Favorite Beers and Least Favorite Beers



  • kzivic
    kzivic Posts: 326 Member
    Southern Tier
    Magic Hat
    a good hefeweiss beer

    Blue Moon
    Beer Flavored Water
  • mirthfuldragon
    mirthfuldragon Posts: 124 Member
    Each beer is an experience, to be savored and enjoyed. If I never have the beer again, I still treasure it for the pleasure it provided.

    Any Octoberfest or Marzen style.
    Bocks. Shiner Bock is probably my go-to "craft" beer.
    Dopplebocks. It's like getting kicked in the teeth by malt.
    Dunkelweise, and it's amber companion Hefenweise, and just about any unfiltered beer.
    Kirini Ichiban, Tsing Tao, and most Asian/Indian beers - not quite up to American craft standards, but drinkable and they tend to match their cuisines in subtle ways.
    Dos Equis, half for the commercials and half for the decent taste.

    Don't likes, i.e., "What do you have on draft? ( . . .) I'll just have an ice water, thanks."
    Almost anything Miller or Budweiser.

    I appreciate IPA's for what they are, and I understand them, but drinking them is another story. American craft brews are so enchanted with hops it breaks my heart.
  • dreilingda
    dreilingda Posts: 122 Member

    Stone Arrogant *kitten*
    Stone Sublimely Self Righteous
    St Arnold Christmas Ale
    Rogue Brown Ale (can't think of the name right now)
    I could go on and on...

    Light beers
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    My favorites: Alchemist Heady Topper IPA, Hill Farmstead Ephraim, La Chouffe and Pliny the Elder

    My least favorites:
    Bud light, Coors Light, etc., etc.

    The Alchemist Heady just sounds interesting!
  • jennieth
    jennieth Posts: 105
    Each beer is an experience, to be savored and enjoyed. If I never have the beer again, I still treasure it for the pleasure it provided.

    Any Octoberfest or Marzen style.
    Bocks. Shiner Bock is probably my go-to "craft" beer.
    Dopplebocks. It's like getting kicked in the teeth by malt.
    Dunkelweise, and it's amber companion Hefenweise, and just about any unfiltered beer.
    Kirini Ichiban, Tsing Tao, and most Asian/Indian beers - not quite up to American craft standards, but drinkable and they tend to match their cuisines in subtle ways.
    Dos Equis, half for the commercials and half for the decent taste.

    Don't likes, i.e., "What do you have on draft? ( . . .) I'll just have an ice water, thanks."
    Almost anything Miller or Budweiser.

    I appreciate IPA's for what they are, and I understand them, but drinking them is another story. American craft brews are so enchanted with hops it breaks my heart.

    I have a sip of my moms beer a week or so ago. That one sip was so delish! I savored it all the way down!
  • You just can't beat a really good beer!

    Green Jack Summer Dream, Orange Wheat
    Adnams Broadside, Ghost ship, Nelson's Revenge
    Humpty Dumpty Little Sharpie, Golden Gorse, Hop Harvest Gold, Swallowtail, Railway Sleeper, Cheltenham Flyer
    Wolf Golden Jackel, Lavender and Honey

    Least Favourites:
    any sort of larger
    Green King IPA....its like dish water!
  • ghiaguy
    ghiaguy Posts: 46
    Favorites: Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse
    Blue Moon
    Wittekerke Rose

    Least favorite: Pretty much anything that advertises during football games. And anything lite. Bluuuggghh!! :-)
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Favorite: a full one :-)

    Least Favorite: an empty one :-(

  • HealthyMe46
    HealthyMe46 Posts: 226 Member
    Like Sam Adams Light
  • Favorites:
    Shiner Bock (#1 favorite beer)
    Leinenkugel's Honey Weiss, Sunset Wheat, Summer Shandy, or Lemon Berry Shandy
    Choc Waving Wheat
    Boulevard Wheat
    Michelob Ultra Dragon Fruit Peach or Lime Cactus... Not that they're the greatest beers, but they are really good for being 95 calories

    Least Favorite:
    Budweiser & Bud Light... I find it repulsive and have no idea why anyone would *prefer* it.
  • kevokie
    kevokie Posts: 53 Member
    Anything that I brew
    Anything a friend brews
    Sam Adams Octoberfest
    Most craft beers

    Least fav:
    Butt light
    all the other big name brews.
    I can stand Miller lite if it's all that is available.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Favorites: Fat Tire(see pic in profile)
    Molson Canadian
    Sam Adams
    Least favorite: Bud Light(the $hits in a bottle), or any light beer. I run/cycle so i don't have to drink crap!
  • jamfan
    jamfan Posts: 124 Member
    Dogfish Head Palo Santo Marron

    Least Favorite:
    bud lite
  • Favorite: Amber Bock
    Least Favorite: Miller High Life
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Favourite: too many to list. Leffe (all variants), Duvel, Chimay (all variants), Erdinger. Good ale (there are far too many to list, there are literally a thousand different ones made within 20 miles of my house and they change all the time). Of the American beers I like Sam Adams and Anchor Steam (that was a very acquired taste though, took a while for it to click). And Fruli, (which isn't beer so much as beer tinted strawberry juice, but so very lovely).

    Least favourite: Anything that tastes of nothing (ie the only things 99% of the UK population drink, despairingly); Carling, Carlsberg, Fosters, Heineken, Bud, and so on.
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    Ooo I haven't had a pumpkin beer in a long time!
    Have not heard of Southern Tier. I think I used to buy Shipyard. Or Shipwreck.. something like that

    Shipyard. And it's delicious. I've been sampling as many pumpkin beers as I can find, and Shipyard is the standard to beat. Haven't seen any Southern Tier, though. Will keep my eyes open...

  • sccet
    sccet Posts: 141 Member

    Homebrew :)
    Pliny the Elder
    Pretty much any Port/Pizza Port IPA or double
    Stone Ruination
    Maui Brewing's IPA
    Kona Brewing's Coco Brown.
    Golden Road's Point the Way IPA (a lighter style).
    Ballast Point's Sculpin IPA.


    Mass produced fizzy yellow.
    Pumpkin beers.
    Just about anything by Blue Moon or Shock Top.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Lager girl here!

    Red Stripe
    Michelob Amber Bock

    Sam Adams
    Most any pilsner (unless I've had a few dark beers first to take away my taste buds)
    Most ales (unless they are flavored, like hemp ale or pumpkin ale)
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Anyone had leinenkugel berry shandy?

    Curious if it's worth trying.
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    Samuel Smith Nut Brown Ale

    Yes! The most delicious beer in the world.

    Also like,
    Gales HSB
    Bad King John

  • Favorite(s): Erdinger, Yuengling, Sam Adams

    Least favorite(s): Any dark beer is off limits to my taste buds.
  • It's rated the second best IPA in the world. It's phenomenal, but you have to drive to VT to get it.
  • My favorites: Alchemist Heady Topper IPA, Hill Farmstead Ephraim, La Chouffe and Pliny the Elder

    My least favorites:
    Bud light, Coors Light, etc., etc.

    The Alchemist Heady just sounds interesting!
  • dan_IRL
    dan_IRL Posts: 204 Member
    Some of my faves:
    Left Hand Milk Stout
    Three Floyd's Zombie Dust
    Three Floyd's Jinx Proof
    Three Floyd's Apocalypse Cow
    Bell's Two Hearted Ale
    Saison Dupont
    Goose Island Bourbon County Stout
    Lagunitas IPA
    Goose Island IPA
    Uinta Baba Black lager
    Uinta Dubhe Imperial black IPA
    New Holland Ichabod
    Founders Breakfast Stout
    Half Acre Daisy Cutter
    Big Sky Moose Drool
    Dogfish Head Punkin
    Dogfish Head 90 and 120 minute

    Basically I love beer. big stouts and porters in the colder months and hoppy IPAs and belgians for the warmer months.
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Budlight. Budweiser.

    And Basically import beers.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    Favorite: None
    Least Favorate: All the rest.

    People always tell me beer is an acquired taste. But I don't understand why I would want to acquire it? It tastes yucky.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Favorites: New Glarus Spotted Cow (local brew I believe), Modello, Blue Moon, Leinies

    Least favorite: Bud Light... without fail always makes me sick... or just light beer in general
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    Free beer is my favorite. I love all the beer.
  • I like crazy sissy beers, like Miller Lite, Corona, Bud Lite

    Least favorite, thick beery-tasting beer

    but I rarely drink and when I do, usually bourbon, something I can nurse