Why won't I exercise?



  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Find something you like to do. Exercise doesn't have to involve gyms and so on - just walk more often, walk up stairs if you ever see some, do jumping jacks now and then, march on the spot, dance when you hear something on the radio, start walking around and around your house / backyard (that's how I started); do press-ups against the wall whilst you wait for the kettle to boil, even just "nearly" sitting down and standing up, sitting down but not quite so you don't actually sit, then stand up again - move those legs, the thighs are your biggest muscle. Look on you tube for some free exercise videos, play on the Wii if you have one.

    Like everyone says, when you want to do it, you will.

    This might help, it's Aussie, but the ideas are good http://www.findthirty.tas.gov.au/finding_thirty/getting_started
  • HeidibooJB
    HeidibooJB Posts: 62 Member
    Unless it's enjoyable, it's hard to stick to it. Have you considered trying a Zumba class?? If you like to dance, it's an amazing option. It's a real calorie burner (dependant on what you put into it). I started Zumba 6 years ago, after I had back surgery, and it's the one type of exercise that has kept me hooked. I started Zumba that October, and since then have lost 40lbs. I became an instructor this year, I love it so much, and I teach 5+ classes a week. Everyone uses the same lines, "I'm uncoordinated", or "I can't dance". It, like everything else comes with time and practice. Give it at least 3 tries; if you still aren't hooked, then you've lost nothing (except maybe a pound or two). You can find an instructor near you at Zumba.com Best of luck! :)
  • TheViperMan
    TheViperMan Posts: 235 Member
    How about this for a suggestion - quit making senseless posts on the internet looking for guidance and go DO what you want to do.

    I'm sorry if this sounds mean (actually I'm really not) but come on... "Hey how do I go do something that I know how to do but don't want to do?" Do you need motivation to eat? Do you need people to tell you to use the restroom? No? Then why do you need US to tell YOU to go exercise?

    Weight loss is hard - if it weren't hard, there wouldn't be an obesity epidemic in this country. It's good advice to make friends and have people encourage you. But you're sitting in front of a computer screen asking strangers to tell you to do something that you could just go get up and do.

    Go exercise. Or don't. Either way it doesn't matter to me - seeing my beer gut every morning is my motivation.
    JMSKCW Posts: 43 Member
    When I get into an exercise rut, I print out a calendar for the month and write in the days when I am going to exercise. I then put it on the fridge and highlight the days the I actually managed to exercise. If I didn't exercise, I write the reason (tired, sick, lazy, etc.)

    Another thing that has helped me is training for a race. There are many programs out there that tell you how to train for a 5k, 10k, half marathon, etc. If you have a goal in mind, it may help you to regain your motivation.

    Lastly, I agree with the other posters re: a workout buddy. Even if it is someone you meet once a week to go for a walk, it will keep you accountable (I know that even when I don't feel like going to meet someone, I don't want to be the one to suggest we skip our workout for that day!)

    The good thing is that you know that you need some motivation which means your likely to get out of your rut soon. Try some different things and find what works for you. Good luck!
  • Good advice. It is hard work. Just take it one day at a time. I have to talk myself into exercising and it's well worth it once I'm done.
  • Sticker chart? (Seriously)

    If it was good enough for Seinfeld: http://www.writersstore.com/dont-break-the-chain-jerry-seinfeld/

    I have a sticker chart for my weightloss lol
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    motivation is a fantasy. all there is is determination. forget waiting until you 'feel' like exercising, set a plan and stick to it 'it's Monday at 6pm therefore I'm xxx' - I never feel like exercising but I never regret it afterwards. Also, you get to eat more, and the endorphin rush and sense of smugness becomes something to look forward to :)

    try it and see!
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Two suggestions:

    1) Figure out some kind of reward fro working out to reinforce that behavior.

    2) Just do it. Habits are built over time with discipline. Work out everyday, eventually it will become a habit, but that takes longer than 2 months.

    Remember exercise in the magic pill to not only loose weight but to keep it off, without it the odds of rebound are muh higher.
  • louise294
    louise294 Posts: 27 Member
    I've started the couch to 10k which is extremely motivational, as I want to get better at running, rather than just to log x amount of exercise or x amount of calories. I can now run for 2 mins at a time instead of 30 seconds at a time, and next week I will master 3 minutes at a time. Find a plan that motivates you to fulfil the course, with outcomes that are achievable and measurable.

    Find something that you want, whether its to run for a certain time or distance, or to gain muscle on a particular area, or walk to a particular point on the street. Maybe to take the stairs x amount of times per day instead of using the lift. you could get a pedometer and try the beat your previous days number..??
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Lots of good ideas here! The notion of doing it first thing in the day is such a good one. Nothing interferes and then you are DONE. If you have to do it later, use your 400 calorie dinner and veg as your REWARD. No sitting until exercise is done. You WILL get your groove back. The hardest part really is getting started.

    Good luck!
  • sburde2
    sburde2 Posts: 178 Member
    What worked for me was finding something that I really enjoyed doing. I hated to exercise before b/c I thought it meant walking on a treadmill or elliptical for an hour and doing some crunches. This summer I decided to try out a few group classes in my area and I found one I love. It has become my favorite part of the day!
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    I am here to encourage...I don't strike anyone down and I definitely don't kick people when they're down. I simply try to offer that hand that could just be the saving hand that lifts others up from their fallen position. Yano? Wow, I could have worded that better. Okay. Here goes.
    "I simply try my best to be that hand stretched out to lift people from their fallen position..." - Grr, maybe there isn't a good way to say that?
    Add me if you wish. :D

    I try to be a helping hand?
  • I've heard this before: "Get up early and start exercising before your brain realizes what's going on"

    Also, a workout pal, (and MFPals) to keep you accountable really help. "I really don't feel like hitting the gym, but I know 'Jim' will be there waiting for me right after work because its 'Tuesday'"
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss! Do you want to keep it off and maybe continue to drop a few more pounds? The key is be in the mindset and habit of being more active if physically possible for you. When you're eating at maintenance calories you will need exercise to keep the weight of most likely. Just get it done. :flowerforyou:
  • I'm so with you on this one! I can't seem to get motivated to move too much. This is SO frustrating for me, but still, I can't get past a few small walks and using the stairs now and then here at work. :(
  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    just find something you like and do it! if you do treadmill start with 10 min...if you like Dvd set a goal of doing half ( most likely by then you will be ok to finish) you don't have to start with "Insanity" or "P90X". I personally hate hate hate the treadmill. I go outside. the weather is getting cold now so I am moving indoors to do various Dvds both aerobic and using dumbbells.

    you will like your body more if you exercise! you will feel better. your doctor will be happy so you will be happy (no more lectures from doctor)

    do lunges or squats while brushing your teeth. do counter pushups everytime you use the bathroom. bring your groceries in one bag at a time. do laps at grocery store (don't stroll...I mean pol's people down:) ) mall walk. if you have stairs use them ALOT

    I am saying basically that it doesn't need to be a formal workout at first. just move more. good luck and if you like feel free to add me
  • I suggest finding something you LIKE to do. Maybe it is walking, riding a bike, swimming, etc. I believe liking to do something will keep you on track. Also, ask yourself what time of day is best for you. You mentioned not wanting to do anything when you get home in the evening. Maybe you need to exercise in the morning. Keep after 'em and you will find your answer!
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    Stop reading this post...put on you sneakers and take a walk or jump on the treadmill for 2 minutes--report back here and tell us how it went...if you don't do this, you just don't want to exercise--give it up and just move on with your life and stop stressing out about it.
  • I am supposed to be exercising but I have NO MOTIVATION to do it.

    You are lazy

    And you are an *kitten*! It's not laziness.
    The smallest things burn calories... So maybe when you are sitting ar work, flex your abs. Works just as good as crunches, you're just not laying down. Little steps. But you need to work up the habit! Just keep telling yourself that and keep in mind how much energy you will have for your daughter when she hits those terrible two's!!!!! ;)
  • turn your heating off !!

    then you will have to exercise to get warm :-)