Mike’s Daily Rant 11/1/2012 Topic: Trick Or Treat



  • AEB_WV
    AEB_WV Posts: 323 Member
    Maybe the instructor has kids or something...every class was cancelled at our gym yesterday because of weather here. But the usual reason is sick kids, no sitter, etc.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good for you, I think. Tried spin class, don't understand the appeal. I do like to ride my bike, though.
  • Way to take control of the situation and not only help yourself but help others as well. From what I have gleamed your instructor is great and it would be no surprise to know that she will be very proud of you for your determination to keep going and also to inspire and encourage others to keep going as well. Awesome job!!!
  • that shows great leadership and initiative. Great job!! ;0)

    Thank You. Im glad I was able to do it.
  • Good for you, I think. Tried spin class, don't understand the appeal. I do like to ride my bike, though.

    The class that I go to has a very intense element. It is choreography and fun music to go with it. Its almost like dancing because of the way that its instructed. At least the 2 gyms that are by my house. The others around town is just cycling.
  • Maybe the instructor has kids or something...every class was cancelled at our gym yesterday because of weather here. But the usual reason is sick kids, no sitter, etc.

    She does. But we have babysitting in the gym free to her. Her daughter loves the kids cove area. She is like 8 but loves playing with the smaller kids.
  • Way to take control of the situation and not only help yourself but help others as well. From what I have gleamed your instructor is great and it would be no surprise to know that she will be very proud of you for your determination to keep going and also to inspire and encourage others to keep going as well. Awesome job!!!

    Thank You for those kind words.
  • jaded_rose
    jaded_rose Posts: 298 Member
    I like Halloween and do like to dress up but I don't think t hat's a reason to cancel a spin class for. unless most of the people there had kids and was going to take them trick or treating.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    You just started a revolt against Clarisse... it's started by one person question the establishment, and then people follow and then the Queen is dethroned and a new King will rise!

    I for one do not tolerate such shenanigans and self motivation in the GYM kingdom, I hope she responds brutally and swiftly for questioning her wants to par-take in the enjoyment of the sweets offered by the Halloween gods.

    *this* ROFL :laugh:
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    This made me giggle.

    I walked with 2 children carrying a pillow case full of candy for 2 hours so I think I got some kind f workout in. What killed me were all the people driving house to house last night. It was gorgouis outside in south florida last night. My daughter started yelling to the kids hat they were cheating lol. I mean I can understand driving if you live in farm country where there is a big distance between houses but that wasnt the case. I remember my dad was always obease but he walked all 4 of us around for hours on halloween and about 75% of the families I saw were driving house to house. Atleast if your gonna eat the candy walk some of it off first
  • mrsvatitagain
    mrsvatitagain Posts: 275 Member
    That's awesome! Look at you...the gym owe you some money for that session! LOLOL
  • crazyola26
    crazyola26 Posts: 109 Member
    This makes me want to join a spin class, last time I went to one my butt hurt for days and my knees couldn't handle it too well. Rats!
  • That's awesome! You rock!
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    Just tossing a thought out there...but maybe you should talk with the regular instructor and setup an agreement with her that when she has something going on...that you'll cover for her. Sounds like others really appreciated someone being in there and you might even get her to kick you a few bucks or convince the gym to discount your membership or something.
  • This made me giggle.

    I walked with 2 children carrying a pillow case full of candy for 2 hours so I think I got some kind f workout in. What killed me were all the people driving house to house last night. It was gorgouis outside in south florida last night. My daughter started yelling to the kids hat they were cheating lol. I mean I can understand driving if you live in farm country where there is a big distance between houses but that wasnt the case. I remember my dad was always obease but he walked all 4 of us around for hours on halloween and about 75% of the families I saw were driving house to house. Atleast if your gonna eat the candy walk some of it off first

    Very true.
  • That's awesome! Look at you...the gym owe you some money for that session! LOLOL

    LOL good point.
  • This makes me want to join a spin class, last time I went to one my butt hurt for days and my knees couldn't handle it too well. Rats!

    Well we dont really sit down very much so this might be right up your alley. :-)
  • That's awesome! You rock!

    Thanks. i try to do what I can when I can.
  • MelisMusing
    MelisMusing Posts: 421 Member
    GREAT outcome! I am sure your fellow spinners appreciated your initiative! We have a new spin room at the gym I go to...I have to admit, I'm a little intimidated- I've never taken a spin class before.

    I say go do it. You will love it.!

    I might be sneaky about it, and just test out the room when no one is there, just in case I flop out on the floor like a fish, after a few minutes! But I'm willing to give it a shot! Thanks!
  • Just tossing a thought out there...but maybe you should talk with the regular instructor and setup an agreement with her that when she has something going on...that you'll cover for her. Sounds like others really appreciated someone being in there and you might even get her to kick you a few bucks or convince the gym to discount your membership or something.

    Well that would be fine with me but they have subs to fill in if the instructor cant make it. There was just no classes at all last night. Plus you have to go through a really expensive certification process which Im not ready to pay just yet. But I like your thinking.