Question... Not health, fitness or food related.



  • want2belean
    want2belean Posts: 124 Member
    It is true..fake it until you feel really works. Make yourself do things, make yourself smile. It may take some time but before you relaize it you will be feeling better and didn't even know you were not faking anymore. Feeling sorry for yourself and being unmodivated will only make this feeling worst "you probably know this". Don't worry about what others think "I know i have that problem a little bit" Be a good person, the best you can be, Be happy with yourself and know you are a good person.
  • coolcatcan
    coolcatcan Posts: 133 Member
    My mother suffers from depression and one of the things that helped her is to exercise. Yes, it's true, regular exercise changes your brain's chemistry. I'm not just saying that because this is a fitness site, but there is research that supports that people suffering from depression are helped by regularly exercising. The endorphins that are released gives you a happy feeling, not to mention all the other benefits. You should however still check in with your doctor and let him/her know how you're feeling.

    My uncle is a psychiatrist and the director of psychiatry of a clinic , and he highly recommended this to my mother as well.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    This is gonna sound generic but this is what I do. I read my Bible. I'm not an extremely religious person and I don't go to church but reading the Bible when I get really down at myself always seems to bring me out. Might not work for you but then, it might. Best of luck to you, I hope things get better.
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    My mother suffers from depression and one of the things that helped her is to exercise. Yes, it's true, regular exercise changes your brain's chemistry. I'm not just saying that because this is a fitness site, but there is research that supports that people suffering from depression are helped by regularly exercising. The endorphins that are released gives you a happy feeling, not to mention all the other benefits. You should however still check in with your doctor and let him/her know how you're feeling.

    My uncle is a psychiatrist and the director of psychiatry in MO, and he highly recommended this to my mother as well.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    ^^ this helps too. Seriously.
  • paulaz43
    paulaz43 Posts: 9 Member
    REad the book "Battlefield of the Mind" by Joyce Meyer
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    All of the above! I particularly recommend:
    1> Try to think more of others and less of yourself - thinking about ourselves is often depressing or anxiety-provoking. Instead focus on what you can do to help or cheer up others.
    2> Exercise! It releases natural endorphins that give you a true physiological "high". I had a horrible day the other day and really didn't feel like going to the gym- but I went anyway and it REALLY helped!
    3> Pray - but pray like a little kid. Tell God you are upset/angry/mad/bummed out about whatever and you need help.
    4> Double check your foods and medications. One time I found myself crying about stupid things almost every day for a week or so- and it was not TOM or anything. Finally it occurred to me that I felt almost like I was drugged or something, so I started thinking about it and realized I had been taking allergy medicine almost every day- just a regular over-the-counter one. So I called my Dad who is a pharmacist and asked him if it could possibly be the allergy medicine. He said ABSOLUTELY. So I stopped taking it and bingo- no more crying!

    Hope you feel better soon!
  • nbischoff15
    Set small, manageable goals. Doesn't have to be anything big at all. When I get in a funk - some of the small goals I set are "smile at a random person today". It is mind over matter. Accomplishing something, no matter how small, has a HUGE effect on your overall attitude. Success in a small thing leads to success and motivation to do bigger things.

    I agree with the 'find something you enjoy that makes a difference'.... volunteering in some fashion is a great way to jump start a good mood. It doesn't have to be many hours a week - but something you enjoy that you can look forward to and that will help you feel like you are helping others (animal or human). :)
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    Find some good meds and stop caring so much. If you don't give a f***, then you can really be free. Also realize that the sadness you're feeling is a chemical imbalance in your brain and doesn't necessarily reflect on anything that actually happened.
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    I don't have any good advice for you but I do have a great quote that I came across a few days ago - "Close your eyes. Clear your heart. Let it go."
  • APBTChampion
    APBTChampion Posts: 93 Member
    One of the first steps to feeling better is recognizing how you feel, and then progressing into why you feel that way. I know it sounds like an insanely simple answer to a complex question, but that fundamental understanding of WHAT and WHY will help you determine HOW to recover.

    As a clinical depression sufferer throughout my life (medications give me the "fake smile" on the outside, but do nothing for how I really feel), I've found that some of my best self-reflection comes after a solid workout. It puts my mind in a state that I'm not feeling too down, and clear headed enough to think about what's going on in my life.

    The last time, I took a weekend for myself... and Saturday morning, I had a hard workout, then had some "me" time so I could reflect the entire day. I followed up with a duplicate session on Sunday.

    It might not work for you, and might work for me because I learned a lot of this from previous counseling sessions... but it's worth a try!

    I hope you start to feel better, I know the fall/winter months can be a little difficult, because there's little sunshine to literally brighten your day... and please... PLEASE PLEASE... realize that there is nothing wrong with seeking professional help. To be honest, I think it takes a stronger person to admit that there's a problem they cannot solve themselves, and take action to fix it.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Change your thoughts, change your life. Negative attracts more negative. Start seeking the positive in all you do and see. Life is gonna happen and you are going to be surrounded by crap - but if you learn to see the silver lining in EVERY situation, you will become happier by default. I promise. I used to be the same way. You have to constantly shoot the negative thoughts done immediately and replace them with positive stuff. So it's definitely a "fake it til you make it" approach - and sweetie - it REALLY works. Put on some booty shaking music (stay away from the depressing stuff) and start counting your blessings. When you feel nothing is going right, everything sucks - be grateful you are still breathing and not hooked up to an oxygen tank.
    I agree with this!
  • mamasitaroja
    mamasitaroja Posts: 52 Member
    Sounds cheesy, but make a list of the things about yourself that you like, things you enjoy doing or being, that you admire, that you know with a little more development could be FANTASTIC! Then make a list of the things that keep you from these, dampen these, or cause you to neglect or "later" the things that make you happy, fulfilled, etc. If there is a disparity, start to balance these things now. Imagine ways to get from now to later, that will make you all YOU want to be. And don't worry about what anyone else thinks right now, if they are not supportive and positive.

    Do you get enough sleep, sunlight, and time spent laughing with people? If not, look for ways to maximize this.

    Find something you can do for someone else, whether big or small. Donate something, spend an hour or two volunteering. Say good morning to someone you don't know and smile. The more positive things you are able to do, the better you may feel. And I have found that even when you don't expect anything back, it comes back to you anyway.

    Wake up one day, say "The Mayans are right, the world is ending 12/12, so before that happens, I want to _________________". And then DO it! And then go to the next thing you would put in that space.......and do it.

    If you feel like maybe you're unhappy because of something in your life that you really don't want to face or have to make a decision about, try a counseling session or two JUST to deal with that. It may be enough to clear your head of the negative self- talk and give you the courage to MOVE on whatever it is.

    Listen to music that makes you feel like dancing. Then dance. Even if you don't do it well, it's fun, right? :)

    Fake it til you make it is good, but remember- YOU make it. It is what you say it is, so find what you want it to be and keep it going that way.

    I admire you for at least getting on and asking for suggestions, rather than just brooding in silence. Step one accomplished! :D
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Hmmm...I guess you try to identify the cause of these feelings and address why they are irrational. Try to think of all the things that you do that make this an untrue statement.
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    Know that everyone goes through that at one time or another. Its an emotional/phsychological thing, and it can be crippling. That is why the fake it till you make it thing works for many people. Exercise releases good feeling hormones into your body. That is why it works as well. Doing things for others puts others at a high priority, and that can make you feel accomplished.
    My best advise is something I had to do a couple of years ago. I had been on allot of medication for a serious back issue. At one point I chose to dump all the meds and go for a healthier life. My back will always be screwed up, but I wont allow it to control my life. What I did was start a journal of type. Now, just so you know, I cant stand the thought of writing every But what I did was make myself write 5 good things about my life that day. No matter how small or unimportant they seem, its for you and your eyes only. Every day write 5 things that are good in your life. Then, after a week, bump it up to maybe 6 or more. They can be some of the same things, but throw some new ones in the mix. Things that are good. It can be as simple as you have eyesight , you can hear,you have a nice smile, you have a boyfriend who cares about you. Do it every night.
    And dont be afraid to fail. Go try something new. The success is not in the end. The success is that you tried something new in the first place. So you found something that does not work. You wont know till you try it. Trying is succeeding. That you are here on earth means you are a valuable person. You are never to old to try something new. Wether you realize it, or not, you influence other peoples lives.
    Hope all the comments and suggestions that everyone has so encouragingly given will help you.
  • TLynn0568
    "How do you pick yourself up when you feel like the worst person in the world? When you feel worthless?"

    If I can't reconcile my feelings in a few weeks I'm all about counseling.

    There's a high value in having a 3rd party help you see the other side of you, the better side that you can't see for whatever reason. And a good therapist will do it in a way where you actually SEE it, not just say that they're blowing smoke up your butt.