Do you feel bad when,



  • ...falling into a pit drunkenness every night and day...
    I love Mexican food, vodka and Blue Moon[/i]. Can't go wrong with some good beer every once in a while. [Source:]
    This is hilarious.
  • ...falling into a pit drunkenness every night and day...
    I love Mexican food, vodka and Blue Moon[/i]. Can't go wrong with some good beer every once in a while. [Source:]
    This is hilarious.

    every once in a while

    GUESS you missed that :wink:
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I don't delete them. I just block them from my news thread.

    This is exactly what I do. Mostly with pregnant women and those people who feel the need to update us every 5 minutes, family or not.
  • You delete FAMILY from other networking sites.
    Deleted my Niece from my Facebook last night for her continuing fowl language.. She's 21 and does not talk like a lady. I guess it finally got to me.

    Oh and on the verge of deleting my sister as well.. and their rack pack of crazy friends whom have zero morals.

    Any body else?

    And at the wise old age of 22 you don't cuss ever?
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    If you're offended by somebody's language than perhaps you shouldn't be on an uncensored site like Facebook and begin using Neopets or something instead..
    If it was beyond the language annoying you though, who cares who is blocked/deleted? I delete anybody who irritates me regardless of who they are.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    How exactly does a lady talk like? I am a lady, I use foul language (I probably use the word Fu ck more than any human probably should) but that does not mean I lack any morals. I have plenty of morals and if my aunt deleted me I would be extremely hurt because I curse just as much if not more in real life than I do on FB. I would actually probably call her and be like Whiskey. Tango.Foxtrot? but thats because she knows this is me, I have been this way for a long time and I do not see it chaning any time soon.

    Do I feel bad for deleteing family from face book? I never have, I feel like they are family I don't always agree with my family and the way they act/talk etc but then again we but the fun in dysfunctional.
  • You delete FAMILY from other networking sites.
    Deleted my Niece from my Facebook last night for her continuing fowl language.. She's 21 and does not talk like a lady. I guess it finally got to me.

    Oh and on the verge of deleting my sister as well.. and their rack pack of crazy friends whom have zero morals.

    Any body else?

    And at the wise old age of 22 you don't cuss ever?

    When you post on FB to "shut you d**ck Suckers" and calling people a cu*t everyday gets annoying.
  • ...falling into a pit drunkenness every night and day...
    I love Mexican food, vodka and Blue Moon[/i]. Can't go wrong with some good beer every once in a while. [Source:]
    This is hilarious.
    every once in a whileGUESS you missed that :wink:
    First, you need to understand the role of punctuation. The period implies the end of a thought. You like vodka and Blue Moon. Secondly, you follow it up with, "you can't go wrong with some good beer* every once in a while." You've now defined your loves and put a modifier on 'some good beer.'

    My real point, and seemingly the points of a few others, is that you are being overtly judgmental for what someone posts on her space. I don't give a **** what you post on your MyFitnessPal or Facebook. But you have it there and thus it is fuel for someone who does care.

    * For what that's worth, Blue Moon is a **** beer.
  • LOL - yep had to drop the feed from my mother-in-law & sister-in-law. Did the same for my daughter's account. Some of the pics can't be removed with even a serious mental scrub (shudder)... And truly, there are somethings you just don't need to share!
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Never feel guilty or bad for a choice you make. Whether it is with family or not. Life has many lessons and you should welcome the opportunities to learn from them.

    This being noted, we must remember to not set expectations of others. Ultimately, the only ones we can control, is ourselves.
  • Rothwilder
    Rothwilder Posts: 32 Member
    People still use Facebook?
  • Never feel guilty or bad for a choice you make. Whether it is with family or not. Life has many lessons and you should welcome the opportunities to learn from them.

    This being noted, we must remember to not set expectations of others. Ultimately, the only ones we can control, is ourselves.

    I don't feel bad. I just wanted to know if other people did it and how they felt.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    This is one of the main reasons I hate Facebook. It's like a new social obligation. If someone is related to you or has known you for all of five minutes, you MUST friend them on Facebook and give them unfettered access to your life, or else you're an evil person. Grow a spine, and just say no. If you don't want to see the things people post, why do you have them on your list anyway? This idea of hiding someone from your news feed so you don't have to see their ramblings but they are still able to see yours is quite a case of narcissism, is it not?
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Listen Judgey Mcjudgerson look at your ticker!
    Grow the f@ck up!
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    You delete FAMILY from other networking sites.
    Deleted my Niece from my Facebook last night for her continuing fowl language.. She's 21 and does not talk like a lady. I guess it finally got to me.

    Oh and on the verge of deleting my sister as well.. and their rack pack of crazy friends whom have zero morals.

    Any body else?

    Fck yes I feelz bad.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    You delete FAMILY from other networking sites.
    Deleted my Niece from my Facebook last night for her continuing fowl language.. She's 21 and does not talk like a lady. I guess it finally got to me.

    Oh and on the verge of deleting my sister as well.. and their rack pack of crazy friends whom have zero morals.

    Any body else?

    ducks or pigeons?
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    I delete people left and right.
    I blocked a few aunts, mostly because I hate social networking sites and would prefer that they communicate by phone, email, mail or face to face, rather than writing on some cyber "wall."
    My mom was forgetting how to use a phone to call me, so I blocked her too.

    No, I don't feel bad at all. Not even when other family members point out that it's "rude." then I just delete them, too.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    Deleted my Niece from my Facebook last night for her continuing fowl language.. She's 21 and does not talk like a lady. I guess it finally got to me.

    I hate fowl language too. I don't know which I hate more, quacking or honking.

    I'm okay with foul language though.