are attractive?
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Thigh gaps are sexy.
    I have a question about this for you and other guys who feel this way. What makes it sexy? Looking through the pictures that people have provided, most of those girls are pretty skinny, but any time there's a thread about what's sexy, most of the guys seem to say, "Curvy is sexy, that's what women are supposed to look like, not like little boys." Are these the same guys, guys who think that curves are sexy but also think thigh gap is sexy? Seems contradictory, since the thigh gap girls don't look very curvy at all to me. Or are the guys who say they don't think skinny girls are sexy lying because it's no longer socially acceptable to admit that skinny ladies are attractive?

    I wonder too. I don't get why thighs not touching is attractive, so it's gotta be more than that, it must mean being thin enough that thigh touching doesn't happen...
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    Gap, Baby Gap, Thigh Gap.
  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    It's a perfect place for my nose!!
  • astrylian
    astrylian Posts: 194 Member
    It is a casual apparel thigh that has struggled since the late 90's due to being sandwiched between a lower and higher sister company, those companies being Thigh Banana Republic and Thigh Old Navy.

  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    Fat women dont have curves, since they are fat, and fat smoothes out the curves.

    Curves is a definition of a beautiful woman body, who is obviously not overweight.

    Too many whiteknights and whales in the thread mad at girls who have thigh gaps. nothing else.



  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member

    I wonder too. I don't get why thighs not touching is attractive, so it's gotta be more than that, it must mean being thin enough that thigh touching doesn't happen...

    i think it just implies overall fitness to some guys. a woman who has a fit, toned body is attractive. it goes no deeper than that.
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member

    I wonder too. I don't get why thighs not touching is attractive, so it's gotta be more than that, it must mean being thin enough that thigh touching doesn't happen...

    i think it just implies overall fitness to some guys. a woman who has a fit, toned body is attractive. it goes no deeper than that.

    some anorexics still dont have thigh gaps. its all genetics^ and how you workout.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member

    I wonder too. I don't get why thighs not touching is attractive, so it's gotta be more than that, it must mean being thin enough that thigh touching doesn't happen...

    i think it just implies overall fitness to some guys. a woman who has a fit, toned body is attractive. it goes no deeper than that.

    some anorexics still dont have thigh gaps. its all genetics^ and how you workout.

    you don't have to convince me. it seems to be a new thing for the 25-and-under crowd. it didn't exist when i was that age.
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    dont know how old are you, but isn't obesity epidemic a recent thing? like 20-30 years.

    maybe perhaps it was a common thing before, and now it became "the good" thing
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Years ago I worked with a bunch of guys who talked about girls that had the "3 triangles". That was the gap at the ankles, knees, and top of thighs. They were pretty much all pigs.

    I have narrow hips and am very 'knock-kneed' as they used to call it, so I have never had a thigh gap, even when I had 12 year old chicken legs. But it would be nice to not have my legs rub together. Especially in a swimsuit.
  • RiverDancer68
    RiverDancer68 Posts: 221 Member
    I think a lot of people think it is sexy when the thigh gap looks like a heart and has definite curves...the pro ana/mia types are aiming for the fashion model thigh gap where the legs have no muscle definition and are straight up and down from the top of the thigh to the ankle, no curving at the top (which gives the legs that heart shape).

    I have a thigh gap because I have wide hips and am bow legged...genetics baby!! I got teased for it when I was 14ish because it used to be thought that you were "easy" if you had one?? Even at my heaviest I have one, so it does not always equal being waif-like or extremely skinny!
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    dont know how old are you, but isn't obesity epidemic a recent thing? like 20-30 years.

    maybe perhaps it was a common thing before, and now it became "the good" thing

    there's not an obesity epidemic among college aged girls. they are mostly skinny now and they were mostly skinny in the late 80's when i was in college. never once did i have a conversation about the "thigh gaps" of sorority girls. we may have talked about other "parts", but not whether or not her upper thighs touched.

    i think it has more to do with the instant sharing of photos online that has led to the creation of this as a "body part". once girls started posting photos showing it and the photos spread out through their social networks and websites picked up on it and glamorized it, it becomes part of the zeitgeist for that youth bracket to want.
  • Want something else to obsess over? Google hip dip.

    LOL I swear we just invent things to make us insane.

    Love your body, it's the only one you've got :-)
  • laceyfowler
    laceyfowler Posts: 127 Member
    It is a casual apparel thigh that has struggled since the late 90's due to being sandwiched between a lower and higher sister company, those companies being Thigh Banana Republic and Thigh Old Navy.

    LOL! Nice :-)
  • RiverDancer68
    RiverDancer68 Posts: 221 Member
    I think a lot of people think it is sexy when the thigh gap looks like a heart and has definite curves...the pro ana/mia types are aiming for the fashion model thigh gap where the legs have no muscle definition and are straight up and down from the top of the thigh to the ankle, no curving at the top (which gives the legs that heart shape).

    I have a thigh gap because I have wide hips and am bow legged...genetics baby!! I got teased for it when I was 14ish because it used to be thought that you were "easy" if you had one?? Even at my heaviest I have one, so it does not always equal being waif-like or extremely skinny!

    And, please note that I said pro ana/mia types have this particular "look" as a goal (usually)...I am NOT saying everyone that has one has an ED or aspiring to have one necessarily means that you have and ED! I noticed the earlier debate and wanted to make sure I was being clear :flowerforyou:
  • Jessi_Brooks
    Jessi_Brooks Posts: 759 Member
    I cant help but think some of the sudden obsession over thigh gaps is due to a particular website....

    ETA: I hope not cuz that site promotes extremely unhealthy and unrealistic body image.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I like my non thigh it popular to have one ..LOL bwahahhaha must be young girls want them...i WILL JUST STAY A CHUNKY MONKEY AND KEEP MY LEGS
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Someone once told me "if a woman's legs don't touch at the top then that woman cannot be trusted"

    Guess now that it has happened to me and I have a thigh gap I cannot trust myself! Ah well back to my wicked ways then I suppose.

    Oh snap. I'm a devil woman! Really though, it is kinda nice not having to worry about chafing.
  • Lol feet together thighs apart.
    Just another fashion fad to drive people insane about being fat. As is pen test. I've seen pics of girls do this where they are painfully thin but because their spine doesn't touch the floor they don't pass the test because their stomach rises above the pen.

    I'm fat. I'm currently 90kg/198 lbs and I think in about 10kg/22 lbs I'll have a thigh gap and my legs are huge. They look like whole christmas hams. They only just rub together at the top now. I have wiiiiiiiide hips.
    The only benefit to me is not ruining millions of pairs of pants from the rubbing. And I can wear cords without that hilarious noise.
    If I got to my 'ideal' weight (lol what all the BMI charts say) of 54kg/119lbs you could throw a baby through that gap.
  • Jessi_Brooks
    Jessi_Brooks Posts: 759 Member
    lol Ive never heard of the pen test.. at first when I read pen test I thought you were talking about the holding a pencil under your butt cheek to determine how tight and lifted your bum is lol.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    its what happens when you get a girl liquored up enough

    too effin funny!! True tho!
  • ksavy
    ksavy Posts: 271 Member
    You do not have to have super skinny thighs to have one. My thighs are are almost 23 inches around, but I have really wide set hips so I have a gap. Feet together, hips rocked forward or backwards, it is stil there. Sometimes I like it and think its cool, but other times I think it looks odd because of how wide I am.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    I hate thigh gaps.... Ok if you want one, but for me, it is sick.
  • Jessi_Brooks
    Jessi_Brooks Posts: 759 Member
    Ive got a bit of a gap too... I do like it, and I get it when people find a trait attractive and want it for themselves, but so many of the thigh gap photos I see online, the girls just look under weight to me and hopefully people arent aiming to be underweight just so they can have a thigh gap, especially if its just not in their build to have one.
  • slleader
    slleader Posts: 66 Member
    its what happens when you get a girl liquored up enough

    LMAO too funny!!
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    Thigh gap = ***n rest....same thing.
    I'm really struggling to figure out what is censored in that statement. I think my "bad word" vocabulary is pretty limited.

    HAHAHAHA I was gonna ask......anyone figure it out? lmao
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    Thigh gap = ***n rest....same thing.
    I'm really struggling to figure out what is censored in that statement. I think my "bad word" vocabulary is pretty limited.


  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Rickets. I believe it's due to a vitamin D deficiency.
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